Thursday, March 3, 2011

Comprehensive outline of the back need to attack Western

 I contact several doctors and exam doctoral and master matter. I think that is important to lay their basic skills. As is the comprehensive examination outline Western graduate, involving many aspects of clinical physiology. Need to back power, but also need to integrate in the brain:
a physiological
(a) Introduction
1. fluid, intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid. the body's internal environment and homeostasis.
2. physiological function of neural regulation, fluid regulation and self- regulation.
3. the body's feedback control system.
(b) of the basic functions of cells
1. cell membrane material transport: simple diffusion, the carrier and facilitated diffusion through channels, primary and secondary active transport, the cell and into the cell.
2. cell transmembrane signal transduction: from G protein-coupled receptor, ion channel receptors and enzyme-coupled receptor mediated signal transduction .
3. nerve and skeletal muscle cells the resting potential and action potential generation mechanism and its brief.
4. stimulation and threshold stimulation, excitable cells (or tissue), tissue excitability, excitability and After the excitement of change exciting.
5. action potentials (or excitatory) of cause and its conduction in the same cells.
6. nerve - the excitement of skeletal joints to pass.
7. skeleton muscle contraction, contraction of the external performance and mechanical analysis.
(c) of the blood
1. blood composition and physicochemical properties.
2. blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets) the number of physical characteristics and function.
3. erythrocyte formation and destruction.
4. physiological hemostasis, blood coagulation and thrombus dissolution only.
5.ABO and Rh blood group system and its clinical significance.
(d ) blood circulation
1. cardiomyocytes (mainly ventricular muscle and sinoatrial node cells) and a brief membrane potential formation mechanism.
2. electrophysiological properties of heart muscle: excitability, self-discipline, conduction sex.
3. the heart pump function: the characteristics of myocardial contractility, cardiac cycle, heart pumping process and mechanism, heart sounds, the assessment of heart function, the factors that affect cardiac output.
4. normal arterial blood pressure, arterial blood pressure and factors influencing the formation.
5. venous blood pressure, central venous pressure and the factors that affect the venous return.
6. microcirculation, tissue fluid and lymph formation and return. < br> 7. innervation of the heart and blood vessels, heart and Xinmi sympathetic nerve on cardiac electrical activity and contractile function of biological effects.
8. cardiovascular center, carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreflex, cardiopulmonary receptor reflex and chemical baroreflex.
9. humoral regulation of cardiovascular activity: renin - angiotensin system, epinephrine and norepinephrine with vasopressin.
10. regional blood flow regulation (autoregulation).
11. artery blood pressure short-term adjustment and long-term adjustment.
12. coronary circulation and the characteristics and regulation of cerebral circulation.
(V) respiration
1. lung ventilation power and resistance. pleural cavity pressure. pulmonary surfactant.
2. lung volume and lung capacity, pulmonary ventilation and alveolar ventilation.
3. the basic principles of pulmonary ventilation, process and influencing factors. gas diffusion rate. ventilatory / perfusion ratio and its significance.
4. oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood exists in the form and transportation. oxygen dissociation curve and influencing factors.
5. respiratory center and the formation of respiratory rhythm.
6. peripheral and central chemoreceptors. dioxide, H + and hypoxia on the regulation of respiration.
(f) the digestion and absorption
1. gastrointestinal smooth muscle in normal physiological characteristics and electrophysiological properties. innervation of the digestive tract and gastrointestinal hormones.
2. saliva composition, role and secretion regulation. peristalsis and lower esophageal sphincter of the concept.
3. gastric juice of the nature, composition and function. the regulation of gastric secretion. gastric receptive relaxation and creep. gastric emptying and its regulation.
4. pancreatic juice and bile composition and effect and the regulation of secretion and excretion. the small intestine section movement. ileocecal sphincter function.
5. colorectal fluid secretion. defecation reflex.
6. major nutrients (sugars, proteins, lipids, water, salts and vitamins) in the small intestine in the absorption site and mechanism.
(vii) energy metabolism and body temperature < br> 1. food energy conversion. heat price of food, oxygen and respiratory quotient heat price. Determination of energy metabolism and clinical principles of a simplified method. factors that affect energy metabolism. basal metabolism and basal metabolic rate and its significance. < br> 2. and their normal body temperature changes. the body's heat production and heat dissipation. thermoregulation.
