Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lu Ting Wang Shuo wishes an expression of the vitality of the news media and on the Chinese economy ...

 Lund: Lu Ting wishes
the last two rough life, no regrets; last will and testament, two aspiration
2009   05  24  13:25:47
father was born in 1906 Wuxi, Jiangsu, a family financial well-off families bureaucracy. father joined the revolution early, but the reason he joined the revolution is different from others. that turbulent period, a lot of people because of it for dinner before the revolution, and Lu Ting had small Abraham is said of poetry, fear of abject poverty, he is ideal in order to achieve salvation, and hesitate to join the revolution. He graduated from Shanghai Nanyang University in 1925 (Traffic University), also attended the school when I hope to achieve industrial salvation, an ideal technology to save the country. was baptized by the Marxist-Leninist ideology, recognizing that the old China in the semifeudal and semicolonial, by industry and technology can not save the country, only to overthrow imperialism and feudalism, to overthrow the old society, get rid of bureaucrats, warlords, can China have a bright future to determine the end of his revolutionary aspirations.
in his revolutionary career, has twice been expelled from the party, three were down, especially the The mother was detained for 13 years, Aunt Er Yi San Yi of the four detained 9 years, 6 years, 8 years, my grandmother was beaten to death in prison, I was off 6 years, and broken ribs, three uncles also movement was persecuted to death, his father's life is full of hardships and frustrations. but old people always think this is solemnity, but his father did not think so. he is hard life. l out of several life and death, past ZZZZZZZZZ r. looking back to the political views of large and small to personal qualities, personal morality, are no regrets. Kulai with high ideals, have l Grief old r, I Without such solemnity, because I personally participated in the revolution that overthrew two thousand years of feudal rule, and a hundred years of imperialist rule, the Chinese help to support the strong on the road. Where is the l Grief r all. implementation, is the cause of the millennium will this cause hh victory , father dying, the exhaustion of strength on and off, said:
to .5 9, his heart stopped beating. that two sentences, is his last words.
This is a work for the party 70 years old, to the party's final wishes. was dying obsession is still the country's science education and to give people the right to democratic politics.
rest in peace! father. you two wishes, with the national development and political reform, will be a reality . to, we go to your grave, lit incense to your comfort!
April 2009 in Beijing
an expression of the vitality of the news media
2009 年 04 月 30 日 17:26: 51
The participation in the Denver Business Editors and of the American Association (Society of American Business Editors & Writers) Annual Conference, deep feelings. For the paper-based media in the United States has entered the end stage of life that is even less doubt that The American counterparts of self-deprecating smile, feel warm and helpless view, the future of our own destiny in finding the pressure, feeling as the blade in the throat.
night to find an old article, is the last year, all the years when the General Assembly, I shall. all the ideas have not changed, only the first, now seems even more urgent. to show, a time when spring and summer, it will be referred to the Olympic Games.
one, years can be said to grow around the clock, but now the prospect of changing the industry clearly visible. transition time than most people think should be tight, China's advertising market last year, down 1% on the newspaper ads, magazines, up 10%, but the growth rate and it was unchanged. change will only accelerate the future. We are journalists, not involved in advertising, but the final decision on the advertising market ups and downs of light and shade our future.
Second, the pursuit of quality depth there is always the key to press the same key is the product line / business line, the key is how to keep all new attempts to maintain and develop familiar melancholy note of the new herd prevalent custom fields easily.
