Thursday, March 31, 2011

Learning to drive , too full , the collection , will be useful later

 Learning to drive the first phase of exercise
one, start,
1. Clutch mining in the end, hang a file.
2. On the left turn signal.
3. Honking
4. Let go the brake.
5 foot lift the clutch. (Linked to the second gear left-turn signal to switch off)

Second, parking. On the right turn signal, hit the brakes, step on the speed from 10 to 20 yards, and then step on the clutch, and so do the following actions after the car completely stopped:
1. Brake handle.
2. Off neutral.
3. Off the right turn signal. First lift the clutch, brake after the song.

experience the second stage to start parking on the highway.

library moved down the third stage school library.

one straight line advance and retreat.

Second, the inverted Treasury:
down from the right, in the right side of the triangular window to see the middle piles, steering wheel rotation right around and saw the right bank side of two rods overlap, the steering wheel turn right death, see the first post showing the left bank of 20 cm, the steering wheel to the left back to the circle, the taxi companies directly, the steering wheel to the left back around, eyes saw a line in front of the left bank after the stop. Three shift

Library: Library Move Left Right bank,
1. Linked to a file, the steering wheel turn right dead,
2. Loose clutch, go to the middle of the front stakes 20 cm, the steering wheel immediately turn left to die after the car straight back to lap or two laps.
3. Linked to reverse gear, steering wheel, turn right to die in front of the left to see the left bank to which the pile warp aligned with the front, the steering wheel to the left back to death after the car straight back to the circle, parking,
4. Linked to a file, right turn around the steering wheel, front side and the stakes of about 20 cm into the steering wheel to the left back to the second circle around back to parking after the car straight,
5. Linked to reverse gear, the steering wheel turn right around,
6. To see the back of the right bank side of cars blocking stakes, and steering wheel to the left back to the second circle, the steering wheel to the right after the car straight back to a circle,
7. Steering wheel to the left circle, the car horn in front of two aimed at the left bank, the steering wheel to the right back around, the library and saw the car in front line and coincides roughly half edge, turn the steering wheel left to die after the car park straight, br> 8. Linked to reverse. Right around the steering wheel, backup database to see the left side of two overlap, the steering wheel turn left dead, 9. Seeing the right mirror, right bank to open branches of a tree 20 cm side lever, the steering wheel right circle hit the car straight, then turn right around to play the appropriate parking place,
10. The library, the front transverse edge of the front cover, steering wheel, dead right,
11. Turn 45 degrees around the front wheel back to the lap, the car straight back after the steering wheel around. Parking.

coaches teach novice revisit the initial standard action. Ha ha. If you just finished, and with * some may be omitted. Start from the car:

one transfer position. Before and after the distance, the main tune manual left foot, step on foot to the clutch in the end, the legs slightly more than the degree subject. Automatic transmission throttle adjustment. Feet fine, hand generally do not have much problems, the hand to facilitate the operation of the steering wheel shall prevail. Back to a comfortable subject, everyone's requirements are different, but the security point of view, try not to put too low will affect driving safety belt lying role.

* familiar with the car. If it is not commonly used in cars, be familiar with stalls, lights, speakers, and so the use of equipment, different settings are not exactly the same depot. Ignition should be preceded by familiar stalls and other equipment can be familiar with *

after sparking the Second, for ignition. Manual gear stick left and right, to see whether into the file. Automatic transmission observed stall situation very clearly marked out. For insurance in mind, should develop a manual step on the clutch and brake the habit of ignition, even if the car into the file, so start there will not be any problems. Automatic transmission brakes. This is why after the first ignition of the reason for seat adjustment.

III ignition. Should all of it. Ha ha. If you twist the key does not move, is likely to be the steering wheel lock, and gently turn the steering wheel side, side screw it wants to. Do other things first, sparking the grounds that the car can be hot. After ignition, the first uniform slowly released the clutch and left foot, after confirming that no Guadang right foot brake loose.

* Fourth, adjust mirror. Left and right side mirror to see around the door handles as standard. The standard upper and lower horizon (Ping Road) in the mirror and the upper 1 / 3. Car rear view mirror to see the entire rear window shall prevail, if there PLMM on their own grasp of the back, hehe ... ...

five seatbelt. In addition to himself, as long as the seats have belts to remind passengers to the department.

six, hot car. Cold start, although some say could fuel ignition and go to, no more than 20 km on the line. But think about using the brain to know that no matter how advanced the technology now, with the engine load and no load engine than in the case of oil not yet reached operating temperature, the damage must inevitably be more serious. Moreover, the start, the engine load is very large. So, if not to save fire-fighting, the best hot car for 3-5 minutes before you go. In fact, there is less oil, roughly equivalent to running one kilometer only.

six starts. First hit the left light (the left side of the car in the right-light), see mirror (remember), to confirm the safety started. Step on the clutch, into a file (remember). Clutch release steps are: fast - stop - slow. Linkage to quickly find a half point, the car started when a slight shake. Parked in this location. Release the handbrake, the old habits of many drivers hit the brakes first, then loose the hand brake, so when you line up to see brake lights in front, and that he was ready to go, it is recommended novice habit of it. Release the handbrake, the right foot slowly release the brake. Many newcomers have put the clutch will not release the brake, the car shaking so badly he can not feel that this error is very hurt car. Come gentle right foot, the speed is increased to 1200 rpm. This time need to use the oil from the line with the legendary: the left uniform release the clutch, right foot gently while refueling, maintaining speed at 1200 rpm or so, until it is released the clutch.

handbrake start. Very steep slope (eg garage), and many people more heavy goods vehicle state, release the brake, even though the full release clutch, the car is still sliding after. The need to use the handbrake when starting out. One way or another the hand brake. Has put the clutch in the car began to shake. Handbrake does not release it. Keeping the left foot fixed (not turn off the key, the slope must not let off the clutch fast). Slowly filling the right foot, left foot clutch with (the cars are not violent shake, or even turn off date), the car has to move forward in the trend (increase the number of, mainly to see the situation in Singapore and car, not too fast, or else let go of the brakes to go out), release the handbrake. With oil from the left foot, slowly increasing speed as uniform release the clutch at the same time. Remind here that do not always come on do not loose the clutch, or burned the clutch, do not blame me. Compete with drivers in the throttle control, and skilled driver can control the speed just right, tepid, looks like the start with the ground. Just put a lot of newcomers to the engine control step so loud, they might also burn the clutch. Exports in the garage is easy to see a driver's level: roared the red out, either limited, or is a bad mood or drunk. Ping Road, like walking out of the garage-like, tepid and evenly up, throttle control that he has a certain level. Recommendation: handbrake start practicing from Ping Road.

seven, back to the light. Many beginners forget, and made the back of the driver thought he had to change to the most heretical. Thus, the full completion of the initial action.

* eight, test the brakes. If not, you often open the car, starting as soon as look for opportunities to test the brakes

Exercises: start stop 1. Starting methods and essentials
the start, the key is the accelerator pedal (gas pedal) the methods and the clutch pedal back to the bit method.
* method of the accelerator pedal of the stampede stampede

amount of the accelerator pedal is too small, clutch lift too hastily, easily lead to engine flameout. On the contrary, the amount of foot stepping on the accelerator pedal too large, the clutch connecting too fast, easily lead to vehicle channeling lines. These have to be attention.
* half-way clutch feel

engine sound bigger, the body began to shake, to determine vehicle has been started. Master clutch semi-linkage position, can prevent the car starting line when the channeling.
side will start lifting the clutch, step on the accelerator pedal gently aside. Remember the correct order.

2. stop method to stop when the accelerator pedal should be put away early. The stampede is the brake pedal: On lightly trampled, afterburner slowly, gradually reduce the stop before the stampede.
gradually exercise, elimination of parking control method for moving shock wave.
1) stop order

2. Parking
to remember the correct sequence of operations stop. If the parking brake when parking (handbrake) the braking force is small, and sometimes vehicles will slip on. Therefore, parking brake, be sure to pull the parking brake lever until you hear a

on and off with the driving position (Figure) (4) 13:53 China Communications Press
seats and mirrors adjustment
seat adjustment with one hand holding the steering wheel, one hand seat adjustment control handle to adjust to the foot clutch pedal and brake pedal can easily step in the end.

adjust the seat to the most suitable position.
2. the mirror adjustment

1) inside rear view mirror adjustment
maintain the correct posture, facing front, holding a mirror edge of the adjustment, turn the eyes to adjust to as long as you can see all the circumstances behind the car can be.
2) outside mirrors adjusted

exterior mirrors should be adjusted to be able to see the Ministry of the body about a horizontal mirror / 4, the vehicle body, 3 / 4; under the horizon in the middle of Shaopian position to be able to observe objects as far as possible on the road.
belt-line and extraction method
1. Department of Law
slowly out of the seat belt, not to tighten the strength will buckle to hear the If the system incorrectly, in the event of accident can not fully play its role.