(viii) renal excretion
1. kidney function and anatomical features. renal blood flow and its regulation.
2. glomerular filtration rate and influencing factors.
3. tubules and collecting duct of each segment of Na +, CL-, water, HCO3, the re-absorption of glucose and amino acids, as well as H +, NH3, K + secretion. renal glucose threshold concept and meaning.
4. urine concentration and dilution mechanism.
5. osmotic diuresis and the ball - the Balance. renal sympathetic nerve activity, vasopressin and renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system in the regulation of urine formation.
6. renal clearance and the determination of the meaning of the concept.
7. micturition reflex.
(IX) sensory organs
1. sensilla the definition and classification, the general physical characteristics of receptors.
2. eye visual function: the refraction of light in the eye and simplified eye, the eye of the regulation. The two light-sensitive retina and the basis for energy systems, rhodopsin photochemical reaction and rod photoreceptor cells can change the role of cone cells and the relationship between color vision. vision (or visual acuity) dark adaptation and visual field.
3. ear auditory function: the human ear's hearing threshold and listen to the domain, the acoustics of the external ear and middle ear function, inner ear, the way the incoming sound waves, sound and feel cochlear transducer function, the human ear to sound frequency analysis.
4. vestibular organs suitable for sensory stimulation and balance.
(j) the nervous system
1. neural structure and function in general, nerve fiber conduction exciting features, axonal transport of nerve fibers, neural role of nutrition.
2. the characteristics of glial cells and function.
3. classical synaptic transmission process, excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, postsynaptic neuron action potential generation.
4. Non-directional synaptic transmission (or non-synaptic chemical transmission) and electrical synaptic transmission.
5. neurotransmitter identification, the concept of modulation and modulation of neural function and significance of coexisting transmitters. receptor concept, classification and regulation of presynaptic receptor. peripheral nervous system acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and their corresponding receptors.
6. reflexes in the central control, central neurons in the contact, the central excitation propagation characteristics, the central mechanism and central facilitation. < br> 7. the feeling of nervous system function: the specific and nonspecific sensory projection system and its role in the formation of sense. cerebral cortex (layer) of the sensory (somatosensory and special sensory) represents the area. surface pain, visceral pain and referred pain.
8. nervous system on the regulation of posture and body movements: movement came the final road access and movement units, stretch reflex (tendon reflexes and muscle tension) and its mechanism, central to the muscle at all levels tight regulation. the production and coordination of voluntary movement. cerebral cortex motor area. basal ganglia and cerebellum exercise regulatory function.
9. autonomic nervous system function and functional characteristics. spinal cord, lower brain stem and hypothalamus of the visceral regulation of activity.
10. instinctive behavior and neural regulation of mood, emotional physiological responses.
11. spontaneous EEG activity and EEG, cortical evoked potential. arousal and sleep.
12. Learning and memory in the form of the basic laws of conditioning, learning and memory mechanisms. on one side of the brain cortex advantages and features of language dominant hemisphere.
(k) endocrine
1. the concept and mode of action of hormones, chemical nature and classification of hormones, the role of the general characteristics of hormones, hormone mechanism of action, regulation of hormone secretion.
2. the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary contact. Hypothalamic regulatory peptides and pituitary hormones. physiological growth hormone the role of regulation and secretion.
3. the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary and neural pituitary hormone linked.
4. thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism, the physiological role of thyroid hormone secretion and regulation.
5. adjustment calcium and phosphate metabolism of hormones: parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and 1,25 - dihydroxyvitamin D3, the physiological role and regulation of secretion or generation.
6. glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid and medulla The physiological role and the secretion of hormones regulating.
7. insulin and glucagon secretion in the physiological role and regulation.
(XII) reproductive
1. testicular spermatogenesis and endocrine function. Testosterone physiological role. Regulation of testicular function.
2. ovarian function and endocrine function of raw eggs, ovarian cycle and uterine cycle (or menstrual cycle.) estrogen and progesterone physiological role. the regulation of ovarian function, menstrual cycle hypothalamus - pituitary - ovarian - endometrial changes in the relationship between.
two biochemical
(a) the structure and function of biological macromolecules
1. composed of 20 amino acids of proteins and the chemical structure Category
2. physicochemical properties of amino acids. peptide.
3. protein primary structure and advanced structure.
4. the relationship between protein structure and function.
