Sunday, December 19, 2010

China Building Decoration industry development planning of the Eleventh Five

 Introduction 20 years of reform and opening, along with the rapid economic growth, accelerating urbanization, the escalation of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents, as well as institutional changes brought about by sustained and rapid development of real estate and residential higher proportion of privately owned housing, China building decoration industry has shown sustained and rapid growth momentum, as growth in emerging industries and one of the best, and its position in the national economy and the importance of continuous improvement. architectural decoration industry has a strong industry association effect, not only real estate and service sectors has an important supporting role, but also on the metallurgical, chemical, building materials and other industries with significant leading role, but also to meet people's growing material and cultural needs, and transfer of rural surplus labor, the importance of increasing farmers income industry. since the Sixteenth Congress the Party put forward the guiding ideology of scientific development, that is, to adhere to the Building a higher level of well-off society, defined the social harmony and upgrade the texture of life for the people the goal. the new situation and tasks of building decoration industry has raised new and higher requirements. In order to better complete the system, the preparation of a comprehensive architectural decoration industry, faced during the building decoration industry environment and situation, clearly promote the development of the industry's overall architectural objectives and major tasks of building decoration industry proposed reform, industry development and the basic direction of policy changes to promote the decoration industry standards, rapid and healthy development. First, building decoration industry, , due to the economic development, social progress and improving people's quality of life and sustainable development of the year 2005, the entire industry has formed an annual output value reached 1 trillion yuan project the industrial scale, a total of more than 20 thousand types of enterprises, employing nearly 1400 million. industry for 20 years maintained a high growth rate, in the competition has become the main common building decoration industry in China generated a product of economic reform and opening-up, compared with other traditional industries, construction and decoration industries affected by the planned economic system is relatively small. While enterprises are part of the decoration of public buildings is by the conversion from state-owned construction enterprises, but with the restructuring and transformation of state-owned enterprises, most of the state capital has been phased out, joint-stock companies accounted for an increasing proportion of ingredients. and the residential decoration decoration team itself is starting from the civil and development and developed gradually, almost all private economic sectors. At present, the domestic decoration market has been formed joint ventures, joint stock, limited liability company and other forms of business organizations, non-public ownership economy as the main body, full of vigor and vitality, equality competitive market structure has been formed. With the formation of multiple subjects, the market is increasingly competitive. in the competition, a group of industry leading brands decoration business stand out, and gradually grow up. In particular, some domestic private building decoration companies, already have contracting five-star independent hotels, restaurants and large capacity building decoration projects. At present, decoration market share situation has changed radically, over 95% of public buildings decoration market, 100% of the residential market and 85% of the decoration design market over public buildings occupied by the Chinese enterprises. foreign share of 15% of the interior design and decoration construction of 5% mainly for large, high-end, especially foreign investment, joint venture, construction and decoration works. Meanwhile, some strength strong private enterprises began to go abroad, to undertake foreign decoration projects, and actively opening up overseas markets, building walls in the international market, Chinese enterprises have shown a strong competitive strength, winning again and again in international projects. 2. industrial development and professional division of labor as the industry trend is clearly apparent expansion of the scale, specialization within the industry is getting smaller, building curtain wall structure as the building exterior maintenance, has become an area of expertise. in the industry, a number of advanced management, industrial production large public building decoration business to grow up. Some companies set up their own furniture, walls and other production factories and bases, the initial implementation of the project decoration industry, business processes tend to be rationalized. in the business direction, the direction of some enterprises to specialized services development, and made more favorable for development. For example, there has been specializing in the banking business department decoration, decoration for car 4S stores, chain stores specializing in renovation and designed for large-scale star hotel lobby renovation, the hospital's professional decoration decoration fitting service companies. Meanwhile, the housing decoration industry composition is changing business, a group of qualified, more standardized management of the enterprise has grown up, its brand and reputation of progressive social recognition, a number of chain business operations have begun to expand nationwide. 3. industry differences in regional development the development of large building decoration industry started from the southeast coastal area, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing and other places of business remains the market leader, with strong competitiveness. Meanwhile, the regional imbalance in economic development, the regional demand for space between the building decoration there is a big gap. the number of firms in the high level of qualification, business strength and size, the scale of individual projects, project number, etc., in the eastern , significant difference in the western region, forming building decoration industry a series of laws and regulations, technical specifications and technical standards has formulated and promulgated to implement. to the national construction industry laws and regulations as the basis, , , industry laid the foundation for sustained and rapid development. 