2. Abstract method
seat belt with his left hand, right hand to press the buckle off. His left hand slowly to return.

Abstract seat belts, do not immediately wash off the seat belt, metal belt buckle to prevent the bounce, breaking glass or injury to people. Therefore, holding the seat belt must be slowly returned.
Well, now let us review it.
1. lock the door

not only to lock the driver's door, should also confirm whether the other doors locked.

adjust the seat can be adjusted to various pedals (especially the clutch) foot in the end, and to facilitate the operation of various location of the device so far.

adjust the rear view mirror to correct driving position, the mirror will be adjusted to the car through the rear window can easily see the car behind the situation. See the body with the exterior mirrors and 1 / 4, see other parts of the body accounted for 3 / 4.
4. Fasten your seat belts

seat belt fastened, until you hear a

ramp lane (Figure) 14:14 China Communications Press
exercise objectives: to grasp the characteristics of ramp traffic, select the appropriate speed and gear, to avoid the ramp driving half-way stop, back phenomenon.
one uphill speed and gear selection method
car driving uphill, than the level road, the need for greater power.
gear and speed relationship:

ramp lane (Figure) 14:14 China Communications Press
exercise objectives: to grasp the characteristics of ramp traffic , select the appropriate speed and gear, to avoid driving in the middle of the parking ramp, back phenomenon.
one uphill speed and gear selection method
car driving uphill, than the level road, the need for greater power.
gear and speed relationship:

Second, downhill speed and gear selection method
1) speed is not too fast to start braking.
2) linked to the low block. If driving fast enough, a gear lower and lower.
3) longer rely mainly on downhill engine braking, foot brake as a supplement.

Third, in the middle of the parking ramp method
uphill road parking method ; car driving uphill, because the natural slope of the resistance will drop the speed down, compared with the flat section just gently brake. Depress the brake pedal hard after stopping, to prevent the car sliding backwards.

line with the previous car, because the vehicle in front are likely to slip, so to maintain a certain distance from the vehicle.
way downhill parking downhill, under the action of gravity will gradually increase the speed, flat road than the required long distance. Because the speed gradually increased, as soon as possible to depress the brake pedal is very important.

four, Hill-start method 1. to use the parking brake (handbrake) Hill-start < br> In the start ramp, pay attention to prevent the car backward shift. Operation must be prompt and correct.

2. do not use the parking brake (handbrake) Hill-start

slam the brake pedal the right foot , left half of the clutch pedal clutch control in the state.

right foot brake pedal quickly moved to the accelerator pedal (this time a little harder stampede accelerator pedal.)
after starting the vehicle, semi-clutch state of the clutch pedal gently back to the place.
3. on the ramp when driving on the treatment flameout
motivation driving on the ramp on the flame, the pilot is very nervous, to be cool operation. First, brake, do not get off, with the correct steps to re-start the engine.

ramp lane (Figure) (5), China Communications Press
14:14 4. ramp flameout because

* stampede less accelerator pedal.

* lift the clutch pedal too fast.

* linked to the wrong gear.
* forget the parking brake lever down.
* Note: Driving cars, operation must be serious.
5. downhill starting method
start not a problem when going downhill. Using the downhill slope slowly release parking brake lever, the car started out. Select the appropriate speed after starting stalls, the clutch pedal return gently.

Do you like people want to always be together

 Bukanhouhui20 -year-old girl is her most beautiful Love . Then her heart the most good, she was a bit immature and a bit childish. When a boy of about 20 of his darkest days , when nothing, not independent and do not want to rely on , struggling with a loss to find his own place , so if a boy about 20 years old at the time he met Young girl with his very ,
it must cherish her ​​because this girl is the most beautiful in their own Love to accompany him through the darkest days! Only the girl to accompany him through , the girl will always go well . This is a magic witch that log, please read this log is reproduced in 5 minutes into their own space, within one month and you will like the people will never go together.
see not reproduced , the men into the bachelor . Poor life. . Widow ~ woman silly life!
very efficacious Oh!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

At the object have to do this , it will be more durable

 Whether you have a boyfriend, have a girlfriend, came over to read it, write it really matter
you find it?

feeling of love, always feel very sweet in the beginning,
I felt much more a stay, one more person to help you share,
you finally no longer alone, at least one person thinking of you,
Lianzhao you, whether to do something,
together as long as is good ....


.... but slowly, with the deeper understanding of each other,
you begin to discover each other's shortcomings,
occurred one after another, then the problem ,
you start trouble, tired, or even want to escape,
Some say love is like picking up rocks,
always want to pick up a suitable,
but you know when and how to picked it?
him / her for you, then you and for him / her up?

fact, love is the same as terrazzo,
might just pick up, you is not so satisfied, br> But remember who is flexible,
a lot of things can be changed,
as long as you determination, courage,
with the unknown stone everywhere to pick up,
not as good to yourself already have a polished stone, you start to wear it?
a lot of people thought it was because the feelings faded,
so people would become lazy.
inertia is first to be conquered people,
so the feeling will pale.

at a dinner occasion,
was suggested to eat more shrimp on the body good,
this time there is a middle-aged man suddenly said, my wife or my girlfriend, she said, ten eat shrimp, I peel twenty to her!
Now, if she wanted me to help her peel shrimp shell, kidding! I could not even help her to undress no interest, and also peeling shrimp shell blanket! Got it?

wonder more and more people just want to talk about a lifetime of love,
has refused marriage.
because marriage easy to become lazy.

If everyone
lazy speech,
too lazy to listen,
too lazy to create surprise,
too lazy to gentle,
that between husband and wife or lover,
how will not drift apart gradually silent it?

* So remember:
dynamic love,
modest hospitality is the need for irrigation,
love, is not lazy Oh!

have a couple, similar to dinner after work, shopping,
but the girl because the company delayed the meeting,
when she arrived, when Mao Zhaoyu has more than 30 minutes late,
his boyfriend was not happy to say:
you every time so now I have not had any mood,
I will no longer wait for you!
instant, the girl finally burst its banks collapsed,
she was thinking: Maybe they never had

the same future in the same place, another couple is facing the same situation;
when the girl arrived late for half an hour,
his boyfriend, said: rain, and take off his jacket covered in girls,
at the moment, the girl in tears flow
but her tears on my face is warm.

you feel it?
fact, love, hate is often only one of our idea!
love not only to understand tolerance but also to time,
is a lot of things may just change your mind too!
When someone loves you, and you think he is good.
that does not mean you would choose him.

We always said: You can not answer him, because you do not know.

Yes, we always thought that we would love to find a man she loved.
But later, when we suddenly look back, we will find what they once naive.
if never started, how do you know she will love love that person?
fact, love the feeling, is to experience a lot of things together until after discovery.
Perhaps everyone would like to find their own one hundred percent of the partner mind,
but you have not thought 『around you will not already been paid to you in silence for a long time, but you just do not find it? 』
So, still a closer look at the people around you! He may have been waiting a long time

When you love someone when you love to just eight absolute good.
all the expectations and hopes are only Qi Bafen; the remaining two or three points to love yourself.
If you continue to love even more, is likely to give each other a heavy pressure, so that each breath,
completely lost the love of fun.

So remember,
drink no more than six drunk,
eat no more than seven full,
love a person no more than eight

If you also are confused for love, perhaps the following words can give you some inspiration:

love a person, to understand, but also open solution;
to apologize, but also thanks;
to admit his fault, but also error correction;
be considerate, but also understanding;
is to accept, rather than endure;
is tolerance, not condoned;
is to support, not dominate;
is sympathy, not questioned;
is talk, not complaints;
is memorable, but not forgotten;
that communicate with each other, and not explain everything;
is silent pray for each other, br> and not many of the demands to each other;
can be romantic, but do not waste;

`* Do not hold hands,
` * better not let go.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Men Gongxian

 In the Orient, there was a country called China. In China's southwest. A group of people called Gong County.
Gongxian that handsome men with their appearance and gentle heart, conquered women from north to south, to the countless women failing in Gongxian County man under the bell-bottoms. They say a man in southern
character delicate care of a Canadian woman, but a lack of masculinity.
north tall and mighty men, manly full, do not know how to listen to the voice of a woman.
which is located southwest of the North Gong County has combined the advantages of men and Southern men, to its dregs, its essence. Incisive interpretation of the image of a perfect man.
Gongxian County man will be like a Triumph is always strong as you.
a Gongxian men as close as Whisper protect you.
Gongxian County man will be like a, like underwear, as you can accommodate your ups and downs. Durex
as a kung County man, no matter how much you poke crates, are soliciting you.
Over time, rivers and lakes circulating the words, man does not know kung County man, claiming to be a woman in vain
Gongxian outstanding quality of its men to build a strong brand, the brand will Gongxian County man will be out of Asia to the world.
If you do not have a boyfriend, and quickly find a man to Gongxian, Opportunity knocks but once, during the many men there must be a Gongxian for you.
If you have a boyfriend, but not Gongxian County, do not hesitate to break up with him, to find a man to put Gongxian. If you boyfriend is
Gongxian County man, then you should be vigilant, too sought-after, and persists in the form being careful ah.
Gongxian County man is really cheating lookin at home had the necessary product ah
to find a man to Gongxian.
to the Gong county, I see the line.
the holidays this year, not married, married to marry Gong County.
Gong Gong County County men served
Last Eight Honors Gong Song
to promise a man proud of the county to deny a man ashamed
Gongxian County man to fall in love with Gong proud to Gongxian
do not love me ashamed to marry a man proud of Gongxian to abandon County man is ashamed
Gong Gong County to a man I'm so proud of, to not let Gongxian good to me as a man Shame
to my good man Gongxian proud of my men did a good opportunity to be ashamed of
Gongxian to recover lost to Gong County man proud of his girlfriend to a man of himself and the competition Gongxian Shame
to find a man to do a third party Gongxian proud to give a man a cuckold Gongxian ashamed
proud to reprint this log to put a man into their home Gongxian ashamed man.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crazy Pet 2 · Fetch It Again- games

