Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Title Assessment of the loud noise assessment

 The title went to the annual assessment of the season, and some of the participants in the senior primary teachers in primary and secondary job classification reflects the call letters, to observe the class award-winning, student counseling Award, the paper awards and published in such conditions. points)
direct comments to the personnel department
now, the teacher professional titles by hand operation of the school where the teachers, the school determines the fate of every teacher, however, the school for not sinners, according to seniority, early to early evening to late Jin Jin, then even if sufficient conditions for some teachers as well. The result is that teachers learn, work motivation is not high, due to inter-school teachers in the age structure of different titles, while the distribution between the target schools balance, resulting in inter-school teachers and a larger gap between.
teachers in school management job classification, is a product of planned economy. Now the implementation of the Employment for around the separation of basic school, the school just employer, you can no longer care Teacher's job classification.
teachers directly to the local personnel department for job classification, benefits of doing so is that one is so that teachers from the school competition, the competition extended to the whole place, so that a broader perspective of teachers, promoted teachers to learn and improve, and the other opened the school management too School of Agriculture Li Jianbo 473003)
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-1 16:56:58]
- of: Yang New
- Posted :2005-12-1 Comment on this title please 11:46:51

Huangshan District, Huangshan City, Anhui 245700
Kom Tong Hall Primary Qi Shengli recent years, the title of most teachers, the teachers assessed as a matter of concern, how to make job classification work done scientific, objective, fair and transparent? I think we can consider the following aspects.
first stripping job classification and the relationship between economic interests. The current job classification is difficult because the work is linked with the interests of the on the hook, and if we do not post assessment work process is linked with the economic interests of teachers, many things to be simpler to operate naturally in far fewer man-made factors.
second is to establish an independent rating agencies titles . The current job classification is by the Education Department and the personnel department conducted jointly assess the process lacked the necessary independence, the interference of external factors too much, if assessed by the non-interested third parties and educational institutions independently, objectivity and impartiality be guaranteed more easily.
third is to develop practical and realistic assessment of conditions. The current job classification standards, universities, secondary schools, there is not much difference between primary schools, which do not meet the education practical, should be the characteristics of the different stages of education, to develop targeted assessment of standards, such as job classification of primary school teachers should focus on teacher education and teaching skills, research work should not be placed in the first title on the assessment work .
four-level evaluation work is to improve the supervision mechanism. The current job classification work, the teachers in a weak state, the judges said you can not, you can not. difficult was the work of the judges can make an objective and fair supervision, post-evaluation to make objective, fair, transparent, and must establish a set of vocational assessment monitoring mechanism to ensure that job classification under the sun are at work throughout the operation.
[This post has been of the 2005-12-- 3 11:27:00 Edited]
- of: spjjxx02
- Posted :2005-12-1 14:51:09
to meet the conditions of people post comments are cut
can qualify.
Why? we should understand the role of vocational evaluation, purpose and meaning. vocational assessment that? small speaking, is nothing more than to arouse the enthusiasm of teaching and educating staff, is to their evaluation of job performance and recognition, is just a means of personnel management; large speaking, is to break the big pot, to eliminate egalitarianism, the implementation of distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist socialist distribution system. It The object is given the majority of teachers, should also benefit the vast number of teachers. If the staff can not do this assessment, it lost its function and significance.
that can do that? from our current economic development momentum of view, growing from our current look at the comprehensive national strength, from the view of the strategic implementation of technology and education, the needs of socialist modernization see, we are fully able to solve easily and give vocational evaluation ; to people who meet the promotion criteria are able to cut 16:51:35
need to further increase the transparency of the current professional titles, in addition to Class Awards mm spent the money to be able to buy paper certificates to spend more money you can publish more articles, these certificates, in addition to higher business alley license to sell the ads everywhere you?
some real ones in the certificate, you can fool the judges at higher levels, but in any case not deceive our teachers; this is not in school with some of the certificate and deliver them to the top The main reason is useful. which the certificate is true, what the certificate is false, the surrounding comrades know. enhance transparency, mobilize the masses to guard, for fear that those who have passed The impostor is not easy to mix.