5. Protein terminal amino acid analysis.
6. physicochemical properties of proteins (gender dissociation, precipitation, denaturation, coagulation, and color reaction, etc.).
7. separation and purification of general principles and methods of protein.
8. nucleic acid composition , 5 major purine, pyrimidine base chemical structure.
9. the primary structure of nucleic acids. nucleic acid structure and function of the space.
10. nucleic acid denaturation, renaturation and hybridization.
11. basic concepts of the enzyme, all enzymes, coenzymes and prosthetic group, the enzyme active site.
12. zymogen activation principle.
13. enzymatic mechanism of action, enzyme kinetics, enzyme inhibition and characteristics of the type of .
14. isozyme, the concept of allosteric enzymes.
15. The role of vitamins.
16. to be part of coenzyme vitamins.
(b) metabolism
1. glucose the source and path, a mechanism to maintain constant blood sugar.
2. glycolysis, significance and regulation, lactic acid cycle.
3. sugar aerobic oxidation process, significance and regulation, energy production.
4. glycogen synthesis and decomposition process and its regulatory mechanism.
5. gluconeogenesis process, meaning and regulation.
6. pentose phosphate bypass the process and meaning.
7. plasma lipoprotein classification, composition, physiological function and metabolism. Hyperlipidemia types and characteristics.
8. fatty acid catabolism and energy generation.
9. ketone bodies in the generation and use.
10. overview of the synthesis of fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acid formation.
11. the formation of prostaglandins and their derivatives.
12. triglyceride, phospholipid synthesis and decomposition.
13. cholesterol mainly synthesized channels and regulation. cholesterol conversion. cholesteryl ester formation.
14. amino acid deamination (oxidative deamination, transamination and deamination combined).
15. amino acid decarboxylation.
16. the body of ammonia source and transit.
17. ornithine urea cycle generation mm.
18. a source of carbon units, metabolism and function of coenzyme.
19. methionine, benzene the metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine.
20. purine, pyrimidine synthetic raw materials and decomposition products, deoxynucleotide formation. purine and pyrimidine nucleotide antimetabolite and its mechanism.
21. bio-oxidation characteristics and types.
22. the composition of respiratory chain, oxidative phosphorylation, and the factors that affect oxidative phosphorylation, substrate level phosphorylation, high energy phosphate compounds, storage and use.
23. a - glycerophosphate and malate - aspartate shuttle effect.
24. microsomal and peroxisomal oxidation system.
25. interlinkages metabolism, tissues, organs, metabolic characteristics and contact . diabetes, starvation metabolism characteristics of the three major.
26. metabolic regulation: the regulation of cellular level, regulation of hormone levels and overall conditioning.
(c) the transmission of genetic information
1.DNA De semiconservative replication and replication enzymes.
2.DNA the basic process of replication.
3.DNA damage and repair.
4. reverse and reverse transcriptase.
5.RNA not Symmetric transcription (transcription template, enzyme and the basic process).
6.RNA post-transcriptional processing modification.
7. ribozyme (enzymatic RNA).
8 to participate in translation of the material. genetic code. < br> 9. protein biosynthesis, post-translational processing.
10. biosynthesis protein interference and suppression.
11. Gene expression and regulation of the basic concepts and principles.
12. transcriptional regulation. < br> 13. The concept of genetic recombination, the basic process and its application in medicine.
(d) organ and tissue biochemical
1. plasma protein classification, properties and functions.
2. Mature metabolic characteristics of red blood cells.
3 heme synthesis.
4. liver metabolism in the body's main role.
5. bile salt synthesis of raw materials and metabolites.
6. gall pigment metabolism, jaundice resulting biochemical basis.
7. biotransformation and significance of the type.
(e) biochemical feature
1. cell communication concept. membrane receptor-mediated transmission of information . intracellular receptor-mediated transmission of information.
2. oncogene activation of the basic concepts and mechanisms. suppressor genes and growth factors and mechanism of the basic concepts.
3. The basic concept of gene diagnosis, characteristics and application. The basic concept of gene therapy and basic procedures.
three pathology
(a) of the cell and tissue injury
1. causes cell damage and death, pathogenesis.
2. degeneration The concept of the common types, characteristics and significance of form.
3. necrosis of the concept, types, pathological changes and outcomes.
4. The concept of apoptosis, pathological changes, pathogenesis and role in disease.
(b) the restoration, compensation and adaptation
1. hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy and metaplasia of the concepts and classification.