 English name : Fetch It Again
. Genre: Simulation . Version : 1.0
. Language : English. Multiplayer support: single
. Developer : Valuesoft. Publisher : Valuesoft
. Capacity : 80.3 MB. Release Date : 2007-09-15
. System Requirements : 1GHz CPU / 512 MB RAM / 3D Video Card 32MB RAM
crazy pet pet 2 is a simulation to develop Game 2 on behalf of the new work . Today with your best friend home! and your dog spend together baby happy, comfortable and good times. 2 games in the wild pets in the park with its walking , running, so that he Healthy , lively, and obey! It needs your love and patience to grow into an international competition in an excellent competitive breed .
game evaluation
screen :
beautifully produced full 3D images of various Pets of different shapes and beautiful jewelry in this virtual game can get in , and naughty pet through a variety of different actions also reflect the personality of its own , the game is also very rich in the scene .
lively game of musical styles , beautiful and moving , not only the pet 's lively personality , but also allows players to relax involuntary feelings , into the ecstasy of the game itself .
Get started :
the operation of the game Menu design is reasonable, to get started is not complicated , though somewhat tedious operation , but also offers players more choices. to act now , you and your dog ready to be the best title you ready ?
Creativity :
2 game in the crazy pet , you need it repairing luxury kennels , training it to obey orders to do to deal with a new general feeding and care of family members, it requires you to give it ---- Do not chew it a lot of attention to furniture or digging holes .
Playability :
you must do your best to train its obedience and agility . How to improve the level of your baby dog ? with cute clothes, hat and collar decorated it. even in the course of the game must be for him to buy accessories and toys !
Netcom download.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Interpretation of the dark horse of online games in 2008 - Shanghai Art is

 At 2:53 p.m. on March 5, 2008
recent Tencent game, with the popular online games, has firmly secured Founded in January 2008, from Irvine, California, the world's leading IT multinational SmartCell Technology accordance with the global development strategy, the establishment of the United States-owned subsidiary of Shanghai. The company has more than 100-bit gaming industry elite, with its solid financial strength and cutting-edge gaming technology from the United States, making the game world can not be underestimated, advanced cross-platform technology is the world's leading game!
know Art is:
Chinese online game market is a big cake, and this cake now been carved up online games abroad. watch on China-made online games in independent research and development into a valley, the Shanghai Art is the dark horse in time to break through a formal declaration of the global gaming industry: The Chinese people do have the ability to produce quality online games! innovative ideas coupled with a pragmatic attitude, so that Art is fast becoming China's third generation of online games operator's dark horse business.
breakout success of Shanghai Art is more than accidental, 2 years ago, Network Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Art is officially registered before the establishment of major R & D composed of members of Jupiter (Jupiter) working group has been launched in advance for up to 2 years of research and development work to complete the game designed to overcome the technical problems encountered innovation to achieve the main function of the game.
2007 by the end of MMORPG.COM on, SOL highest in the top three most anticipated list for several months. SOL and the biggest difference is that traditional online games in PC, PPC or iPhone, and many other online games platform independent implementation of all of the features, and in quality, content, no difference on the screen is truly cross-platform synchronization pioneer for the game, the cross-platform technology has received worldwide patents.
understand This masterpiece in China has officially entered the beta stage. Shanghai Art is a dark horse in 2008 online games business in the next few years, how will the removal of the crown of the leading companies, let us wait and see!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Comprehensive outline of the back need to attack Western

