Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kashgar experience plateau and plateau tourism glacial lake

 Altitude glacial lakes and plateau tourism
from Kashgar on the Taxkorgan, plateau scenery along the way to see, remember than October 22, 1988 that much more. I have always wondered, is taking the same path, how the Brent memories of times with the big mouth of Sand Lake landscape is extremely unique, Su Bashi and Muzitage Daban mountain did not it? remember that Eagle Mountain, leaving only the public library under the Har desolate lake , bold view. shore without a people, only the snow-capped mountains in the face of thirty-two yak grazing. may be that in the winter, the scenery is monotonous, and the discussion of the car so I did not chat to fully appreciate the scenery along the plateau .
Now, more scenic spots along the way many people doing business, there is a lake Kerala Curry Gurkha Lake Villa. The board of Kun and China engage in Muzitage Mountaineering Association, is to Cameroon Lake Villa as base. many people, pollution will increase. Plateau environment is fragile, to ensure the sustainable use of the plateau landscape, we must pay attention to environmental protection. It appears that the number of tourists entering Taxkorgan County, more and more, for the county industrial structure adjustment to the tourism and related industries provide a premise. After all, much more convenient now to Kashgar. railroad, and Urumqi to Kashgar Six aircraft every day.
Kashgar to Islamabad now has international flights to China Southern Airlines Transport, It is said that round-trip fare is only 1,500. No matter Chinese citizens or private passport service passport holders, visa can enter Pakistan. I wonder why is not the new China Southern Airlines opened the route for marketing promotion. just twice weekly during shipping , now because of the business to maintain only a few flights. while the domestic tourists to Kashi, the move to the Taxkorgan tour, and then exit to Pakistan's Karakoram mountain tourism. arrived in Islamabad after the ride all the way back to Urumqi China Southern Airlines, or reverse action, all the way The Karakoram Highway to return home, are very exciting tourist routes.
China Southern Airlines flight claimed to Urumqi to Kashgar is China Southern's fourth most profitable routes, doing an average of one yuan a kilometer. in the first half I from domestic to the United States and back, 20,000 km round-trip fare is 8000, but also the ocean. Maoyi Gong in the United 4. No wonder the Southern earned it. probably does not wash mud faster radish, can afford to lose anyway. also come loaded with Singapore Airlines merger, busy integrated and attend to new international routes for the money to advertise. This is one of the shortcomings of state-owned enterprises.
of Tourism of the tickets (the ticket to Xinjiang) did not fall down, Xinjiang tourism industry has made great progress difficult. the introduction of other airlines compete, Kashi airport has opened direct routes to coastal cities in order to increase competition and promote the development of tourism in Kashgar. and civil aviation companies involved in tourism services, increase revenue in the follow-up links, can make more money is not it? Do not forget that in late July, China and the U.S. have signed an agreement to expand air services, U.S. airlines can be opened to any other city on the route. Southern intention to dominate the southern route and attempt to take-all high profits, is bound to be will be successful. Xinjiang in the development of tourism, the airline and tourism companies, and local government interests, in large part the same. Therefore, the short-sighted approach is not conducive to the development of airline itself.
Central recent paper on Xinjiang great emphasis on the development of new large-scale development of Xinjiang in the west of special significance. This has increased the development of the western region of Xinjiang's strategic position. Xinjiang Airlines China Southern Airlines merger, the business should be more prosperous. It is evident China Southern should be long term and take the initiative and enterprise in Xinjiang with all levels of government, actively Tourism Service of the pie bigger, so from a greater share of the share, is the right way.

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