5. a high degree of social concern of the industry played a role in promoting the development of architectural decoration industry, especially in home decoration, and is closely related to the quality of life, therefore, by the construction administrative departments, news media and community groups attention. industry reporting rate, high transparency, exposure frequency, forming a strong public opinion pressure on the industry played a role in monitoring and promoting. industry associations, as private industry self-regulatory organization in regulating the industry running order and promote the rapid development of the industry and should play a positive role. (b) of the industry's position in the national economy and the growing role of China's rapid economic development, the deepening of economic reform and opening-up created the building decoration industry. and building decoration industry in the growth and development during the course of the contribution of economic and social development is also increasingly apparent. First, the architectural decoration has become an important force driving economic growth, the contribution to national economic growth rate continues to increase. On the one hand, the building decoration industry is a large space for development and growth of new industries and good, growing faster than GDP growth rate, its total output value of construction output value of industry and increasing the proportion of GDP. On the other hand, construction decoration industry chain is longer, stronger industry driving factor. The works on the trillion yuan in output value, it takes about 50% of the decorative material. architectural decoration industry rapid growth, driven, including building materials, lumber, chemicals, electronics, metallurgy, textile and other relevant departments, including the development of a dozen for these industries provide a huge market space. Meanwhile, the rapid growth of construction and decoration industries also contributed to the flow of building materials and related services market development. building decoration industry has name In fact, to become the lead character of the new growth point of economic growth. Second, to meet the growing landscape of the whole society, to improve the quality of life needs to make a contribution. According to China's statistics fixed capital formation estimated in 1990 to 2004, architectural decoration industry were all 3.4 billion square meters of new public buildings, including more than 8,000 star-rated hotels, 80 million square meters of new residential and 48 billion square meters of the stock of public buildings, nearly 100 million square meters above the stock of housing to provide a decoration service. greatly increased the urban service facilities, tourism facilities and the quality of residential buildings and grades to meet the consumption structure of urban and rural residents on the environment brought about a beautiful, residential security, facilities and comfortable needs. Therefore, the construction and decoration industries are huge in their own development, but also for our economy and society from subsistence to a comfortable made great contributions to the development. Again, for economic development and social stability has created many job opportunities. construction and decoration industries itself and are mostly driven by labor-intensive industries, and the vast majority of private small and medium enterprises will help absorb the urban and rural labor force of ordinary workers. building decoration industry and related industries to absorb the urban and rural labor force include the following aspects: First, more than 1400 million in the current employees in construction and decoration industry, about 80% from rural areas; the second is the production of building decoration materials, including wood processing, production of decorative building materials, architectural metal, plastic, metal profile processing and other industries, mostly from the towns to absorb the labor force; third building decoration materials sales business, and the rapid development of the decoration materials market, to absorb a large number of distribution from urban and rural workers. In short, the rapid development of construction and decoration industries to promote the transfer of agricultural population, improve the urban employment structure and ease the employment pressure has played a positive role. (c) the existing problems within the industry, restricting further development of the industry although the industry has developed rapidly in China building decoration, but a late start, extensive overall still a growth industry in the development process there are many problems to be solved. These problems can not be within the industry, timely and effective solution, it will definitely affect the industry in the decoration market order is chaotic first qualification of the market chaos. At present nearly 200,000 building decoration companies, construction administrative department issued a building design, construction qualification certificate, business license number of only 20,000, and nearly more than 40,000 qualified architectural decoration of both the construction enterprises, including enterprises, including the two cards concurrently complete the decoration business for less than 30%. management diversity, qualified and diverse, resulting in confusion in the market. into the excessive proportion of enterprise trade management low, a large number of unlicensed or non-qualification of the enterprises operating in the market, and separated from the management of the national market outside the architectural profession, to regulate the market, unified management, improve project quality and other difficulties. Second, the main business market behavior is not standard. Since a large number of illegal enterprises enter the market, on the one hand the number of our existing business and engineering decorating the ability to undertake the total annual demand, compared with the project has exceeded demand and bargain among enterprises, business process giving kickbacks and other improper competition is very serious and widespread, so compromised standardized operation of enterprises. On the other hand, when regulators in the business, Underground decoration companies in contract engineering, contracting and supervision of the implementation process is difficult, difficult construction supervision, quality is difficult to control, resulting in fraud, quality time, breach of contract and other disputes arising, resulting in the interests of consumers can not be guaranteed. Third, borrowing qualifications, layers the phenomenon of subcontracting is common, difficult to guarantee construction quality. In bidding and undertaking projects to borrow a large number of existing phenomena of intelligence and layers of subcontractors to make some non-qualified enterprises to survive in engineering, and business loan qualification The only charge management fees, not its management, led by the large number of projects without qualification, poor technology companies to undertake the construction period and quality be assured. Fourth, the low bid on the industry great harm. decoration project implementation bidding system is to encourage fair competition, improve efficiency and effective measures. but only some of the price level of bidding the project to decide whether NRL, some low bid even malicious acts of the tender price or even much lower than the construction cost and its results are either changes in design, additional project funds, delay duration, or is to reduce the construction standards and material standards of construction quality, leaving the engineering safety hazard. 