 I contact several doctors and exam doctoral and master matter. I think that is important to lay their basic skills. As is the comprehensive examination outline Western graduate, involving many aspects of clinical physiology. Need to back power, but also need to integrate in the brain:
a physiological
(a) Introduction
1. fluid, intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid. the body's internal environment and homeostasis.
2. physiological function of neural regulation, fluid regulation and self- regulation.
3. the body's feedback control system.
(b) of the basic functions of cells
1. cell membrane material transport: simple diffusion, the carrier and facilitated diffusion through channels, primary and secondary active transport, the cell and into the cell.
2. cell transmembrane signal transduction: from G protein-coupled receptor, ion channel receptors and enzyme-coupled receptor mediated signal transduction .
3. nerve and skeletal muscle cells the resting potential and action potential generation mechanism and its brief.
4. stimulation and threshold stimulation, excitable cells (or tissue), tissue excitability, excitability and After the excitement of change exciting.
5. action potentials (or excitatory) of cause and its conduction in the same cells.
6. nerve - the excitement of skeletal joints to pass.
7. skeleton muscle contraction, contraction of the external performance and mechanical analysis.
(c) of the blood
1. blood composition and physicochemical properties.
2. blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) the number of physical characteristics and function.
3. erythrocyte formation and destruction.
4. physiological hemostasis, blood coagulation and thrombus dissolution only.
5.ABO and Rh blood group system and its clinical significance.
(d ) blood circulation
1. cardiomyocytes (mainly ventricular muscle and sinoatrial node cells) and a brief membrane potential formation mechanism.
2. electrophysiological properties of heart muscle: excitability, self-discipline, conduction sex.
3. the heart pump function: the characteristics of myocardial contractility, cardiac cycle, heart pumping process and mechanism, heart sounds, the assessment of heart function, the factors that affect cardiac output.
4. normal arterial blood pressure, arterial blood pressure and factors influencing the formation.
5. venous blood pressure, central venous pressure and the factors that affect the venous return.
6. microcirculation, tissue fluid and lymph formation and return. < br> 7. innervation of the heart and blood vessels, heart and Xinmi sympathetic nerve on cardiac electrical activity and contractile function of biological effects.
8. cardiovascular center, carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreflex, cardiopulmonary receptor reflex and chemical baroreflex.
9. humoral regulation of cardiovascular activity: renin - angiotensin system, epinephrine and norepinephrine with vasopressin.
10. regional blood flow regulation (autoregulation).
11. artery blood pressure short-term adjustment and long-term adjustment.
12. coronary circulation and the characteristics and regulation of cerebral circulation.
(V) respiration
1. lung ventilation power and resistance. pleural cavity pressure. pulmonary surfactant.
2. lung volume and lung capacity, pulmonary ventilation and alveolar ventilation.
3. the basic principles of pulmonary ventilation, process and influencing factors. gas diffusion rate. ventilatory / perfusion ratio and its significance.
4. oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood exists in the form and transportation. oxygen dissociation curve and influencing factors.
5. respiratory center and the formation of respiratory rhythm.
6. peripheral and central chemoreceptors. dioxide, H + and hypoxia on the regulation of respiration.
(f) the digestion and absorption
1. gastrointestinal smooth muscle in normal physiological characteristics and electrophysiological properties. innervation of the digestive tract and gastrointestinal hormones.
2. saliva composition, role and secretion regulation. peristalsis and lower esophageal sphincter of the concept.
3. gastric juice of the nature, composition and function. the regulation of gastric secretion. gastric receptive relaxation and creep. gastric emptying and its regulation.
4. pancreatic juice and bile composition and effect and the regulation of secretion and excretion. the small intestine section movement. ileocecal sphincter function.
5. colorectal fluid secretion. defecation reflex.
6. major nutrients (sugars, proteins, lipids, water, salts and vitamins) in the small intestine in the absorption site and mechanism.
(vii) energy metabolism and body temperature < br> 1. food energy conversion. heat price of food, oxygen and respiratory quotient heat price. Determination of energy metabolism and clinical principles of a simplified method. factors that affect energy metabolism. basal metabolism and basal metabolic rate and its significance. < br> 2. and their normal body temperature changes. the body's heat production and heat dissipation. thermoregulation.
(viii) renal excretion
1. kidney function and anatomical features. renal blood flow and its regulation.
2. glomerular filtration rate and influencing factors.
3. tubules and collecting duct of each segment of Na +, CL-, water, HCO3, the re-absorption of glucose and amino acids, as well as H +, NH3, K + secretion. renal glucose threshold concept and meaning.
4. urine concentration and dilution mechanism.
5. osmotic diuresis and the ball - the Balance. renal sympathetic nerve activity, vasopressin and renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system in the regulation of urine formation.
6. renal clearance and the determination of the meaning of the concept.
7. micturition reflex.
(IX) sensory organs
1. sensilla the definition and classification, the general physical characteristics of receptors.
2. eye visual function: the refraction of light in the eye and simplified eye, the eye of the regulation. The two light-sensitive retina and the basis for energy systems, rhodopsin photochemical reaction and rod photoreceptor cells can change the role of cone cells and the relationship between color vision. vision (or visual acuity) dark adaptation and visual field.
3. ear auditory function: the human ear's hearing threshold and listen to the domain, the acoustics of the external ear and middle ear function, inner ear, the way the incoming sound waves, sound and feel cochlear transducer function, the human ear to sound frequency analysis.
4. vestibular organs suitable for sensory stimulation and balance.
(j) the nervous system
1. neural structure and function in general, nerve fiber conduction exciting features, axonal transport of nerve fibers, neural role of nutrition.
2. the characteristics of glial cells and function.
3. classical synaptic transmission process, excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, postsynaptic neuron action potential generation.
4. Non-directional synaptic transmission (or non-synaptic chemical transmission) and electrical synaptic transmission.
5. neurotransmitter identification, the concept of modulation and modulation of neural function and significance of coexisting transmitters. receptor concept, classification and regulation of presynaptic receptor. peripheral nervous system acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and their corresponding receptors.
6. reflexes in the central control, central neurons in the contact, the central excitation propagation characteristics, the central mechanism and central facilitation. < br> 7. the feeling of nervous system function: the specific and nonspecific sensory projection system and its role in the formation of sense. cerebral cortex (layer) of the sensory (somatosensory and special sensory) represents the area. surface pain, visceral pain and referred pain.
8. nervous system on the regulation of posture and body movements: movement came the final road access and movement units, stretch reflex (tendon reflexes and muscle tension) and its mechanism, central to the muscle at all levels tight regulation. the production and coordination of voluntary movement. cerebral cortex motor area. basal ganglia and cerebellum exercise regulatory function.
9. autonomic nervous system function and functional characteristics. spinal cord, lower brain stem and hypothalamus of the visceral regulation of activity.
10. instinctive behavior and neural regulation of mood, emotional physiological responses.
11. spontaneous EEG activity and EEG, cortical evoked potential. arousal and sleep.
12. Learning and memory in the form of the basic laws of conditioning, learning and memory mechanisms. on one side of the brain cortex advantages and features of language dominant hemisphere.
(k) endocrine
1. the concept and mode of action of hormones, chemical nature and classification of hormones, the role of the general characteristics of hormones, hormone mechanism of action, regulation of hormone secretion.
2. the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary contact. Hypothalamic regulatory peptides and pituitary hormones. physiological growth hormone the role of regulation and secretion.
3. the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary and neural pituitary hormone linked.
4. thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism, the physiological role of thyroid hormone secretion and regulation.
5. adjustment calcium and phosphate metabolism of hormones: parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and 1,25 - dihydroxyvitamin D3, the physiological role and regulation of secretion or generation.
6. glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid and medulla The physiological role and the secretion of hormones regulating.
7. insulin and glucagon secretion in the physiological role and regulation.
(XII) reproductive
1. testicular spermatogenesis and endocrine function. Testosterone physiological role. Regulation of testicular function.
2. ovarian function and endocrine function of raw eggs, ovarian cycle and uterine cycle (or menstrual cycle.) estrogen and progesterone physiological role. the regulation of ovarian function, menstrual cycle hypothalamus - pituitary - ovarian - endometrial changes in the relationship between.
two biochemical
(a) the structure and function of biological macromolecules
1. composed of 20 amino acids of proteins and the chemical structure Category
2. physicochemical properties of amino acids. peptide.
3. protein primary structure and advanced structure.
4. the relationship between protein structure and function.
5. Protein terminal amino acid analysis.
6. physicochemical properties of proteins (gender dissociation, precipitation, denaturation, coagulation, and color reaction, etc.).
7. separation and purification of general principles and methods of protein.
8. nucleic acid composition , 5 major purine, pyrimidine base chemical structure.
9. the primary structure of nucleic acids. nucleic acid structure and function of the space.
10. nucleic acid denaturation, renaturation and hybridization.
11. basic concepts of the enzyme, all enzymes, coenzymes and prosthetic group, the enzyme active site.
12. zymogen activation principle.
13. enzymatic mechanism of action, enzyme kinetics, enzyme inhibition and characteristics of the type of .
14. isozyme, the concept of allosteric enzymes.
15. The role of vitamins.
16. to be part of coenzyme vitamins.
(b) metabolism
1. glucose the source and path, a mechanism to maintain constant blood sugar.
2. glycolysis, significance and regulation, lactic acid cycle.
3. sugar aerobic oxidation process, significance and regulation, energy production.
4. glycogen synthesis and decomposition process and its regulatory mechanism.
5. gluconeogenesis process, meaning and regulation.
6. pentose phosphate bypass the process and meaning.
7. plasma lipoprotein classification, composition, physiological function and metabolism. Hyperlipidemia types and characteristics.
8. fatty acid catabolism and energy generation.
9. ketone bodies in the generation and use.
10. overview of the synthesis of fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acid formation.
11. the formation of prostaglandins and their derivatives.
12. triglyceride, phospholipid synthesis and decomposition.
13. cholesterol mainly synthesized channels and regulation. cholesterol conversion. cholesteryl ester formation.
14. amino acid deamination (oxidative deamination, transamination and deamination combined).
15. amino acid decarboxylation.
16. the body of ammonia source and transit.
17. ornithine urea cycle generation mm.
18. a source of carbon units, metabolism and function of coenzyme.
19. methionine, benzene the metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine.
20. purine, pyrimidine synthetic raw materials and decomposition products, deoxynucleotide formation. purine and pyrimidine nucleotide antimetabolite and its mechanism.
21. bio-oxidation characteristics and types.
22. the composition of respiratory chain, oxidative phosphorylation, and the factors that affect oxidative phosphorylation, substrate level phosphorylation, high energy phosphate compounds, storage and use.
23. a - glycerophosphate and malate - aspartate shuttle effect.
24. microsomal and peroxisomal oxidation system.
25. interlinkages metabolism, tissues, organs, metabolic characteristics and contact . diabetes, starvation metabolism characteristics of the three major.
26. metabolic regulation: the regulation of cellular level, regulation of hormone levels and overall conditioning.
(c) the transmission of genetic information
1.DNA De semiconservative replication and replication enzymes.
2.DNA the basic process of replication.
3.DNA damage and repair.
4. reverse and reverse transcriptase.
5.RNA not Symmetric transcription (transcription template, enzyme and the basic process).
6.RNA post-transcriptional processing modification.
7. ribozyme (enzymatic RNA).
8 to participate in translation of the material. genetic code. < br> 9. protein biosynthesis, post-translational processing.
10. biosynthesis protein interference and suppression.
11. Gene expression and regulation of the basic concepts and principles.
12. transcriptional regulation. < br> 13. The concept of genetic recombination, the basic process and its application in medicine.
(d) organ and tissue biochemical
1. plasma protein classification, properties and functions.
2. Mature metabolic characteristics of red blood cells.
3 heme synthesis.
4. liver metabolism in the body's main role.
5. bile salt synthesis of raw materials and metabolites.
6. gall pigment metabolism, jaundice resulting biochemical basis.
7. biotransformation and significance of the type.
(e) biochemical feature
1. cell communication concept. membrane receptor-mediated transmission of information . intracellular receptor-mediated transmission of information.
2. oncogene activation of the basic concepts and mechanisms. suppressor genes and growth factors and mechanism of the basic concepts.
3. The basic concept of gene diagnosis, characteristics and application. The basic concept of gene therapy and basic procedures.
three pathology
(a) of the cell and tissue injury
1. causes cell damage and death, pathogenesis.
2. degeneration The concept of the common types, characteristics and significance of form.
3. necrosis of the concept, types, pathological changes and outcomes.
4. The concept of apoptosis, pathological changes, pathogenesis and role in disease.
(b) the restoration, compensation and adaptation
1. hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy and metaplasia of the concepts and classification.
2. The concept of regeneration, type and control, and regenerative capacity of various organizations regeneration.
3. granulation tissue structure, function and outcome.
4. the wound healing process, types and influencing factors.
(c) of the local blood and body fluid circulation disorder
1. hyperemia The concept, classification, pathological changes and consequences.
2. haemorrhage concept, classification, pathological changes and consequences.
3. The concept of thrombosis, blood clots form conditions and characteristics, outcome and impact on the body .
4. Disseminated intravascular coagulation in the concept, etiology and outcome.
5. embolization concept, the type and run the way emboli and its effect on the body.
6. infarction concept cause, type, pathological features, outcome and impact on the body.
(d) inflammation
1. inflammation of the concept, etiology, basic pathological changes and mechanisms (including the sources and the role of inflammatory mediators, inflammatory cell types and functions).
2. inflammation of the clinical features, systemic reactions, inflammation and inflammation through the end.
3. inflammation and pathological characteristics of the pathological type.
4. Inflammatory granuloma, inflammatory polyp, inflammatory pseudotumor concept and lesions.
(e) tumor
1. The concept of cancer, eye shape, atypia and growth pattern, transfer the concept, approach and the body effects. biology of tumor growth, invasion and metastasis mechanisms.