2. The concept of regeneration, type and control, and regenerative capacity of various organizations regeneration.
3. granulation tissue structure, function and outcome.
4. the wound healing process, types and influencing factors.
(c) of the local blood and body fluid circulation disorder
1. hyperemia The concept, classification, pathological changes and consequences.
2. haemorrhage concept, classification, pathological changes and consequences.
3. The concept of thrombosis, blood clots form conditions and characteristics, outcome and impact on the body .
4. Disseminated intravascular coagulation in the concept, etiology and outcome.
5. embolization concept, the type and run the way emboli and its effect on the body.
6. infarction concept cause, type, pathological features, outcome and impact on the body.
(d) inflammation
1. inflammation of the concept, etiology, basic pathological changes and mechanisms (including the sources and the role of inflammatory mediators, inflammatory cell types and functions).
2. inflammation of the clinical features, systemic reactions, inflammation and inflammation through the end.
3. inflammation and pathological characteristics of the pathological type.
4. Inflammatory granuloma, inflammatory polyp, inflammatory pseudotumor concept and lesions.
(e) tumor
1. The concept of cancer, eye shape, atypia and growth pattern, transfer the concept, approach and the body effects. biology of tumor growth, invasion and metastasis mechanisms.
2. the naming and classification of tumors, the difference between benign and malignant tumors, the difference between cancer and sarcoma.
3. tumor etiology, pathogenesis.
4. common precancerous lesions, precancerous lesions, carcinoma in situ, and the concept of borderline tumors. common characteristics of the tumor.
(vi) the immune pathology
1. The concept of allergy , types, pathogenesis and outcome.
2. the concept of transplantation rejection, pathogenesis, classification and pathology (heart, lung, liver, kidney and bone marrow transplant).
3. graft-versus-host concept.
4. the concept of autoimmune disease, pathogenesis and factors.
5. etiology of systemic lupus erythematosus, pathogenesis and pathological changes.
6 rheumatoid arthritis etiology, pathogenesis and pathological changes.
7. immunodeficiency disease definition, classification and main features.
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: g) cardiovascular diseases
1 . rheumatic etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes in various organs of the basic pathological changes.
2. endocarditis classification and etiology, pathogenesis, pathology, complications and outcome.
3. the type of heart valve disease, pathology, hemodynamics, and clinical features.
4. The concept of hypertension, pathogenesis, staging and benign pathological changes of hypertension, the pathological features of malignant hypertension.
5. atherosclerotic etiology, pathogenesis and basic pathological changes of organs caused by atherosclerosis of various physiological changes and consequences.
6. The concept of cardiomyopathy, Keshan disease, congestive cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and occlusion of the pathological features of cardiomyopathy.
7. myocarditis concept, pathological type and pathological characteristics.
(h) respiratory disease
1. chronic bronchitis etiology, pathogenesis and pathological changes.
2. emphysema concepts, classification. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
3. cause of chronic pulmonary heart disease, pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
4. all kinds of bacterial pneumonia etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and complications.
5. mycoplasma pneumonia etiology , pathogenesis, pathological changes and complications.
6. viral pneumonia etiology, pathogenesis and pathological features.
7. bronchiectasis concept, etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and complications. < br> 8. the cause of lung disease silicosis. common type, the characteristics and complications of the disease.
9. lung cancer etiology, common gross and histologic types and their characteristics, and complications of the transfer channels.
4. viral etiology, pathogenesis and pathological changes in the basic, clinical and pathological types of hepatitis and pathological features.
5. cirrhosis of the type and The etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and clinical features.
6. The concept of early esophageal cancer and the type of morphological characteristics, in the form of various types of advanced esophageal cancer, clinical manifestations and pathways.
7 . The concept of early gastric cancer and the type of morphological characteristics, the gross type of advanced gastric cancer and histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
8. colorectal cancer and histological types of eye types, etiology, pathogenesis, cancer precancerous lesions, staging and prognosis, clinical manifestations and pathways.
9. eye type of primary liver cancer, histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
(X) hematopoietic system diseases < br> 1. Hodgkin's disease pathology, tissue type and its relationship with prognosis.
2. non-Hodgkin's lymphoma pathological types and their relationship with prognosis.
3. Leukemia classification of leukemia and the cause of the pathological changes and clinical manifestations.
(XI) the urinary system diseases
1. acute diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis of the etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and clinical pathology contact.