2. small-scale enterprises, trade organizations, the low degree of architectural decoration industry in China started as later, business size is generally small. So far, China has not yet have an international architectural decoration industry leading enterprises. Even the well-known companies, the ability to undertake projects only in more than 10 billion yuan, compared with the large international companies, domestic enterprises significantly different. Although some companies began to implement factory, industry and enterprise alliances and collaboration, but lower than the ratio. Meanwhile, less successful companies. Most enterprises are small, capital, technology strength is poor, with low level of standardization, and management are not standardized, difficult to improve construction quality, lower overall operating efficiency of the industry, international competitiveness is weak. 3. Construction of traditional, high-tech research and development and promotion of the slow pace of building decoration industry is based in traditional Chinese construction industry further division of labor developed, in addition to curtain wall construction, the construction of production techniques rely mainly on traditional wood, oil, tile, electricity, water and other manual-based integrated construction technology, technology and process backward. This was reflected in three aspects: First, new technology development is lagging behind. of building decoration industry, technology, mainly relying on the introduction of foreign technology, technology-dependent strong, the independent development of enterprises, development of new materials, new products, new technology and new process more less. The second is the promotion and use of high-tech slow. Whether business or construction materials, parts manufacturers, the new materials, new techniques, new technology, promotion, market information, there is ineffective, inadequate promotion measures, engineering degree than low problem, so difficult to raise the technological level of enterprises, to the sustainable development of the industry caused a lot of constraints. Third, the low level of industrialization. At present, most of the architectural companies are still using manual methods and on-site production of construction process The main material of the modular, standardized low level of production of composite and deep processing of low level, resulting in complete sets of technology integration is low, low labor productivity, building products, comprehensive quality level is low. 4. training tools tradition, practitioners team low quality of building decoration industry practitioners team is ambitious, but the overall cultural level of poor technical quality is low, in which decorative designer formal professional training less, there are fewer professional and technical titles. the main body of the construction team transfer of surplus rural labor force, by the formal culture, the low level of technical education. Industry is the main form of training transfer between master and apprentice, to help with the lack of modern training methods, the industry received systematic lack of professional and technical training, with the kinds of business skills decoration technology backbone. Most of the work of employees engaged in physical strength expenses based mainly simple repetitive labor, new technology, new materials, new techniques to understand and master the very low level. 5. resource use and environmental issues more prominent architectural engineering large-scale use of natural materials is resource consumption industries. As material production technology and equipment is poor, low level of construction technology, design and construction of the low degree of standardization, resulting in water, energy, timber and other resources The low utilization rate, serious waste of resources. Meanwhile, the current decoration using traditional construction methods and materials, environmental compatibility is poor, the low level of technology content and quality of construction site noise, dust and other pollutants and waste more projects much greater negative environmental impact. unreasonable decoration engineering design, materials, parts, equipment, facilities selection unscientific use of the building caused by the high cost of high energy consumption. (d) Problems of Decoration careful analysis of the causes of problems in building decoration industry is mainly caused by the formation of shorter sectors, the development of rapid, appropriate management, standards and business rules development is lagging behind the industry's economic development model is extensive, the extension type development, restricting the formation of the development of the industry following the deep-seated contradictions. First, the industry has expanded rapidly with the relative lag of production factors market, the contradiction. construction and decoration industries, while having the scale of tens of thousands of billion industry, but so far, there is no industry funds, personnel, labor, technology, information market, the market although the number of materials and parts are many, but management is relatively backward. because supporting the market lagged behind the rational allocation of resources, restricted the industry, the development of enterprises. Secondly, strong growth in social demand and the relative lack of effective supply of social contradictions. architectural decoration industry nearly 20 years the market demand to maintain high growth, but social in human resources, labor, technology and resources inadequate reserves, so a lot of material does not meet the needs of the community , human resources, labor market, resulting in low quality projects, materials and energy wasted, poor environmental compatibility, social rate of complaints. This conflict in the home decoration market, the most obvious. Third, the industry market functioning and planned economic management conflicts. building