2. the naming and classification of tumors, the difference between benign and malignant tumors, the difference between cancer and sarcoma.
3. tumor etiology, pathogenesis.
4. common precancerous lesions, precancerous lesions, carcinoma in situ, and the concept of borderline tumors. common characteristics of the tumor.
(vi) the immune pathology
1. The concept of allergy , types, pathogenesis and outcome.
2. the concept of transplantation rejection, pathogenesis, classification and pathology (heart, lung, liver, kidney and bone marrow transplant).
3. graft-versus-host concept.
4. the concept of autoimmune disease, pathogenesis and factors.
5. etiology of systemic lupus erythematosus, pathogenesis and pathological changes.
6 rheumatoid arthritis etiology, pathogenesis and pathological changes.
7. immunodeficiency disease definition, classification and main features.
2005-12-11 00:56
: g) cardiovascular diseases
1 . rheumatic etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes in various organs of the basic pathological changes.
2. endocarditis classification and etiology, pathogenesis, pathology, complications and outcome.
3. the type of heart valve disease, pathology, hemodynamics, and clinical features.
4. The concept of hypertension, pathogenesis, staging and benign pathological changes of hypertension, the pathological features of malignant hypertension.
5. atherosclerotic etiology, pathogenesis and basic pathological changes of organs caused by atherosclerosis of various physiological changes and consequences.
6. The concept of cardiomyopathy, Keshan disease, congestive cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and occlusion of the pathological features of cardiomyopathy.
7. myocarditis concept, pathological type and pathological characteristics.
(h) respiratory disease
1. chronic bronchitis etiology, pathogenesis and pathological changes.
2. emphysema concepts, classification. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
3. cause of chronic pulmonary heart disease, pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
4. all kinds of bacterial pneumonia etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and complications.
5. mycoplasma pneumonia etiology , pathogenesis, pathological changes and complications.
6. viral pneumonia etiology, pathogenesis and pathological features.
7. bronchiectasis concept, etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and complications. < br> 8. the cause of lung disease silicosis. common type, the characteristics and complications of the disease.
9. lung cancer etiology, common gross and histologic types and their characteristics, and complications of the transfer channels.
4. viral etiology, pathogenesis and pathological changes in the basic, clinical and pathological types of hepatitis and pathological features.
5. cirrhosis of the type and The etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and clinical features.
6. The concept of early esophageal cancer and the type of morphological characteristics, in the form of various types of advanced esophageal cancer, clinical manifestations and pathways.
7 . The concept of early gastric cancer and the type of morphological characteristics, the gross type of advanced gastric cancer and histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
8. colorectal cancer and histological types of eye types, etiology, pathogenesis, cancer precancerous lesions, staging and prognosis, clinical manifestations and pathways.
9. eye type of primary liver cancer, histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
(X) hematopoietic system diseases < br> 1. Hodgkin's disease pathology, tissue type and its relationship with prognosis.
2. non-Hodgkin's lymphoma pathological types and their relationship with prognosis.
3. Leukemia classification of leukemia and the cause of the pathological changes and clinical manifestations.
(XI) the urinary system diseases
1. acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis of the etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and clinical pathology contact.
2. crescentic glomerulonephritis etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
3. membranous glomerulonephritis, blood capillaries of the renal interstitial glomerulonephritis, minimal change glomerulonephritis etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
4. the cause of chronic glomerulonephritis, pathological changes and clinical features.
5 . pyelonephritis etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and clinical pathology change his contact.
6. renal cell carcinoma, Wilms tumor, bladder cancer etiology, pathology, clinical presentation and pathways.
( xii) infectious and parasitic diseases
1. TB etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, pathological changes and the transformation of the basic law.
2. primary lesions characteristic of tuberculosis, development and outcome. < br> 3. the type of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis and its pathological characteristics.
4. Pulmonary pathological features of tuberculosis in other organs.
5. the cause of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, transmission, pathology, clinical pathology and outcome of contact.
6. encephalitis etiology, transmission, pathology and clinical features.
7. typhoid etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, pathology of various organs, clinical features, complications and outcome.
8. bacillary dysentery etiology, transmission, acute and chronic toxic and pathological features of diarrhea and clinical pathology links.
9. amebiasis cause, mode of transmission, the pathological changes of intestinal amoebiasis and the pathological changes of intestinal amoebiasis.
10. schistosomiasis etiology, transmission, pathology and pathogenesis, intestine, liver, spleen, pathological changes.
11. syphilis causes, transmission, pathogenesis, pathology and staging.
12. The concept of AIDS, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, pathology and staging.
(xiii) other
1. gross features of breast cancer, histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
2. thyroid cancer, eye characteristics, histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
IV Science
(a) of the digestive system diseases and poisoning
1. chronic gastritis classification, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
2. gastroesophageal reflux disease etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
3. peptic ulcer pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment and complications of treatment.
4. intestinal tuberculosis clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
5. the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
6. cirrhosis etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and treatment
7. primary liver cancer clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
8. Hepatic Encephalopathy etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
9 . tuberculous peritonitis clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
10. inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease) clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
11. pancreas inflammatory etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
12. acute poisoning rescue principles.
13. organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(b) circulatory system diseases
1. the underlying cause and incentives, pathophysiology, types, and cardiac function, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
2. acute left ventricular failure etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
3. arrhythmia classification. period before the contraction, paroxysmal tachycardia, flutter, fibrillation, atrioventricular block and preexcitation syndrome pathogenesis clinical manifestations, diagnosis (including ECG) and treatment (including electrical cardioversion, radiofrequency consumer application of the principles and artificial pacemaker).
4. cardiac arrest and death of cardiac cause of quenching, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and first-aid treatment.
5. valvular heart disease (left atrioventricular valve and aortic valve disease) etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, complications and prevention measures.
6. angina points type, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention and treatment (including treatment and surgical intervention principle).
7. acute myocardial infarction etiology, pathogenesis, pathology. clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, concurrent disease and treatment (including interventional treatment principle).
8. The basic cause of essential hypertension, pathology, clinical manifestations, clinical types, risk stratification, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis and prevention measures.
9. the classification of primary myocardial disease, etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
10. myocarditis etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
11. Acute pericarditis etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
12. infective endocarditis pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
(c) of the respiratory system disease
1. chronic bronchitis and obstructive emphysema etiology, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical presentation (including the type, stage), complications, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
2. chronic pulmonary heart disease etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention and treatment principles.
3. bronchial asthma etiology, pathogenesis, clinical types, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, concurrent disease and treatment.
4. bronchiectasis etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
5. pathogenesis of respiratory failure. pathophysiology (including acid-base balance and electrolyte disturbance) , clinical manifestations, laboratory tests (including blood gas analysis) and treatment.
6. pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumonia Klebsiella pneumonia, Legionella pneumonia, gram-negative bacillus pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia and viral pneumonia clinical performance, complications, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
7. abscess etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
8. tuberculosis etiology, pathogenesis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and the occurrence of fat and development (including clinical type), clinical presentation, laboratory findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, principles and measures for prevention and treatment.
9. pleural effusion etiology, clinical manifestations, Diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
10. pneumothorax etiology, pathogenesis, clinical types, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, complications and treatment.
(d) urinary system diseases
1. Kidney symptoms of the disease, detection, diagnosis and prevention principles.
2. glomerular nephritis and nephrotic syndrome in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, classification, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
3. Urine Way infection etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
4. acute and chronic renal insufficiency etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
(five ) blood diseases
1. anemia classification, clinical manifestations and diagnosis.
2. iron deficiency anemia pathogenesis, clinical features and control methods.
3. the cause of aplastic anemia , clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
4. hemolytic anemia pathogenesis of the clinical classification, laboratory tests, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
5. myelodysplastic syndrome type, clinical presentation, laboratory tests, diagnosis and treatment.
6. leukemia clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
7. lymphoma clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical staging and treatment.
8. idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(f) the endocrine system and metabolic diseases
1. hyperthyroidism (mainly Graves disease) etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations (including special clinical manifestations), laboratory tests, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment (including prevention and treatment of thyroid crisis).
2. diabetes, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, comprehensive treatment (including oral drop sugar drugs and insulin therapy).
3. pathogenesis of diabetic ketoacidosis, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, diagnosis and treatment.
4. pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
5. pheochromocytoma of the pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
(g) connective tissue diseases and rheumatism
1. the cause of rheumatoid arthritis , pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment
2. systemic lupus erythematosus in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
five Surgery
(a) of the surgical Zonglun
1. the basic concept of sterile technique, commonly used in sterilization and disinfection methods and the principles of aseptic correctly.
2. surgical field of molecular biology Science
(1) gene structure and function.
(2) molecular diagnostics and clinical application of biological treatment.
3. fluid metabolism and acid-base balance
(1) of the water shortage and potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus abnormalities in the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and prevention principles.
(2) metabolic acidosis and alkalosis in the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(3 ) body fluid metabolism and acid-base balance concept and the basic principles of clinical management.
4 transfusion indications, precautions, complications and prevention.
5 basic concepts of surgical shock, etiology and pathophysiology of , clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria and the type of shock treatment principles.
6 of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in etiology, clinical manifestations and prevention.
7 pain classification, assessment, and treatment of pathophysiological changes.
8 perioperative
(1) before surgery for the purpose and content.
(2) the main points of post-operative care and the prevention and treatment of complications.
9 metabolic nutrition in surgical patients: the human body The concept of basic nutrition metabolism, enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition choices and the prevention of complications.
10 surgical infection
(1) boil, carbuncle, skin acute cellulitis, erysipelas, acute lymphatic shallow and lymph node inflammation of the etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations and treatment principles.
(2) acute suppurative hand infection, clinical manifestations and treatment principles.
(3) the pathophysiology of sepsis and bacteremia , clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(4) the clinical manifestations and prevention of tetanus ..
(5) antimicrobial agents in infection control in the application and selection.
11. Trauma
( 1) wound healing process and influencing factors.
(2) the diagnosis and treatment of trauma.
12. burn
(1) the depth of burn area estimation and recognition method
(2) burn pathology physiology, clinical stage and the principles of the treatment.
13. tumors: benign and malignant tumors of the methods and principles of clinical diagnosis.
14. transplantation: the concept of transplantation, basic principles and steps.
15. anesthesia, re-license monitoring of treatment and recovery
(1) before anesthesia Premedication for content and choice.
(2) general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia application and the prevention of complications.
(3) the method of local anesthesia and local anesthetic commonly used in pharmacology, adverse reactions and choices.
(4) intensive monitoring (respiratory function, hemodynamics) applications and treatment principles.
(5) heart, lung , the basic concept of cerebral resuscitation, essentials of the three stages of the operation method and treatment.
(b) of General Surgery
1. neck diseases
(1) Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism: preoperative preparation, operation points, the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications.
(2) various types of thyroid cancer, the clinical characteristics and treatment principles.
(3) the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules principles.
(4) common neck mass points and principles of the diagnosis.
2. breast disease
(1) and breast examination for differential diagnosis of breast lumps.
(2) the cause of acute mastitis, clinical manifestations and control principles.
(3) breast cystic hyperplasia of the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.
(4) common benign tumor of the breast and breast cancer clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment principles. Breast Cancer pathology, the transfer means and staging.
3. hernia
(1) the basic concepts and clinical hernia type.
(2) groin anatomy.
(3) inguinal hernia clinical manifestations, oblique hernia and ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Title Assessment of the loud noise assessment

