Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mobile application store revenues in 2011 expected to exceed 15 billion U.S. dollars

 Dumbo Reuters (Compiled Wen Hui) market research firm Gartner's latest research shows that in 2011, the global mobile application store downloads is expected to reach 17.7 billion, compared to 82 billion in 2010 have grown substantially. Gartner research also shows that, as of the end of 2014, is expected this number will exceed 1,850 billion. The first mobile application store came in July 2008.

expects the global mobile application store 2011 revenues will more than 15.1 billion U.S. dollars, including the cost of end-users to purchase applications and application developers to create their own advertising revenue, an increase of up to 190%. Mobile application store in 2010 the income of only 52 million.

Gartner research director Stephanie White Gesaruian (StephanieBaghdassarian) said: will soon become obsolete. But we do not think so, we believe that future opportunities for the application is also a great store. However, the application must grow, to provide users a remarkable experience, as the same Web application . Mobile Application To survive, they must be able to provide more personalized experience to overwhelm Web applications to give users the Apple App Store with the emergence of alternatives in 2010, continued application of 2009 shops boom. Google's AndroidMarket, Nokia OviStore, RIM's App World App World, Microsoft, Microsoft Marketplace and Samsung's Apps is a powerful Apple rivals, which in 2010 witnessed an explosion of application downloads.

2011, free download mobile application store downloads will account for 81% of the total. This proportion since 2008 since the advent of the first of such stores has been declining. Gartner predicts by 2011 the proportion of free downloads will continue to decline, but in the years 2012-2014, the proportion of an upward trend again. As users come to identify the value of mobile applications, they financed the purchase of applications will begin, then, they will be more trusting of this charging mechanism.

2010, the application stores about 5.2 billion dollars of revenue, which includes the cost of end-users to purchase applications and application developers to bring their advertising revenue. Expected between 2010-2014, the income growth of more than 1000%.

application stores all income is assigned to the store (such as Apple AppStore owner or the owner of RIM, AppWorld) and application developers. 30/70 ratio of the average income distribution, that is 70% owned by all developers. As of the end of 2014, advertising revenues will account for the App Store one-third of total revenue, compared with 16% in 2010 to double.

Gartner research vice president   La Neixi (CarolinaMilanesi) said: the media will drive consumers to download more flat-panel applications, thereby enhancing the overall average for each device to download content. We estimate that in 2010, Apple's App Store to download all applications will account for 90% of the total, and in our the forecast period (end of 2014), remain the most popular kind of a store, although the ratio would decline, because other stores have begun to get the upper hand. President said: All full use of their R & D organizations other than the innovation. However, the successful application of the establishment of a store is far from simple. The application requires the use of various forms of store owners should attract developers, content and organizational challenges such as expanding user base in order to keep the company profitable.

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