Zhaodong Wang Yu Xi Teachers College of Technology
Communications Office: 151 100 City, Heilongjiang Province, seven in the residential Zhaodong Yu Xi Wang received
- of: walking and thinking
- Posted :2005-12-1 18:16:27
Do not let the job classification as a teacher, heart pain
professional titles aimed not only to recognize the work of teachers is the professional and technical, more importantly, is to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers, there is something to look forward to the work of teachers, the highest job classification to become teachers honors, however, the teacher's job classification relevant to some of the practices of the job classification of teachers into the hearts of the sad pain. First, that is our assessment of the conditions have been well aware of, but in practice, professional titles into the school leading source of Machiavellian, to add any conditions to induce infighting among teachers, the benefits from fish, to create the conditions for their own corruption. Second, indicators of teacher professional titles is very limited, very unfair to teachers, far as I know, the other Some professional and technical sector, or the qualified personnel, regardless of good or bad can be promoted to higher level positions, only the mighty force in single education department, which gives teachers the pain never left. Third, the requirements of job classification increases year after year, what teachers with skills training, computer training and test what has the personnel department, but also the education sector, should do so, still not increased, but only one purpose, teachers gain hard-earned money This is the teachers it is another pain.
job classification must be relatively stable, so that teachers can provide high-level struggle, all kinds of testing should be as professional and technical link with the teachers.
Communications: Dual Huaying Chen Daoyong River II (638600)
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-7 9:17:03]
Please post this praise, said stem Zoucheng Shandong Yanzhou Mining
Chen Shubin Group post the first primary 273500
comments related to the vital interests of each teacher, so they are a very sensitive topic. but in any case evaluation, I think since the level of assessment is necessary to Ping Chu and decided to drive. do not let these good taste has changed, take a sample. Review staff overall quality of a person is actually a comprehensive evaluation, it is necessary to attach importance to the practical effect of classroom teaching, they have to see how his usual attitude, interpersonal How was. If the day and just do not observe labor discipline, regardless of his performance in other areas no matter how well he should be unceremoniously One aspect of the program, it is necessary to hire experts put forward a related departments such as the This stalk called a fair use by decision makers.
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-1 21:04:40]
imperative to get rid of title defects
I. Review quota abolition of titles. Some school places and more, not enough can be eligible, the conditions of teachers; few places in some schools, teachers are not enough opportunities for the conditions PARTICIPATING. This runs counter to the spirit of Title Evaluation.
two wrong will be correct. titles will review the reasons for this or that error, but the current system is wrong does not correct, the error to the next round of titles reviewed, the same mistake again, contrary to the human spirit.
Third, the proposed test to replace the existing evaluation system. As long as there is no existing eligible, the examination conditions of the project, is enough to stump a lot of talented teachers, this review will largely depend on the leadership of the likes and dislikes, the results become a breeding ground for review title hotbed of corruption. Although many teachers pass the exam to pass all the standard items, and titles of assessment is still missed. recommended to university have been canceled, and titles recommended assessment system also should be eliminated, giving teachers a fair chance Jin title.
- of: the deep blue ocean
- Posted :2005-12-2 10:05:34
professional title manifestation of injustice.
but I think education and scientific research achievements, these achievements is his professional title of will deepen the sense of identity.
author believes that successfully pass, still can not go to the advanced assessment. As a result, seriously dampened their enthusiasm is unfair to them. Therefore, professional titles, when it should quietly working on for many years a teacher Tuishang Qu. such reasonable measures, must also be endorsed by young teachers.
Communications: Cixi sea Hushan primary Gong Shifeng 315300
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job title, a very hot topic today, so treat him right, every problem faced by educators, because he is directly related to my salary. treat this issue I think so:
first, the progress to enter. they meet the conditions, all imports and higher job classification of the condition is expressly provided for, and why the conditions not have been enough to do? Otherwise, some teachers just to enter title, opportunistic, a large amount of study time for teaching materials and methods a relationship to go, spent the money, get a bit more commentary on the title to win. In fact, these are mostly competitive competition between colleagues, each school year, so few places on sub who engage in high who sub- to enter. those who truly conscientious, as one shop in teaching teachers, who is not as opportunistic.