 The title went to the annual assessment of the season, and some of the participants in the senior primary teachers in primary and secondary job classification reflects the call letters, to observe the class award-winning, student counseling Award, the paper awards and published in such conditions. points)
direct comments to the personnel department
now, the teacher professional titles by hand operation of the school where the teachers, the school determines the fate of every teacher, however, the school for not sinners, according to seniority, early to early evening to late Jin Jin, then even if sufficient conditions for some teachers as well. The result is that teachers learn, work motivation is not high, due to inter-school teachers in the age structure of different titles, while the distribution between the target schools balance, resulting in inter-school teachers and a larger gap between.
teachers in school management job classification, is a product of planned economy. Now the implementation of the Employment for around the separation of basic school, the school just employer, you can no longer care Teacher's job classification.
teachers directly to the local personnel department for job classification, benefits of doing so is that one is so that teachers from the school competition, the competition extended to the whole place, so that a broader perspective of teachers, promoted teachers to learn and improve, and the other opened the school management too School of Agriculture Li Jianbo 473003)
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-1 16:56:58]
- of: Yang New
- Posted :2005-12-1 Comment on this title please 11:46:51

Huangshan District, Huangshan City, Anhui 245700
Kom Tong Hall Primary Qi Shengli recent years, the title of most teachers, the teachers assessed as a matter of concern, how to make job classification work done scientific, objective, fair and transparent? I think we can consider the following aspects.
first stripping job classification and the relationship between economic interests. The current job classification is difficult because the work is linked with the interests of the on the hook, and if we do not post assessment work process is linked with the economic interests of teachers, many things to be simpler to operate naturally in far fewer man-made factors.
second is to establish an independent rating agencies titles . The current job classification is by the Education Department and the personnel department conducted jointly assess the process lacked the necessary independence, the interference of external factors too much, if assessed by the non-interested third parties and educational institutions independently, objectivity and impartiality be guaranteed more easily.
third is to develop practical and realistic assessment of conditions. The current job classification standards, universities, secondary schools, there is not much difference between primary schools, which do not meet the education practical, should be the characteristics of the different stages of education, to develop targeted assessment of standards, such as job classification of primary school teachers should focus on teacher education and teaching skills, research work should not be placed in the first title on the assessment work .
four-level evaluation work is to improve the supervision mechanism. The current job classification work, the teachers in a weak state, the judges said you can not, you can not. difficult was the work of the judges can make an objective and fair supervision, post-evaluation to make objective, fair, transparent, and must establish a set of vocational assessment monitoring mechanism to ensure that job classification under the sun are at work throughout the operation.
[This post has been of the 2005-12-- 3 11:27:00 Edited]
- of: spjjxx02
- Posted :2005-12-1 14:51:09
to meet the conditions of people post comments are cut
can qualify.
Why? we should understand the role of vocational evaluation, purpose and meaning. vocational assessment that? small speaking, is nothing more than to arouse the enthusiasm of teaching and educating staff, is to their evaluation of job performance and recognition, is just a means of personnel management; large speaking, is to break the big pot, to eliminate egalitarianism, the implementation of distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist socialist distribution system. It The object is given the majority of teachers, should also benefit the vast number of teachers. If the staff can not do this assessment, it lost its function and significance.
that can do that? from our current economic development momentum of view, growing from our current look at the comprehensive national strength, from the view of the strategic implementation of technology and education, the needs of socialist modernization see, we are fully able to solve easily and give vocational evaluation ; to people who meet the promotion criteria are able to cut 16:51:35
need to further increase the transparency of the current professional titles, in addition to Class Awards mm spent the money to be able to buy paper certificates to spend more money you can publish more articles, these certificates, in addition to higher business alley license to sell the ads everywhere you?
some real ones in the certificate, you can fool the judges at higher levels, but in any case not deceive our teachers; this is not in school with some of the certificate and deliver them to the top The main reason is useful. which the certificate is true, what the certificate is false, the surrounding comrades know. enhance transparency, mobilize the masses to guard, for fear that those who have passed The impostor is not easy to mix.
Zhaodong Wang Yu Xi Teachers College of Technology
Communications Office: 151 100 City, Heilongjiang Province, seven in the residential Zhaodong Yu Xi Wang received
- of: walking and thinking
- Posted :2005-12-1 18:16:27
Do not let the job classification as a teacher, heart pain
professional titles aimed not only to recognize the work of teachers is the professional and technical, more importantly, is to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers, there is something to look forward to the work of teachers, the highest job classification to become teachers honors, however, the teacher's job classification relevant to some of the practices of the job classification of teachers into the hearts of the sad pain. First, that is our assessment of the conditions have been well aware of, but in practice, professional titles into the school leading source of Machiavellian, to add any conditions to induce infighting among teachers, the benefits from fish, to create the conditions for their own corruption. Second, indicators of teacher professional titles is very limited, very unfair to teachers, far as I know, the other Some professional and technical sector, or the qualified personnel, regardless of good or bad can be promoted to higher level positions, only the mighty force in single education department, which gives teachers the pain never left. Third, the requirements of job classification increases year after year, what teachers with skills training, computer training and test what has the personnel department, but also the education sector, should do so, still not increased, but only one purpose, teachers gain hard-earned money This is the teachers it is another pain.
job classification must be relatively stable, so that teachers can provide high-level struggle, all kinds of testing should be as professional and technical link with the teachers.
Communications: Dual Huaying Chen Daoyong River II (638600)
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-7 9:17:03]
Please post this praise, said stem Zoucheng Shandong Yanzhou Mining
Chen Shubin Group post the first primary 273500
comments related to the vital interests of each teacher, so they are a very sensitive topic. but in any case evaluation, I think since the level of assessment is necessary to Ping Chu and decided to drive. do not let these good taste has changed, take a sample. Review staff overall quality of a person is actually a comprehensive evaluation, it is necessary to attach importance to the practical effect of classroom teaching, they have to see how his usual attitude, interpersonal How was. If the day and just do not observe labor discipline, regardless of his performance in other areas no matter how well he should be unceremoniously One aspect of the program, it is necessary to hire experts put forward a related departments such as the This stalk called a fair use by decision makers.
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-1 21:04:40]
imperative to get rid of title defects
I. Review quota abolition of titles. Some school places and more, not enough can be eligible, the conditions of teachers; few places in some schools, teachers are not enough opportunities for the conditions PARTICIPATING. This runs counter to the spirit of Title Evaluation.
two wrong will be correct. titles will review the reasons for this or that error, but the current system is wrong does not correct, the error to the next round of titles reviewed, the same mistake again, contrary to the human spirit.
Third, the proposed test to replace the existing evaluation system. As long as there is no existing eligible, the examination conditions of the project, is enough to stump a lot of talented teachers, this review will largely depend on the leadership of the likes and dislikes, the results become a breeding ground for review title hotbed of corruption. Although many teachers pass the exam to pass all the standard items, and titles of assessment is still missed. recommended to university have been canceled, and titles recommended assessment system also should be eliminated, giving teachers a fair chance Jin title.
- of: the deep blue ocean
- Posted :2005-12-2 10:05:34
professional title manifestation of injustice.
but I think education and scientific research achievements, these achievements is his professional title of will deepen the sense of identity.
author believes that successfully pass, still can not go to the advanced assessment. As a result, seriously dampened their enthusiasm is unfair to them. Therefore, professional titles, when it should quietly working on for many years a teacher Tuishang Qu. such reasonable measures, must also be endorsed by young teachers.
Communications: Cixi sea Hushan primary Gong Shifeng 315300
- -
job title, a very hot topic today, so treat him right, every problem faced by educators, because he is directly related to my salary. treat this issue I think so:
first, the progress to enter. they meet the conditions, all imports and higher job classification of the condition is expressly provided for, and why the conditions not have been enough to do? Otherwise, some teachers just to enter title, opportunistic, a large amount of study time for teaching materials and methods a relationship to go, spent the money, get a bit more commentary on the title to win. In fact, these are mostly competitive competition between colleagues, each school year, so few places on sub who engage in high who sub- to enter. those who truly conscientious, as one shop in teaching teachers, who is not as opportunistic.
Second, the school offers. is not a vocational high school recruits have a lot of phenomena such as low thing? might have engaged in a reform , the title of the appointment is no longer engaged in so tight, people feel unable to enter into the title does not matter, the key is to do a good job of teaching, in education truly reflect their own value and to be judged not by scoring.
Shandong with two Small Liang 262600
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-2 17:14:05]
- of: the only odd
- Posted :2005-12-2 21:52:19
total job classification provided that: help to mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, help to improve teacher education and teaching ability and research level.
current job classification should make efforts to solve two problems: < br> First, the abolition of quota restrictions on titles to address the approach is, as long as teachers to meet the basic conditions, it should have declared eligible.
II, cancel unreasonable additional conditions for the job classification to become teachers to improve teaching ability and level of motivation. in the present job classification, like Mandarin, the use of information technology, mental health knowledge, papers and other conditions to some extent to promote the continuing education of teachers, and demonstration lessons, observe classes, also to provide teachers with the training opportunities for teachers to adapt to the requirements of a new era of education is very benefits. However, such conditions as the foreign language, general education teachers in teaching practice is difficult to apply, or to cancel as well.
Fourth Middle School, Jiangsu Province, Yan Weiqi Jiangyan 225500
[This post has been of edited at 2005-12-2 23:33:30]
hope professional titles of the scores to determine a more reasonable
Now, older, , agitated.
why? professional titles and have the scores to determine the adverse chant!
length of service sub-half points each, while the teacher points is two points, accumulated three years (to be continuous), 嘚, five years of no use to do more; district-level quality courses plus two points, plus a quarter of the municipal, provincial, plus six points, the leaders did not appreciate, this points not at the gate; at any rate there is a national paper, get royalties, and was assessment as to spend money, and you add five, others have added six points, one point had to come out ahead; an even bigger backing, access to what this level of excellence, and that level model, plus at least four, and more added very, very second, my God, what a hole flat enough to the people of this deficit we life.