Fourth, we are looking forward to the Olympic Games are now estimated earlier in the past, but after the Olympics, China will be different. at this moment that the Olympic Games took place on a particular node, will certainly become a watershed mark. regardless of the Olympic Games in China after the economic downturn will not appear violent, the stock market will continue to fall below the 2000, the housing market will not collapse. These short-term events or not, will not affect One of my basic judgments, that is, after the Olympic Games in China China is another.
economy, the Olympics can be said of China joined the WTO in 2001 has made since the coronation of economic success.
terms of scale, China In the realms of world-class enterprises. the scale of course, do not explain everything, but it is also important. major economic events and world-class, corporate mergers and acquisitions will become increasingly common. former may be ground-breaking financial news, company news and Industry news, may now be more permanent basis. and China-related financial news, company news and industry news, it should be said, how much the imagination of the parties, how much information can occur. In the end this will make us reduce the excitement of such news, but does not reduce their importance to the economy. This is news to us in these areas is a persistent challenge to occupy the high ground.
need to see one of the factors may be more important: China from the WTO accession package of reforms gained momentum should be said that compliance with the completion of the basic run down. In the great benefits of Reform for the birth of interest groups and economic growth in the collision between the demands of reform and Game, is another lasting more important source of news. psychological impact, the Chinese people's self-awareness and awareness of others on the Chinese people to show the gulf between the naked. But the impact seems to have a positive effect. political leaders show rare outside the gradual flexibility and wisdom. East Asia is temporarily out of historical tragedy occurs the first time in a constructive atmosphere for many years, is a proof. This process will not end after the Olympics. China must not only be integrated into the world economic system, must also value in other areas, especially in the field led with the world system of effective communication and dialogue, seek common ground rather than in the past that actually talk past each other.
within China, I think, is not an issue in the interests of the visual out of power tends to diversify in the internal decision-making mechanism rely more on internal balance and consensus government, civil society and the rapid growth brought difficult to predict, difficult to control the turbulent collision between public opinion, would be a very mature and will be a lasting source of news.
The so-called mature, on the one hand refers to the number has reached a critical point, on the other hand refers to the media operational space is open.
, of course, on the governance infrastructure, including social security, health care reform and other social infrastructure, including construction will continue to have is an important source of news.
Finally, I urge you to have time to see Wang Dingding in the In the end of the article, Tintin said, we were just in every major event in the use of an independent ability to judge, faithfully recorded, a consistent. I think, after all, regardless of the media industry, changes in how it happened, able to get this one principle, we will never have vitality .
Wang Dingding / text
. is based on trust and non-governmental forces the desire of public space, over the years, observe the reaction process, therefore, free-market economic system and political system is the underlying trend of this process. Based on the public during the planning system in the 1949-1979 experience of life under the free market as a potential trend in the later into the reform Chinese society in the process of opening access to the tremendous power of self-realization.
same time, free markets and a clear attempt to stimulate the market to meet the life of every person involved in the desires mm it is dark in many ways and has destructive mm and therefore leaving the allocation of resources more efficient. Although logical relationship between the mean fewer restrictions in pursuit of those desires and know the help of others to the desires of the people will be rich. why society as a whole.
light of the above, I think the beginning of a lead the trend but also critical social.
Clearly, there is no criticism of a market economy can not develop into a healthy market economy, the same way, a reflection of a free society will eventually have never lost their freedom.
this position in the market area have been or are still weak, the In the field of education and health fields insisted criticism of have occupied a leading market position in the field, laissez-faire, in environmental protection, cultural heritage, food safety advocates on issues such as more effective government regulation to make up for lack of business ethics in general.
is also based on this position, you can see the ; and the the tendency of monopoly power in collusion. Of course, the transition of Chinese society, had to tolerate an unusually large government. because the transition period, the government must fulfill its part of the traditional planning system in the functions, but also must fulfill its under the new market system, the functions. However, all governments, inherently has a ; is an undeniable fact the same.