decoration industry since the development has been that the operation of the market, but in market management, qualification standards, corporate access, project resource allocation, etc., means there are a lot of the planned economy, market management of the main causes confusion unclear, the slow development of the industry factor markets, trade management is in chaos, many obstacles to enterprise development. Fourth, an orderly market competition and extensive business management conflicts. through the recent years of market consolidation, industry to regulate the market, there are sequence direction, in the bidding and bid on the market require a higher capacity to adapt. but because of the low level of business management, adaptation ability, project inputs high, bid low, resulting in substantial waste of social resources, increase enterprise operational risks. Fifth, construction project management, project management, conflict with the owners. engineering design and construction process is scientific, but the building side (the owners) the pursuit of quality, time, cost is an established goal, many do not meet the project objective requirements. the construction side (the owner) is the core of the project, so there are a lot of discrimination in the contract terms of the unreasonable. This is caused by conflicts within the industry, the major external factors. Second, the architectural development of the industry and the main principles guiding the development of new opportunities and favorable conditions for the sustainable development of the industry trend is clearly strong. (a) of the guiding ideology of building decoration industry, as guidance, overall command of the scientific concept of development, sustainable development to enhance the capacity of the industry; the transformation of economic growth as the main line to raise the overall level of industrialization of the industry; to resource saving and environment-friendly building as an opportunity to enhance the the level of technological progress; to the development principles. twenty years of industry history has proven, without a certain rate of development there is no certain size, there will be no economic and social development of countries play a bigger role. live in the national economy continued to grow excellent opportunity to fully tap the market potential for sustainable development industry and correctly grasp the economic development trends, adjust the business and service model, to actively support the process of expanding domestic demand to tap the international market, promote the industry faster and better development. 2. must adhere to market-oriented structural adjustment, change the principles of economic growth. To continue to strengthen the trade market system, and to products, commodities, the main market building and transferred to the factors of production the main market building. through the establishment and improvement of industry engineering information market, labor market, technology market, capital market system, and further rectify and standardize the market environment, the market mechanism in the allocation of resources to play the leading role. To adjust the corporate structure within the industry, technical structure, personnel structure, regional structure and benefit structure, restructuring to improve efficiency and innovation. to the market building and structural adjustment, in particular, to improve production methods, improved factory processing, on-site assembly and installation-type construction of the proportion of large increase the degree of organization of trade and industry level. to strengthen the industrial chain, extend and improve the value chain. to seriously study the growth of the industry's business model, from the structure, mechanism, and cultural point of all-round quality to enhance the development of enterprises. to promote by the extension of enterprise and industry type, content type to the extensive growth and intensive growth change. 3. must adhere to management innovation, technological innovation, building a resource saving and environmentally friendly architectural engineering principles. adhere to the management of innovation, and as a security, promoting technological innovation. we must adapt to a sound energy-saving, environmental protection norms and standards, as well as energy saving, environmental protection and the rule of law environment. adhere to the development of simple, practical, safe, environmentally friendly decoration works as the goal, promote the use of energy, water, materials, land, environmental protection, and intelligent products, speed up the information technology, to enhance the industry's ability to integrate existing technology and new technology research and development capabilities. to pass industrial production, improve resource use efficiency, reduce pollution, promote industry, technology upgrading and updating. 4. We must strengthen regional development, actively explore the rural market principles. development of the industry to conform to national economic development, regional distribution, in the eastern part of the market continuing to consolidate, we must focus on the development of the western and Northeast architectural markets, encourage and support enterprises in the east to central and western areas out of funds, talent and technology to accelerate in the western region development of architectural decoration industry. To take full advantage of building new socialist countryside the opportunity to better play industry in the promotion of new rural construction in the role, to support and guide the enterprises to develop small towns and rural areas of architectural market, and strengthen the emerging rural decoration market management. 5. must adhere to people-oriented principle, to enhance the industry for the society, the market service capabilities. basic interests. necessary to improve people's quality of life and responsible attitude to consumers, and actively guide the scientific consumption, rational consumption, and happy consumer. improve the quality of workers and properly handle internal labor relations, mobilize the enthusiasm, promoting a harmonious society development. Third, the produce a large number of commercial buildings and new residential needs, while the market will drive the tremendous growth decoration. It is estimated that by 2010, if calculated at 100 square meters each, only the new housing demand will reach 80 million units; to 2020 will reach over 200 million units. Therefore, the strive to achieve the output value of more decoration realized 1.5 trillion yuan, an average annual growth rate of 17% or more. decoration in public buildings, the curtain is about 250 billion yuan output value; decoration around 350 billion yuan. In home