not say that he did not skill, and work was dull, monkeys watched the sky, Shadeng it, whatever the outcome, we also Sipilailian to nearly Forty of the old dry on the first grade class, as long as children are not mad, wait three to five years, perhaps there is a prospect of a solution.
[This post has been of the 2005-12-223: 25:34 edited]
see say, is: I would advise re Dousou God, eclectic commentary titles!
I was a school teacher in Information Technology in school is a name I'm versatile, both the information technology, lessons Teacher, and a typist, the network administrator, multimedia equipment maintenance staff, or school site administrator, is a professional and technical personnel doing live, out of force of the workers, but the job classification is when we fail to get!
To tell the truth all these years I took a lot of books, what high-quality classes, study, counseling Award, Debu Lai also teaches classes, basically meet or exceed the job classification of Yinggang Gang, soft box. but assigned to the school ; droughts and uneven Other (such as information technology, etc.) sensual bleak. job classification and discipline of the position as a positive correlation, accounting for the bulk of the main subjects, the Deputy Division accounted for a small head, the other does not share or less account for the first head.
I was angry, I had been angry I hate myself the wrong place, wrong side, but the gas return gas, get mad go mad, I still put on a course to students of the Shang Hao, doing the work of the schools to do well, not drag the school's hind legs, not unworthy of the ; on happens, so thirsty seedlings can taste the sweet rain.
【Neixiang County, Henan Experimental High School Zhujing Yao 474350】
good ; further trouble
harsh, the actual process is complicated, it all Daohai allow teachers worry sigh. to activate competition management may well be an effective way teachers can be fair competition but also to pay attention to fairness. Seen in this light, the education sector in the quota allocation should be based on the actual school, PARTICIPATING standards should focus on the real Zhao Na Hau Road Primary School in Sandy Zip: 450053
research, papers and titles of the second Linqu County
experimental primary Liu Fu 262600
when teachers know: how much is the salary of teachers decided to title the high and low, The title of the level of the decision a very important factor is the subject of experiments and papers, rather than the workload of teachers and teaching achievements. a very obvious example: a teacher, a support staff positions with the qualifications and conditions of employment, if the state level has published many papers or books on the subject of identification of his name, his commentary on the high-level easy title, even though he was only a few sections on what classes a week, not to mention what teaching performance; and a line on the hard working in teaching, outstanding achievements in teaching the teachers, if the paper does not, through the identification of the experimental subjects did not, he is hardly the high-level commentary on the title. This is not the teachers fault. an ordinary primary school teacher, on nearly fifty, and two or three decades only know that the energy used in teaching, can be described as students everywhere may be because there is no undergraduate degree and the experimental subjects, the paper (even two or three cross), alone and working lives of professional work experience which Second is, into the intermediate grade difficult. and one of his graduate students in less than a decade, because of the so-called state-level undergraduate and publications in the publication of several the intermediate grade. title up, and wages high, Ever since, all write papers and engage in experiments; Ever since, some people like, fill send, over a year or so, according to a fixed format the good word about a national or provincial experimental subjects to such a Score!
teacher's role is teaching, not a br> I think that root of the problem is that the existing education system and the actual title of the divorce. The first title of the score too much emphasis on assessment of the experimental papers and subjects, ignoring the actual teaching work; Second, business executives departments and schools themselves in the title and introduction of the policy initiative in the selection process and say no.
seems, title reform long way to go.
[This post has been of the 2005-12-314: 06:20 edited]
- of: 0512
- Posted :2005-12-3 15:40:01
Why not listen to the voice of the students?
Yesterday, I watched chef competition held in CCTV, and the scene is very warm, very human evaluation. Whether you have the scene where a chef cook, expert with the audience through the tasting on the spot assessment. I applaud for this evaluation form. which reminds me job classification of our teachers. Looking at our current job classification can be said to have embarked on a wrong road, or even into a dead end. The reason is the inertia of thinking of people who have the final say in the Crown over the years our thinking about .
education is a service through professional titles in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers to better serve students. So when we are in the assessment title, you should establish full respect for the consciousness of our main clients, listen to our services, the voice of target students to understand the teacher is welcomed by students. Just think: If it is a popular teacher from the students, even if the teachers have received many honors, has published many professional papers, and I think he does not have reported a higher level of qualification titles.
【author: Zhang Susheng Beijing New Oriental Foreign Language School, Yangzhou 225006】
vigilance How much joy is of your misery.
written child alive, winning a stack of certificates, nature is full of heart proud.
the high school level, perhaps the experts, leaders, peace of mind, because that condition is to assess the key titles.
also in class in general, few papers, published a large number of teachers with less, and perhaps somewhat disturbed in mind, though it was students like classes, class management approach is also useful, However, the subject teachers, who have long, not every teacher is written vibrant, everyone can not outstanding teaching ability, according to people, no matter how good or how the school is not good. but the largest is the quiet, practical work, while the job classification of the various provisions, such as published, award-winning, open classes, the requirements of experts like more difficult for them.
In fact, in every school, has published articles for the award-winning public incentives, from the national to the district to award high to low. If you have results in the classroom, the same have similar incentives. not to mention the resulting br> So, job classification, seniority as a standard can to make each a director of the people here have been treated the same.
- of: flat water
- Posted :2005-12- 4 19:23:52
vigilance written active, can not everyone is outstanding teaching ability, according to are those practical people who work, and job classification of the various provisions, such as published, award-winning, open classes, the requirements of experts and the like more difficult for them.
In fact, in every school, for has published articles openly winning awards from the national to the district to award high to low. If you have results in the classroom, there are also a similar award. not to mention the resulting Gains Second, take two is three, similar to the The people here have been treated the same.
- of: zhhying
- Posted :2005-12-4 21:01:51
indicator is the biggest I think the biggest limitation
job classification in question is the issue of indicators. No matter the conditions the same unit enough how high the level of staff professional title, a specific number of indicators, often to the outside living. Thus, the same school, to the job classification of each season, in order to Several titles that target the poor, to a fraction of a difference, a lot of blush debate, into a cynical old sentimental, gentle teacher torn nerve. job classification into the destruction of the unity of teachers, for teachers as a whole improve the quality of the obstacles, it is a kind of psychological harm to teachers. Similarly, the index of restrictions, the same level of teachers in different places, different schools, and its titles have a different level, it can not be said for teachers unfair evaluation.
job classification regardless of how high the conditions, restrictions should not be targets. cancel the restrictions index, enough conditions on the last, not willing to strive for conditions of the conditions. why should we have indicators of limitations?! Linzi District, Zibo, Shandong
primary Hu Guangrong Trent Taiwan 255400 tel:
- of: hear the wind talking
- Posted :2005-12-5 15:35:03
The key is the title of a pragmatic assessment of
now looks very strict requirements, it seems that the relevant qualifications for teachers in the strict, in fact, many of these conditions, the teacher's trick is torture. such as English, non-English major teachers exam, what's the use? good , and talk about there is no use to test you to seriously consider it, but not, buy the book according to the back test counseling, as long as the understanding on the line ABCD; As for the paper, is largely ruined the reputation of teachers, before Some illegal magazine took the opportunity to extort money, now do some under the fortnightly magazine, dedicated teachers, published papers, or receive page charges, or to sell a number of magazines (for students to purchase), the teachers really want to test papers, it is better to write each scene; there computer, consider many of its wonderful name of the theory of a problem, but not all the teachers engaged in the computer, teachers, the key is to understand the operation of the system to make a courseware or a table on the line; there are lesson plans, lecture notes these more is not necessary, the school than you these things seriously, what the teacher did not lesson plans but also how the class? If you really want to search, you can, then write a scene proposition lesson plans, test real skills; student awards, with teaching assistance and education, working class experience has made such restrictions are totally meaningless, a teacher's ability level and these are not necessarily linked, this result can only be required to bring more large-scale fraud; student achievement have chance, in fact, allow a school Teach the teacher to continue, that is schools that student achievement does not reflect the ability of teachers, to assessment, evaluation is more important I think students, through student evaluation of teaching a teacher can understand the real situation.
word, teachers is to seriously engage in job classification, but the key is pragmatism.
Yizheng, Jiangsu Province, Wang Yong, School 211900
- of: jsgnzrj
- Posted :2005-12-5 21:04:11 The key to vocational assessment
off Three off Moral failure, then the , leading to its score, D-class is failing, C-class generally do not enter the evaluation, only the A, B grade to enter selection.
Second, the class off. We know that the teachers job classification, in addition to professional ethics and style of work, the teacher education and teaching reflect the key indicators when the number of classroom teaching basic skills. as the senior teacher of vocational assessment Shanghai applicant should inform the assessment of their own timetable experts, experts in the case without notice to the other, into the classroom lectures. After the lesson, experts will find their students and colleagues to open a small forum, to understand student satisfaction.
Third, research related. No doubt, it is impossible at this stage there is absolutely no justice, and fully reflects the comprehensive capabilities of teachers, standards and assessment criteria of the job situation, in addition to classroom teaching level of assessment quizzes, the teaching and research standards of teachers interviewed mm application materials may be due to mere . We often complain that teachers in vocational evaluation of teaching in the light weight paper, paper and paper led to teachers, to spend money on paper and other fraud phenomenon. To this end, some strong requirements to cancel the job classification study. This declaration of the teachers to participate in senior positions are unified interview His teaching and research ability, can not really fake, fake It's really not? false papers, false information can not get an interview, : 222500; TEL:; E-MAIL:
qualifications, experience and ability to one less
Yong-Fei Wang
teacher assessment level, the quality of teachers in comprehensive examination should be mainly from the qualifications, experience and abilities in three aspects.
education is the foundation. teachers is different from other professions, there must be a corresponding degree as a foundation. teacher assessment level, more should be reflected on this basis. In general, to achieve Teachers Act qualified for the teaching, 10 years later to in-depth study and a preliminary teaching and research, 15 years later to have more time teaching and research and to effectively address new issues in education and teaching. Therefore, when the assessment level seniority of existing titles and to acquire the appropriate education and continuing education, etc. must have the corresponding requirements.
ability is the core. a teacher with appropriate qualifications, there has been hard at work learning and practice process, its capacity is bound to a corresponding increase. school assessment of the ability of teachers to teaching performance to the usual subject, not just look at all kinds of certificates and materials. because something is fake, and usually work The performance is obvious. a teacher ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kashgar experience plateau and plateau tourism glacial lake