Second, the school offers. is not a vocational high school recruits have a lot of phenomena such as low thing? might have engaged in a reform , the title of the appointment is no longer engaged in so tight, people feel unable to enter into the title does not matter, the key is to do a good job of teaching, in education truly reflect their own value and to be judged not by scoring.
Shandong with two Small Liang 262600
[This post has been edited for Yu 2005-12-2 17:14:05]
- of: the only odd
- Posted :2005-12-2 21:52:19
total job classification provided that: help to mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, help to improve teacher education and teaching ability and research level.
current job classification should make efforts to solve two problems: < br> First, the abolition of quota restrictions on titles to address the approach is, as long as teachers to meet the basic conditions, it should have declared eligible.
II, cancel unreasonable additional conditions for the job classification to become teachers to improve teaching ability and level of motivation. in the present job classification, like Mandarin, the use of information technology, mental health knowledge, papers and other conditions to some extent to promote the continuing education of teachers, and demonstration lessons, observe classes, also to provide teachers with the training opportunities for teachers to adapt to the requirements of a new era of education is very benefits. However, such conditions as the foreign language, general education teachers in teaching practice is difficult to apply, or to cancel as well.
Fourth Middle School, Jiangsu Province, Yan Weiqi Jiangyan 225500
[This post has been of edited at 2005-12-2 23:33:30]
hope professional titles of the scores to determine a more reasonable
Now, older, , agitated.
why? professional titles and have the scores to determine the adverse chant!
length of service sub-half points each, while the teacher points is two points, accumulated three years (to be continuous), 嘚, five years of no use to do more; district-level quality courses plus two points, plus a quarter of the municipal, provincial, plus six points, the leaders did not appreciate, this points not at the gate; at any rate there is a national paper, get royalties, and was assessment as to spend money, and you add five, others have added six points, one point had to come out ahead; an even bigger backing, access to what this level of excellence, and that level model, plus at least four, and more added very, very second, my God, what a hole flat enough to the people of this deficit we life.
not say that he did not skill, and work was dull, monkeys watched the sky, Shadeng it, whatever the outcome, we also Sipilailian to nearly Forty of the old dry on the first grade class, as long as children are not mad, wait three to five years, perhaps there is a prospect of a solution.
[This post has been of the 2005-12-223: 25:34 edited]
see say, is: I would advise re Dousou God, eclectic commentary titles!
I was a school teacher in Information Technology in school is a name I'm versatile, both the information technology, lessons Teacher, and a typist, the network administrator, multimedia equipment maintenance staff, or school site administrator, is a professional and technical personnel doing live, out of force of the workers, but the job classification is when we fail to get!
To tell the truth all these years I took a lot of books, what high-quality classes, study, counseling Award, Debu Lai also teaches classes, basically meet or exceed the job classification of Yinggang Gang, soft box. but assigned to the school ; droughts and uneven Other (such as information technology, etc.) sensual bleak. job classification and discipline of the position as a positive correlation, accounting for the bulk of the main subjects, the Deputy Division accounted for a small head, the other does not share or less account for the first head.
I was angry, I had been angry I hate myself the wrong place, wrong side, but the gas return gas, get mad go mad, I still put on a course to students of the Shang Hao, doing the work of the schools to do well, not drag the school's hind legs, not unworthy of the ; on happens, so thirsty seedlings can taste the sweet rain.
【Neixiang County, Henan Experimental High School Zhujing Yao 474350】
good ; further trouble
harsh, the actual process is complicated, it all Daohai allow teachers worry sigh. to activate competition management may well be an effective way teachers can be fair competition but also to pay attention to fairness. Seen in this light, the education sector in the quota allocation should be based on the actual school, PARTICIPATING standards should focus on the real Zhao Na Hau Road Primary School in Sandy Zip: 450053
research, papers and titles of the second Linqu County
experimental primary Liu Fu 262600
when teachers know: how much is the salary of teachers decided to title the high and low, The title of the level of the decision a very important factor is the subject of experiments and papers, rather than the workload of teachers and teaching achievements. a very obvious example: a teacher, a support staff positions with the qualifications and conditions of employment, if the state level has published many papers or books on the subject of identification of his name, his commentary on the high-level easy title, even though he was only a few sections on what classes a week, not to mention what teaching performance; and a line on the hard working in teaching, outstanding achievements in teaching the teachers, if the paper does not, through the identification of the experimental subjects did not, he is hardly the high-level commentary on the title. This is not the teachers fault. an ordinary primary school teacher, on nearly fifty, and two or three decades only know that the energy used in teaching, can be described as students everywhere may be because there is no undergraduate degree and the experimental subjects, the paper (even two or three cross), alone and working lives of professional work experience which Second is, into the intermediate grade difficult. and one of his graduate students in less than a decade, because of the so-called state-level undergraduate and publications in the publication of several the intermediate grade. title up, and wages high, Ever since, all write papers and engage in experiments; Ever since, some people like, fill send, over a year or so, according to a fixed format the good word about a national or provincial experimental subjects to such a Score!