decoration in a decoration of the proportion of new residential to reach 50%, the output value of 750 billion or so; new residential re-decoration of about 450 billion yuan output value, home decoration to achieve transformation of about 3000 billion. (b) resource conservation and environmental objectives and trade associations in the management of common efforts, environmental protection and energy saving through the mandatory implementation of standards in the industry, implementation, engineering design and construction of the universal application of water saving, energy saving and environmental technologies, materials and equipment, and strive to make all public buildings, decoration and home decoration items achieve energy saving, water saving and environmental protection standards; reform construction technology, engineering methods, to strengthen energy conservation, environmental technology measures to reduce pollution and waste reduction projects. By 2010, after construction of the building to achieve and strive to make more % 20% saving rate, total consumption of non-renewable resources by 10%, and production and construction work of about 25% energy consumption reduction target. (c) technological progress goals to the transformation of economic growth as the central resource saving, environment-friendly construction as a link, to improve the industry's technology integration capabilities and its own R & D capability. to the , digestion, absorption, the formation of a group of factory production, modular construction and intelligent application of technology, advanced enterprise information management. through education, training, general practitioners improve the quality of professional and technical team, including skilled workers to raise a technical level; through market assessment, evaluation, scientific and technical personnel to improve the industry total, representing a organization behind the status quo, to encourage and guide enterprises to apply technology conference in the industry to promote the 10 new technologies, improve project quality and technology content; to foster a number of more well-known proprietary brands, advanced technology into the international ranks . (d) industrial restructuring goals to the industry, enterprise restructuring, improving the degree and level of industrialization, through the adjustment of level of qualification standards, the regulation to regulate and improve the number of three qualified enterprises; form a rational business structure, so that the industry one, two, three qualified enterprises to meet market demand ratio; the enterprise property right system reform and building of enterprise culture based on a number of strong , a reputation, a brand of large enterprises; through technological research and development and introduction, the formation of a group of factory production, standardization of construction, with core competence and specialization of modern architectural decoration construction companies; through government, industry associations support the formation of a batch of internationally competitive, able to occupy a certain proportion of the international engineering market building decoration business. to the annual output value of more than 50 billion of the Group of companies and curtain wall engineering companies. a qualified enterprises (including walls) to reach 1,500 or more, two qualified companies to reach 15,000 or more, three qualified enterprises to reach about 150,000 . (e) market development goals to the both domestic and international market resources, do a good job of urban construction and the formation of new rural construction in new markets; further improve the industry norms and standards, the basic completion of a fair, orderly and transparent market competition order; nurture and develop the market intermediaries, establish a standard of economic relations between market players; to strengthen the construction industry, integrity and corporate self-regulation, establish a standard of market access and free up system; establish a sound and dynamic guide price standard or platform, so that the decoration between the principal and the contractor price transparency. engineering and environmental quality of the technical quality of further enhancement of decoration for residential social complaints continued to decline. to the complaint rate has dropped 60%. public building decoration works to achieve a passing rate of 98%. Fourth, the opportunity, to seize this favorable opportunity to promote the industry to transform the economic growth, raise industry standards, and achieve the industry steady and rapid development is the the following measures. (a) improve the management structure, speed up institutional innovation, development of the industry to create a good institutional environment , including long internal management problems arise. gradually adjust the qualification management industry to develop market demand for industry standards and qualification level implementation details. to adjust the qualification management industry, corporate structure, promote and enhance the degree of industry organizations to promote the industry The industrial development. to assist the Government to streamline administrative approval procedures, increasing the quality of public services, through one-stop service, reduce management costs, improve efficiency and effectiveness of the industry. To further rationalize the real estate development, construction, raw materials industry and the relationship between the architectural industry, to promote enterprises and associated enterprises within the industry alliance cooperation to achieve the industrial chain, and improve value chain and improve the industry's overall service capabilities and market competitiveness. to actively promote and adapt existing home residential development, in order to adjust the forms home decoration market. increase the construction of resource use and environmental impact assessment system and improve the quality of the industry running. between government authorities and industry associations of the relationship. industry associations and enterprises to the government a bridge between, to reflect the demands of providing services and regulating the behavior play a greater role, the Association located in the heart of all the work on behalf of industry interests, provide services for the industry. Association to create the conditions for acceptable construction administration conversion functions, improve management capacity of the industry association. (b) strengthening of production factors market, improve the market system the industry for the industry to create a favorable market environment, materials on the basis of the market ...

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