In fact, the Chinese government action the past decade can be divided broadly do two stages, namely 1998-2003, and since 2003.
a later stage, government action The most significant feature is the Bianqi the main reasons for the growth rate of fiscal revenue for years greatly exceeded the national growth rate of disposable income, leading to the central and local government departments and the corresponding economic impact of the rapid expansion of the functions at the same time, government action and did not change significantly, the basic model is still bureaucratic.
and a later stage than in the previous stage, the Chinese government is trying to plan and market economy in two essentially different functions between the behavior patterns conversion. But the government officials of thinking and understanding of the issues on the real economy, in large part still in the old planned economy era of the usual type, they often solve market problems to plan ways mm Typically, economists have raised groups widespread criticism of the , corruption in the financial sector, telecommunications, petroleum, railway, aviation, power, and all were euphemistically called Many deep problems caused by the process are beginning to ; tide, and the self-organized labor activism. mainly due to outdated local government to indulge in the usual style, difficult labor rights, labor, factor prices in the market is widely underestimated. China's economic structure, lack of access to an extinction event evolved into a group characterized by acts of terrorism, the so-called and better development of the conflict mitigation path of civilization.
the past decade, Chinese society has experienced the most far-reaching events, should be the outbreak of the SARS epidemic in 2003 and continues today in the possible outbreak of ; the continuing threat. This incident not only forced the Chinese government to re-establish a nationwide system of disease prevention and response to major natural disasters, non-conventional mechanisms, but it forced people to rethink every Chinese way of life and environment of existing relations Related to this, many Chinese people have begun to re-examine their medicine, Traditional Chinese relations, health, self-cultivation, mental and mind healthy and discordant aspects of the state.
today, when the market is dominated not only our social and born because of its impulse to the economic development of our society are rapidly depleted natural resources and cultural resources, when environmental issues are the mainstream of society economic development and industrialization policy as cheap as the right path.
recent prospects of China's future social transformation, I think, should be confident that the continued growth of per capita wealth in China, will lead to the universal appeal to system, it is consistent with the principles of modern education is a The deep-rooted and may develop and can have a lofty ideal of academic research in the original and the world economy and the skills of the personnel. Therefore, the liberalization of education is a priority, the results of the evaluation of education should be relegated to secondary or implementation.
to health and health care system, it should be recognized that at this stage, the basic direction of reform should be things are: (1) to encourage as diverse consumer advocacy group, (2) protection for the consumer advocacy group of medical experts to provide independent advice, (3) to encourage more diverse funding or supply of medical services, including local and Western medical research and development, and local and Western health practices.
as a is used in every major event in the independent ability to judge, faithfully record the times and history, and a consistent. I thought, this is Peking University professor, academic advisor
publication Dubai
of me: Hu May 24, 2009 22:24:55
, almost every time, I mentioned that I went to or go to Dubai, will allow people around excited. during the Spring Festival in February last year, I lived in when traveling in Israel, local friends Amos home. We heard his wife Irina return transit through Dubai, the hotel at the airport and ye shall also immediately look flying: have dual nationality. She would welcome the opportunity.
recent trip to Dubai, is participating in the Arab Media Forum. go before people occasionally mention the trip, knowledgeable friends always added: However, in trouble, you can look at the scene, the situation in the end how to. This is the Middle East, Hong Kong, ah! travel choice is Travel to Dubai is not my preferred.
However, curiosity and excitement written on each friend's face, in this particular period of time seems to do any good. And I went to Dubai to participate in What.
just three days, passer-by. In addition to the old town remains the same, the Dubai and visited five years ago than when I had a bad day to do. I was not qualified to be serious about the observer and described in Dubai persons, but the knowledge is to talk about feelings.
Photo caption: Atlantis Hotel, one representative of the emerging luxury Dubai
blowing cold despite the economic crisis, Dubai is a very lively looking.
we fly aircraft arrived at midnight, after entering the path into the third terminal baggage. The new terminal was put into use last October, the first time I see, luggage room is very vast, and left side 28 baggage conveyor belt, most of them appeared to be quite busy. other luggage, I looked at the screen a bit about the number of flights arriving at 2:00 am to 4:00 pm, 32 classes, there are 8 classes after 4:00.
