Sunday, January 9, 2011

once wanted to take a holiday feel to sleep a few days

 Once wanted to take a holiday feel to sleep a few days Lanjue not wishing to have slept the day into a party at the hospital to visit a friend stuck half way out, and think about the people playing catch up quickly to make a car Finally back slower than jogging way it went to the avant-garde furniture city to walk any further ~ one asked the birds to know there are long-distance running drops,,, nothing if the message is enough ... then isolated from the car or stroll down back has proved a very wise decision or

all kinds of runners ~

to the little village was late Fortunately, free The tunnel seems to have no long Sanxialiangxia leave Cleveland to drill out the birds ~

gray old Ash, and often the name of the clock how I can factor in this movie almost Han What impression do

to eat in the yard behind the store that actually has raised peacocks, but unfortunately I was not playing the beautiful people take a look at the two screens is not open to call a calm crying Kazakhstan Pinch of this ... but the food is still pretty good amount of the price is not too black folks and also affordable Ran it really is quite a snapshot of shooting in there clothes to give only five dollars for a plastic Zhang Intuit cheap ~ (low voice tell you that the above is a small eight-play Oh I left there one album left the KMT can be found)

see this battle is also short-lived fad to run the endless city traffic fast   birds ~ Men of children with Britain Britain Qingyuan myself went to see authentic thing we can not afford to hide untouchables also left the tunnels is cramped, but oh is not crowded left

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