 Altitude glacial lakes and plateau tourism
from Kashgar on the Taxkorgan, plateau scenery along the way to see, remember than October 22, 1988 that much more. I have always wondered, is taking the same path, how the Brent memories of times with the big mouth of Sand Lake landscape is extremely unique, Su Bashi and Muzitage Daban mountain did not it? remember that Eagle Mountain, leaving only the public library under the Har desolate lake , bold view. shore without a people, only the snow-capped mountains in the face of thirty-two yak grazing. may be that in the winter, the scenery is monotonous, and the discussion of the car so I did not chat to fully appreciate the scenery along the plateau .
Now, more scenic spots along the way many people doing business, there is a lake Kerala Curry Gurkha Lake Villa. The board of Kun and China engage in Muzitage Mountaineering Association, is to Cameroon Lake Villa as base. many people, pollution will increase. Plateau environment is fragile, to ensure the sustainable use of the plateau landscape, we must pay attention to environmental protection. It appears that the number of tourists entering Taxkorgan County, more and more, for the county industrial structure adjustment to the tourism and related industries provide a premise. After all, much more convenient now to Kashgar. railroad, and Urumqi to Kashgar Six aircraft every day.
Kashgar to Islamabad now has international flights to China Southern Airlines Transport, It is said that round-trip fare is only 1,500. No matter Chinese citizens or private passport service passport holders, visa can enter Pakistan. I wonder why is not the new China Southern Airlines opened the route for marketing promotion. just twice weekly during shipping , now because of the business to maintain only a few flights. while the domestic tourists to Kashi, the move to the Taxkorgan tour, and then exit to Pakistan's Karakoram mountain tourism. arrived in Islamabad after the ride all the way back to Urumqi China Southern Airlines, or reverse action, all the way The Karakoram Highway to return home, are very exciting tourist routes.
China Southern Airlines flight claimed to Urumqi to Kashgar is China Southern's fourth most profitable routes, doing an average of one yuan a kilometer. in the first half I from domestic to the United States and back, 20,000 km round-trip fare is 8000, but also the ocean. Maoyi Gong in the United 4. No wonder the Southern earned it. probably does not wash mud faster radish, can afford to lose anyway. also come loaded with Singapore Airlines merger, busy integrated and attend to new international routes for the money to advertise. This is one of the shortcomings of state-owned enterprises.
of Tourism of the tickets (the ticket to Xinjiang) did not fall down, Xinjiang tourism industry has made great progress difficult. the introduction of other airlines compete, Kashi airport has opened direct routes to coastal cities in order to increase competition and promote the development of tourism in Kashgar. and civil aviation companies involved in tourism services, increase revenue in the follow-up links, can make more money is not it? Do not forget that in late July, China and the U.S. have signed an agreement to expand air services, U.S. airlines can be opened to any other city on the route. Southern intention to dominate the southern route and attempt to take-all high profits, is bound to be will be successful. Xinjiang in the development of tourism, the airline and tourism companies, and local government interests, in large part the same. Therefore, the short-sighted approach is not conducive to the development of airline itself.
Central recent paper on Xinjiang great emphasis on the development of new large-scale development of Xinjiang in the west of special significance. This has increased the development of the western region of Xinjiang's strategic position. Xinjiang Airlines China Southern Airlines merger, the business should be more prosperous. It is evident China Southern should be long term and take the initiative and enterprise in Xinjiang with all levels of government, actively Tourism Service of the pie bigger, so from a greater share of the share, is the right way.