so high frequency. Last February at the Dubai airport at midnight I turn three, had lived for two nights, had the experience of Dubai's busiest airport as day at midnight. No new terminal was repaired, the original that is not small also building machine for quite luxurious, long, wide marble aisles full of people cross asleep until after 4:00 the morning before the Provisional some peace and quiet.
it to Dubai on the first day this Sunday. we stay Palm Island Atlantis Hotel East Building, and the new large water park and dolphin park convergence. from the East Building of the hotel leading to the large playground gorgeous long corridor, known as the dazzling array of designer shops and upscale dining. from the hotel lobby to the Vision to see water park and beach scene. outdoor sun is shining, we saw thousands of square meters of water, a lot of blue and white drifting buoy easy carrying guests on the water you come to me, enjoyable; the distance of a nearly 30 meters high, nearly vertical water slide, smooth your head from time to time and the next visitors. The hotel and the playground of the white sand beach front is a lingering, long lying on the couch packed full of tourists, the water head fluctuations can be seen from time to time.
course The excitement is just skin deep, and is part of the representation.
I take the train from outside the East Building, across the bridge connecting the island and land. fares to and from 25dh (the equivalent of 50 million), or through the four stations, 20 minutes. compartment clean and cool, comfortable and sea-blue corner of the sofa, elegant, beautiful scenery along the way. However, when the three cars to a total of three people with me, return time is four. intermediate stops are ; (Palm Mall) and the , not even the workers on site.
terminal leading to the land, for the island, A total of ten layers, empty, surrounded by fencing the site, the garage has not officially open; the appearance of nearby buildings were very beautiful, br> This man-made island Palm Island is just like a palm leaf, to road and bridge and tunnel connection with the land. giant group of seven rectangular plots, each row are two long north-south Beach Villas, a row over when one hundred. on the train you can see some villas have been living in, in front of a car. but the houses are mostly rare silhouette.
looked from the train, Well, get their feet more than the stone, and sand is thin, people live to regret.
Photo caption: Water World unprecedented
Photo caption: little guests comfortable train. wall pattern is Palm Island flag. < br> I heard some of Palm Island villa owner occupancy, also complained about the man-made sandy beach. Of course, it is now even greater distress, or can not stop housing prices decline. developers face many difficulties: the new vacant, have houses installment is not timely, there is ill-liquidity in many buildings because of the back burner. It is reported that Dubai is currently the entire construction project has been extended a total of over 350 billion U.S. dollars.
we stayed Atlantis Hotel is also a conference center. come to the meeting of the American journalist with Marta told me that she had heard, this luxurious meeting place since last September after the completion, no one will be opened until this time held in the Arab Media Forum. < br> As far as I can see the local newspaper Business24 / 7 reported that Dubai's residents live rent index in May continued to decline. Palm Island area last month fell 6% to 25%. I might rent a list of reading the newspaper in Four fifty real estate, each room have a minimum twenty thousand dollars per month, is people can afford. Palm Island one bedroom apartments rent for 24500-38100 dollars a month, three bedroom villa rentals 60,000 per month to $ 78,100, almost frighteningly expensive.
Dubai, of course, the per capita GDP of more than $ 40,000 in high, and the Dubai Metro is the world's rich park, said that until last October in property prices, rental situation is still optimistic. But this is now yesterday than the non.
Hotel and Palm Island developer Nakheel's profile, printed on the sponsor of our meeting on the roster. but the company CEO did not show up at the meeting. I heard The developer's debt is also widely questioned.