2. crescentic glomerulonephritis etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
3. membranous glomerulonephritis, blood capillaries of the renal interstitial glomerulonephritis, minimal change glomerulonephritis etiology, pathogenesis, pathological changes and clinical features.
4. the cause of chronic glomerulonephritis, pathological changes and clinical features.
5 . pyelonephritis etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and clinical pathology change his contact.
6. renal cell carcinoma, Wilms tumor, bladder cancer etiology, pathology, clinical presentation and pathways.
( xii) infectious and parasitic diseases
1. TB etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, pathological changes and the transformation of the basic law.
2. primary lesions characteristic of tuberculosis, development and outcome. < br> 3. the type of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis and its pathological characteristics.
4. Pulmonary pathological features of tuberculosis in other organs.
5. the cause of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, transmission, pathology, clinical pathology and outcome of contact.
6. encephalitis etiology, transmission, pathology and clinical features.
7. typhoid etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, pathology of various organs, clinical features, complications and outcome.
8. bacillary dysentery etiology, transmission, acute and chronic toxic and pathological features of diarrhea and clinical pathology links.
9. amebiasis cause, mode of transmission, the pathological changes of intestinal amoebiasis and the pathological changes of intestinal amoebiasis.
10. schistosomiasis etiology, transmission, pathology and pathogenesis, intestine, liver, spleen, pathological changes.
11. syphilis causes, transmission, pathogenesis, pathology and staging.
12. The concept of AIDS, etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, pathology and staging.
(xiii) other
1. gross features of breast cancer, histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
2. thyroid cancer, eye characteristics, histological type, clinical presentation and pathways.
IV Science
(a) of the digestive system diseases and poisoning
1. chronic gastritis classification, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
2. gastroesophageal reflux disease etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
3. peptic ulcer pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment and complications of treatment.
4. intestinal tuberculosis clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
5. the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
6. cirrhosis etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and treatment
7. primary liver cancer clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
8. Hepatic Encephalopathy etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
9 . tuberculous peritonitis clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
10. inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease) clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
11. pancreas inflammatory etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
12. acute poisoning rescue principles.
13. organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(b) circulatory system diseases
1. the underlying cause and incentives, pathophysiology, types, and cardiac function, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
2. acute left ventricular failure etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
3. arrhythmia classification. period before the contraction, paroxysmal tachycardia, flutter, fibrillation, atrioventricular block and preexcitation syndrome pathogenesis clinical manifestations, diagnosis (including ECG) and treatment (including electrical cardioversion, radiofrequency consumer application of the principles and artificial pacemaker).
4. cardiac arrest and death of cardiac cause of quenching, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and first-aid treatment.
5. valvular heart disease (left atrioventricular valve and aortic valve disease) etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, complications and prevention measures.
6. angina points type, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention and treatment (including treatment and surgical intervention principle).
7. acute myocardial infarction etiology, pathogenesis, pathology. clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, concurrent disease and treatment (including interventional treatment principle).
8. The basic cause of essential hypertension, pathology, clinical manifestations, clinical types, risk stratification, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis and prevention measures.
9. the classification of primary myocardial disease, etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
10. myocarditis etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
11. Acute pericarditis etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
12. infective endocarditis pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
(c) of the respiratory system disease
1. chronic bronchitis and obstructive emphysema etiology, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical presentation (including the type, stage), complications, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
2. chronic pulmonary heart disease etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention and treatment principles.
3. bronchial asthma etiology, pathogenesis, clinical types, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, concurrent disease and treatment.
4. bronchiectasis etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
5. pathogenesis of respiratory failure. pathophysiology (including acid-base balance and electrolyte disturbance) , clinical manifestations, laboratory tests (including blood gas analysis) and treatment.
6. pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumonia Klebsiella pneumonia, Legionella pneumonia, gram-negative bacillus pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia and viral pneumonia clinical performance, complications, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
7. abscess etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
8. tuberculosis etiology, pathogenesis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and the occurrence of fat and development (including clinical type), clinical presentation, laboratory findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, principles and measures for prevention and treatment.
9. pleural effusion etiology, clinical manifestations, Diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
10. pneumothorax etiology, pathogenesis, clinical types, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, complications and treatment.