teacher's role is teaching, not a br> I think that root of the problem is that the existing education system and the actual title of the divorce. The first title of the score too much emphasis on assessment of the experimental papers and subjects, ignoring the actual teaching work; Second, business executives departments and schools themselves in the title and introduction of the policy initiative in the selection process and say no.
seems, title reform long way to go.
[This post has been of the 2005-12-314: 06:20 edited]
- of: 0512
- Posted :2005-12-3 15:40:01
Why not listen to the voice of the students?
Yesterday, I watched chef competition held in CCTV, and the scene is very warm, very human evaluation. Whether you have the scene where a chef cook, expert with the audience through the tasting on the spot assessment. I applaud for this evaluation form. which reminds me job classification of our teachers. Looking at our current job classification can be said to have embarked on a wrong road, or even into a dead end. The reason is the inertia of thinking of people who have the final say in the Crown over the years our thinking about .
education is a service through professional titles in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers to better serve students. So when we are in the assessment title, you should establish full respect for the consciousness of our main clients, listen to our services, the voice of target students to understand the teacher is welcomed by students. Just think: If it is a popular teacher from the students, even if the teachers have received many honors, has published many professional papers, and I think he does not have reported a higher level of qualification titles.
【author: Zhang Susheng Beijing New Oriental Foreign Language School, Yangzhou 225006】
vigilance How much joy is of your misery.
written child alive, winning a stack of certificates, nature is full of heart proud.
the high school level, perhaps the experts, leaders, peace of mind, because that condition is to assess the key titles.
also in class in general, few papers, published a large number of teachers with less, and perhaps somewhat disturbed in mind, though it was students like classes, class management approach is also useful, However, the subject teachers, who have long, not every teacher is written vibrant, everyone can not outstanding teaching ability, according to people, no matter how good or how the school is not good. but the largest is the quiet, practical work, while the job classification of the various provisions, such as published, award-winning, open classes, the requirements of experts like more difficult for them.
In fact, in every school, has published articles for the award-winning public incentives, from the national to the district to award high to low. If you have results in the classroom, the same have similar incentives. not to mention the resulting br> So, job classification, seniority as a standard can to make each a director of the people here have been treated the same.
- of: flat water
- Posted :2005-12- 4 19:23:52
vigilance written active, can not everyone is outstanding teaching ability, according to are those practical people who work, and job classification of the various provisions, such as published, award-winning, open classes, the requirements of experts and the like more difficult for them.
In fact, in every school, for has published articles openly winning awards from the national to the district to award high to low. If you have results in the classroom, there are also a similar award. not to mention the resulting Gains Second, take two is three, similar to the The people here have been treated the same.
- of: zhhying
- Posted :2005-12-4 21:01:51
indicator is the biggest I think the biggest limitation
job classification in question is the issue of indicators. No matter the conditions the same unit enough how high the level of staff professional title, a specific number of indicators, often to the outside living. Thus, the same school, to the job classification of each season, in order to Several titles that target the poor, to a fraction of a difference, a lot of blush debate, into a cynical old sentimental, gentle teacher torn nerve. job classification into the destruction of the unity of teachers, for teachers as a whole improve the quality of the obstacles, it is a kind of psychological harm to teachers. Similarly, the index of restrictions, the same level of teachers in different places, different schools, and its titles have a different level, it can not be said for teachers unfair evaluation.