Palm Island, like other real estate projects in Dubai, by supporting the development of high prices. or four years ago the island was the blueprint for Europe's stars and the wealthy have to buy the future of the large sums of money out of the beach villas. Dubai three years ago to allow foreigners to hold real estate in some areas, the real estate industry is developing rapidly, price of luxury all the way up to early last year, the investment return has been achieved in 80%. Many people purchase is without hesitation.
since last October, Dubai housing prices began to fall. May this year, housing prices have dropped by 50%. chase sell, and even the building of new properties has been difficult shot Huadu, developers also do not want to continue to pay the purchaser the face of the risk of installments. major new real estate construction projects still being implemented, the cash flow difficulties is steep.
up from the 60's after by Shiyou Fu, Dubai and not too close to the oil reserves have been depleted, the current oil revenues account for only 6% of GDP. In recent years, the emirate has been implementing tax free port policy, intends to build financial services and tourism, Dubai-based city to maintain services economic growth and prosperity. just a few years, in addition to large-scale expansion of the Dubai ports, airports and roads, but also built the kinds of miracles, built numerous luxury hotels, shopping malls, luxury residential, waterfront castle. Dubai has become the Middle East, financial, travel and international high-end tourist town.
flourished in the years in the development of Dubai, by the real estate boom Government borrowing foreign debts, government support of several major developers also borrowed a lot of debt. According to the , house prices rise, debt servicing, of course not a problem. But a sharp slowdown in gear, revolving failure, the problem immediately exposed. The whole of Dubai's external debt is now up to 800 billion U.S. dollars, last year's GDP has exceeded the sum of debts due this year up to 112 billion U.S. dollars. Now in the international bond market has been very difficult to finance, the debt crisis looming.
since November last year, Dubai sudden drop in house prices, coupled with a price without the city's situation, led to difficulties in an instant . At that time, analysts began to estimates, Dubai housing prices may fall 80% mm only this, enough so that developers have had to crunch in international financial markets, difficult.
February this year, some easing machine. UAE government decided to bonds for 20 billion U.S. dollars to help ride out the storm in Dubai, the first batch of 100 billion from the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund to buy in full. sitting on the fourth-largest oil reserves in the Middle East emirate brother lent a helping hand at a crucial moment .
However, just as I was about to write this blog, reproduction of .100 billion haze yet clear how to use the UAE's liberal finance minister, Nasser Al Shaikh from Dubai suddenly step down, Dubai's financial difficulties more serious than expected, Nakheel even begun to talk openly about the possibility of debt restructuring, mm it all, leading Standard & Poor's downgraded the Dubai developers. dollar bonds, the second batch of 10 billion U.S. dollars to raise? Dubai and Dubai company can not gain the trust of the international bond market?
Photo caption: Palm Island villa monthly in from 60,000 to 80,000 U.S. dollars, to rent out? < br> Photo: high-profile announcement in June last year, the reporters got to ask questions, accused Western media of Dubai's do not think the bubble burst, and little hope. read the local reports, the talks also many positive aspects of the economy, such as regional banks because regulators did not strictly fall into subprime mortgages, a developer how the issuer plans in consultation with investors.
to My limited contact, where the urban heat Wang tourist attractions, Western tourists excitedly, smiling faces and greetings, standard service specification, it looked really mind as usual. difficulties certainly exist, in addition, I personally ubiquitous man-made luxury Dubai not very respected nor loved. but I admire their generous developers in Dubai, creativity and imagination. And I probably will not collapse like Dubai.
not to mention some calculations account, belong to the emirate of Abu Zhabi He ran in the side of falling oil U.S. dollar will soar, the key is no longer possible to develop the construction of modern society in the Middle East city to erase. and securities derivatives hit the headlines after the 竹篮打水一场空's a different situation Dubai world's tallest 800 meters, 20 lanes of the highway, while 20 container ships loading and unloading the new terminal, as well as hundreds of luxury hotels, thousands of buildings and luxury mansion artificial island composed of Metro and the Middle East The only indoor ski slope, etc., have been the achievements of those not destroyed. extreme terms, and longitudinal huge losses to investors today, then the development of people can still enjoy the benefits. foams have different properties. < br> importantly, where the Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, and many officials wear white robes, and clothing have been Open the door, open horizons, opening up where people feel comfortable amenities, modern facilities ...

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