Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flower seeds to improve seedling emergence is a highly technical work

 In order to improve the flower seed germination rate, germination rate should first understand the impact of the reasons for the disposal and reasonable.

one seed per se

flower seeds currently on the market more, and some are very particular about the packaging. The time of purchase, whether domestic or imported seed seed, please refer to the production of bags marked the date and shelf life. Does not indicate the production date and shelf life of the seed not to buy. Because most have lost their past vitality of the seeds will not sprout emergence. In addition, the purchase of seeds, the flower should have a basic understanding of it, for example, to understand what they buy flower seed is a biennial or perennial flowers, spring flowers or autumn is the flower. By common sense, spring sowing the seeds of general flowering in summer and autumn; autumn sowing the seeds of general flowering in spring and summer (woody flowers). If reversed, and in the absence of a certain culture conditions, the equipment is very difficult to achieve the desired flowering purpose. The purchase to the seeds, especially the flowers had not been raised varieties of dill, should lead to a high degree of attention.

Second, the seed treatment is not in place

different flower seeds, should adopt a different seed treatments: germination of the seeds can be easily soaking method. If a bunch of red seeds in warm water of 40 ℃ for one day and night, rinse immediately after planting; hard seeds, such as asparagus, peonies, paniculata, the Hundred Days Red, Daphne and other seeds, it is best in warm water at 40 ℃ soak for 48 hours or so, then broadcast into the basin earth,UGG boots, after 20 to 30 days, you can sprout growth. For the rest period is short, easy germination of pearl plum, Bauhinia and other seeds, soaked in warm water with a 40-60 ℃ 24-48 hours, you can direct seeding.

Some flowers, such as cloves,UGG boots clearanc, and some autumn Chimonanthus herbal flower seeds, subject to certain time low temperature (0-10 ℃) treatment, in order to promote ripening, to break dormancy and germination of embryos. The specific method is to seed and the humidity is 60% of the sand mixture, then into a plastic bag, the bag fastened, put in pot, then even the pots buried 40-60 cm deep in the open field; also be seeds placed in the refrigerator 3-5 ℃ 60-90 days, then planted out in spring. Also choose in the autumn sowing the seeds outdoors through the winter, natural frozen, following spring germination unearthed. Some flowers, such as tassels

, peony seeds, etc., with the radicle and hypocotyl dormancy characteristics of two-that is, its radicle need 1-2 months or longer 25-32 ℃ high temperature phase to break dormancy. For these seeds, and the wet sand must be mixed in before planting, over time, temperature, and then transferred to low temperature, high temperature treatment, can quickly sprout emergence in spring sowing.

Third, ignore the optimum temperature conditions for seed germination of dry seed germination

in addition must have a certain water conditions, but also have to have some proper temperature Caixing. For example, cruciferous Hornsey ball must be the germination optimum temperature 5-20 ℃, optimum temperature must be the germination of Gerbera 20-25 ℃, the germination of Primula optimum temperature range must be at 15-18 ℃. Temperature is too high or too low will affect the flower emergence, especially seed will cause mildew, rot phenomenon, greatly reduced the seed germination rate and seedling rate.

IV, sowing time, any unreasonable

smaller particles, thin outer Pison seeds, such as chrysanthemums, asparagus, balsam, red Hundred Days, Campsis and other flower seeds, for late spring sowing; any large particles, skin solid or oleaginous seeds, such as rose, pomegranate, kumquat, magnolia flowers, seeds, etc., suitable for planting in the fall. Smaller particles, thin skin and the need to heat the seeds, planting should be mature in time, such as cyclamen, Cineraria and other flowers should be planted in early summer. Dianthus, pansies and other flowers should be planted in late autumn.

five to improper planting flowers planting

Outdoor Sowing and pots were divided into two ways sowing, planting methods are broadcast, drill and Dibble. But no matter which method require loose soil aeration, fine particles, health non-toxic, nutrient-rich humus, pH is moderate, only conducive to seed germination. Pouring enough water before sowing, after sowing with a glass cover or plastic film covering the pot to facilitate the preservation of soil moisture, prevent soil too dry for seed germination and emergence. Flower seed planting depth should be about 2.5 times the diameter. Small seeds, such as cockscomb, August Ju, Begonia,cheap UGG boots, Cineraria and other flower seeds, application of sand or soil in the seed sown on the powder and mix well. After sowing the seed germination period, should pay attention to water moisture, but not too much water, to prevent or reduce the soil temperature soak seed and seedling rot fibrous roots, negative increase rate of emergence.

six, ignoring the impact of

light after sowing flower seeds, light can increase the soil temperature, induced seed germination, seed coat worn especially for seeds exposed shoots out of the root is more important. It not only affects the seed germination rate, but also directly related to the ability to grow good seedlings, seedling. Therefore, to transplant seedlings from the planting stage, should be a weak light from dark to light and then to the natural process should be based on sowing, germination, emergence of the different stages of growth to light as much as possible to meet the needs of flowers.

from China Agricultural Information Network,UGG shoes, see more flower seeds information:

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