job classification regardless of how high the conditions, restrictions should not be targets. cancel the restrictions index, enough conditions on the last, not willing to strive for conditions of the conditions. why should we have indicators of limitations?! Linzi District, Zibo, Shandong
primary Hu Guangrong Trent Taiwan 255400 tel:
- of: hear the wind talking
- Posted :2005-12-5 15:35:03
The key is the title of a pragmatic assessment of
now looks very strict requirements, it seems that the relevant qualifications for teachers in the strict, in fact, many of these conditions, the teacher's trick is torture. such as English, non-English major teachers exam, what's the use? good , and talk about there is no use to test you to seriously consider it, but not, buy the book according to the back test counseling, as long as the understanding on the line ABCD; As for the paper, is largely ruined the reputation of teachers, before Some illegal magazine took the opportunity to extort money, now do some under the fortnightly magazine, dedicated teachers, published papers, or receive page charges, or to sell a number of magazines (for students to purchase), the teachers really want to test papers, it is better to write each scene; there computer, consider many of its wonderful name of the theory of a problem, but not all the teachers engaged in the computer, teachers, the key is to understand the operation of the system to make a courseware or a table on the line; there are lesson plans, lecture notes these more is not necessary, the school than you these things seriously, what the teacher did not lesson plans but also how the class? If you really want to search, you can, then write a scene proposition lesson plans, test real skills; student awards, with teaching assistance and education, working class experience has made such restrictions are totally meaningless, a teacher's ability level and these are not necessarily linked, this result can only be required to bring more large-scale fraud; student achievement have chance, in fact, allow a school Teach the teacher to continue, that is schools that student achievement does not reflect the ability of teachers, to assessment, evaluation is more important I think students, through student evaluation of teaching a teacher can understand the real situation.
word, teachers is to seriously engage in job classification, but the key is pragmatism.
Yizheng, Jiangsu Province, Wang Yong, School 211900
- of: jsgnzrj
- Posted :2005-12-5 21:04:11 The key to vocational assessment
off Three off Moral failure, then the , leading to its score, D-class is failing, C-class generally do not enter the evaluation, only the A, B grade to enter selection.
Second, the class off. We know that the teachers job classification, in addition to professional ethics and style of work, the teacher education and teaching reflect the key indicators when the number of classroom teaching basic skills. as the senior teacher of vocational assessment Shanghai applicant should inform the assessment of their own timetable experts, experts in the case without notice to the other, into the classroom lectures. After the lesson, experts will find their students and colleagues to open a small forum, to understand student satisfaction.
Third, research related. No doubt, it is impossible at this stage there is absolutely no justice, and fully reflects the comprehensive capabilities of teachers, standards and assessment criteria of the job situation, in addition to classroom teaching level of assessment quizzes, the teaching and research standards of teachers interviewed mm application materials may be due to mere . We often complain that teachers in vocational evaluation of teaching in the light weight paper, paper and paper led to teachers, to spend money on paper and other fraud phenomenon. To this end, some strong requirements to cancel the job classification study. This declaration of the teachers to participate in senior positions are unified interview His teaching and research ability, can not really fake, fake It's really not? false papers, false information can not get an interview, : 222500; TEL:; E-MAIL:
qualifications, experience and ability to one less
Yong-Fei Wang
teacher assessment level, the quality of teachers in comprehensive examination should be mainly from the qualifications, experience and abilities in three aspects.
education is the foundation. teachers is different from other professions, there must be a corresponding degree as a foundation. teacher assessment level, more should be reflected on this basis. In general, to achieve Teachers Act qualified for the teaching, 10 years later to in-depth study and a preliminary teaching and research, 15 years later to have more time teaching and research and to effectively address new issues in education and teaching. Therefore, when the assessment level seniority of existing titles and to acquire the appropriate education and continuing education, etc. must have the corresponding requirements.
ability is the core. a teacher with appropriate qualifications, there has been hard at work learning and practice process, its capacity is bound to a corresponding increase. school assessment of the ability of teachers to teaching performance to the usual subject, not just look at all kinds of certificates and materials. because something is fake, and usually work The performance is obvious. a teacher ...

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