(d) urinary system diseases
1. Kidney symptoms of the disease, detection, diagnosis and prevention principles.
2. glomerular nephritis and nephrotic syndrome in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, classification, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
3. Urine Way infection etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
4. acute and chronic renal insufficiency etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
(five ) blood diseases
1. anemia classification, clinical manifestations and diagnosis.
2. iron deficiency anemia pathogenesis, clinical features and control methods.
3. the cause of aplastic anemia , clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
4. hemolytic anemia pathogenesis of the clinical classification, laboratory tests, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
5. myelodysplastic syndrome type, clinical presentation, laboratory tests, diagnosis and treatment.
6. leukemia clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
7. lymphoma clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical staging and treatment.
8. idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(f) the endocrine system and metabolic diseases
1. hyperthyroidism (mainly Graves disease) etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations (including special clinical manifestations), laboratory tests, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment (including prevention and treatment of thyroid crisis).
2. diabetes, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, comprehensive treatment (including oral drop sugar drugs and insulin therapy).
3. pathogenesis of diabetic ketoacidosis, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, diagnosis and treatment.
4. pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
5. pheochromocytoma of the pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
(g) connective tissue diseases and rheumatism
1. the cause of rheumatoid arthritis , pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment
2. systemic lupus erythematosus in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
five Surgery
(a) of the surgical Zonglun
1. the basic concept of sterile technique, commonly used in sterilization and disinfection methods and the principles of aseptic correctly.
2. surgical field of molecular biology Science
(1) gene structure and function.
(2) molecular diagnostics and clinical application of biological treatment.
3. fluid metabolism and acid-base balance
(1) of the water shortage and potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus abnormalities in the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and prevention principles.
(2) metabolic acidosis and alkalosis in the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(3 ) body fluid metabolism and acid-base balance concept and the basic principles of clinical management.
4 transfusion indications, precautions, complications and prevention.
5 basic concepts of surgical shock, etiology and pathophysiology of , clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria and the type of shock treatment principles.
6 of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in etiology, clinical manifestations and prevention.
7 pain classification, assessment, and treatment of pathophysiological changes.
8 perioperative
(1) before surgery for the purpose and content.
(2) the main points of post-operative care and the prevention and treatment of complications.
9 metabolic nutrition in surgical patients: the human body The concept of basic nutrition metabolism, enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition choices and the prevention of complications.
10 surgical infection
(1) boil, carbuncle, skin acute cellulitis, erysipelas, acute lymphatic shallow and lymph node inflammation of the etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations and treatment principles.
(2) acute suppurative hand infection, clinical manifestations and treatment principles.
(3) the pathophysiology of sepsis and bacteremia , clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
(4) the clinical manifestations and prevention of tetanus ..
(5) antimicrobial agents in infection control in the application and selection.
11. Trauma
( 1) wound healing process and influencing factors.
(2) the diagnosis and treatment of trauma.
12. burn
(1) the depth of burn area estimation and recognition method
(2) burn pathology physiology, clinical stage and the principles of the treatment.
13. tumors: benign and malignant tumors of the methods and principles of clinical diagnosis.
14. transplantation: the concept of transplantation, basic principles and steps.
15. anesthesia, re-license monitoring of treatment and recovery
(1) before anesthesia Premedication for content and choice.
(2) general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia application and the prevention of complications.
(3) the method of local anesthesia and local anesthetic commonly used in pharmacology, adverse reactions and choices.
(4) intensive monitoring (respiratory function, hemodynamics) applications and treatment principles.
(5) heart, lung , the basic concept of cerebral resuscitation, essentials of the three stages of the operation method and treatment.
(b) of General Surgery
1. neck diseases
(1) Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism: preoperative preparation, operation points, the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications.
(2) various types of thyroid cancer, the clinical characteristics and treatment principles.
(3) the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules principles.
(4) common neck mass points and principles of the diagnosis.
2. breast disease
(1) and breast examination for differential diagnosis of breast lumps.
(2) the cause of acute mastitis, clinical manifestations and control principles.
(3) breast cystic hyperplasia of the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.
(4) common benign tumor of the breast and breast cancer clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment principles. Breast Cancer pathology, the transfer means and staging.
3. hernia
(1) the basic concepts and clinical hernia type.
(2) groin anatomy.
(3) inguinal hernia clinical manifestations, oblique hernia and ...

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