Monday, October 25, 2010

As a

 Of traditional Chinese culture today, reflection and criticism is sweeping China. Many people think that China's Confucian culture, it remains the modernization of the yoke of bondage. But often overlooked another basic fact: in addition to people over the age of 50, but few are trained in the Confucian classics education, the majority of contemporary China (including intellectuals) is anti-traditional social environment to grow up. Since the May Fourth Movement to adopt, is almost completely radical anti-intellectual tradition of the universal mind, it promotes the spread of Marxism in China. In particular, in 1949 to become the dominant Marxist ideology, the new generation of people just know great object of criticism in the Confucian. Overseas scholars call this the traditional culture of disruption in the Chinese mainland. Yes, two thousand years in Chinese history, there have been no such a period of spectacular mass thought reform movement. With people, learning from Lei Feng, Dousipixiu such storms one after another. For a long period of time, (except for a short time later the Cultural Revolution Pilinpikong movement) of Confucian culture in China has been forgotten by society, at least on the surface so. There does exist a puzzling paradox: Since the traditional has been interrupted, then why the young generation in China today feel that they are so deeply stuck in the mire of traditional culture,UGG boots clearance, then?

Lenin is said to like it very much maxim: history and people often joke, sometimes it is like to walk into a room, actually walked into another room. The development of contemporary Chinese thought and ideas so that those who launched their campaign off to a cruel joke. I think, in a sense, it is this series of thought-reform movement led to the reinforcement of traditional culture of Chinese intellectuals and recovery package will not overlook the irony, in fact: the dregs of Chinese traditional culture (such as imperial power and extremism of the cultural dictatorship) is the most revolutionary cultural revolution emerged, and the Cultural Revolution itself is nothing more than a few decades more and left the final result of the critical movement. A sense of history as long as there is no lack of contemporary thinkers are sure to appreciate, half a century, the development of social thought seems around in a circle. Completely against the tradition was originally started from, still pursuing, criticism, suddenly found a few years later, we attempted such a critical tradition still firmly standing mountain camel in front of us. All this gives people a feeling of horror: a nation can not go beyond the traditional seems to be a group unconscious.

I think the reason why the traditional constraints that elusive, one of the reasons is that there is an area long overlooked by cultural researchers, this is the deep structure of Confucianism on Chinese contemporary culture - such as Marxism of the impact. On the surface, Marxism and Confucianism as a foreign culture little in common, criticizing the old world has been China's Marxist never interrupted task, the Confucian tradition, a number of factors, such as patriarchal, sexist in recent decades indeed been a raid. But I think of Marxism in China are able to become the dominant ideology, is the basic structure is that it is the forties of this century has changed, this change is in the Confucian influence of Marxism in China to achieve the.

culture and ideology is to create a continuous growth of living organism, in general, decide the direction of development of a culture or ideology is the key to its basic structure, not what language. Compared with the deep structure, and its ideas, slogans and even it is in principle constrained by the overall structure of the position. In fact, terms of structure, form of contemporary Chinese culture involves a structure in the underlying ideas of Confucian culture is very similar to the system. Therefore, to appear in the history of contemporary Chinese culture's most curious phenomenon: the surface is thoroughly criticizing the old culture, but this movement invariably followed the Confucian cultural development started with the logical structure. Therefore, while traditional in name has been criticized. On the other hand, what is its equivalent produced in the movement, but the name has become in the modern surprisingly powerful. Our generation must understand that died thousands of years ago thinkers are not directly tie our culture today. The traditional strength is that it is never a real existence, especially those who are on the surface of today's culture,cheap UGG boots, we no longer call it tradition, but in fact it is the same structure and traditional ideas. In this paper. We can not study the deep structure of Confucianism to contemporary Chinese culture, the formation of the whole process, I am ready to discuss only one of the very localized west side, which is far as Liu Shaoqi's on the influence of Marxism in China.

Mao Zedong Thought, the structure of the theme in the discussion, I have to describe briefly some of the most basic Confucian culture structure. We have pointed out, the structure can be broken down into values, ideology, philosophy and social outlook of three subsystems to be sure. Value of this culture system now includes the ultimate off the body, attitude to life and the ethical basis; philosophy are derived from knowledge systems (natural and social) and ways of thinking pose; community more involved in this ideological view of the ideal social organization view. We believe that different cultures structure, the mutual relationship between these three subsystems are different. The maximum in the structure of Confucian culture is characterized by ethical centrism. Ethical values is the system now occupies the center of culture, compared to make the knowledge system is extremely thin. Is well known that the person has the Confucian Ethics as the most fundamental property, which is the basic difference between human and beast, who is one reason why is because he can have sense of morality. Thus, with a Confucian culture and Western culture, Christian culture and even all other differences in the basic structure: that is, people's value judgments and ethics can come from the man himself, without the need for revelation from God to As for the other other systems (including knowledge of systems). This aspect makes two thousand years ago, China's traditional culture to have atheism and Humanism, but also brought out - a tendency not to be avoided: the ethics-based culture, knowledge systems must be in a subordinate position. Ethics principles can not be from the knowledge system. On the contrary, knowledge systems'd meet people around the ethical requirements and ethical develop. The reason why we have to repeatedly emphasized the Confucian culture in the structure of this feature is to illustrate the ethical system and the basic relationship between knowledge systems, Confucianism and Marxism are different. Thus, the Confucian culture on the influence of Marxism, are often reflected in its deep structure.

the May Fourth period, in the acceptance of Marxism in the minds of Chinese intellectuals, not an ethical center of Marxist ideology. In their view, the reason why Marxism is correct, because the scientific world outlook of dialectical materialism, and historical development of human history reveals the law. From which can be introduced as an ideal society - an inevitable advent of communism. Although many Western scholars have pointed out that the doctrine of communism and the Chinese intellectuals is very similar to the ideal of a harmonized world, but the early Chinese Marxist communism, the main reason to accept that it is knowledge or truth, and not a moral ideal. Communists in the early view, (in fact in the whole ideology of Marxism), the Marxist ethics is that part compared to its philosophy (dialectical materialism) and social values (Communist Theory and Capital) has been relatively weak. So far, many of the world have the Marxist school, but most of them are not ethical center ideology. However, in the thirties of this century, as more and more Chinese intellectuals, the spirit of saving the nation's goal of joining the anti-Japanese Communist Party of China, Chinese contemporary Marxist ideology has undergone major changes in structure, this is the process of Marxism in China .

Today, no one denies that Mao Zedong Thought is Marxism in China, but if we examine the macro to the writings of Mao Zedong, it is broken down into philosophy, values and society are three categories, you will find a very strange phenomenon, which is part of the article involves very little ethical value. If the China has. However,Discount UGG boots, ethical values, in addition to three constantly read articles highlighted in the Cultural Revolution, we almost do not see any amount of literature.

this mean that Mao Zedong Thought and Ethics is not a central ideological system? I believe that if we do not Mao Zedong Thought as merely personal ideas and writings of Mao Zedong, and as contemporary Chinese culture the entire framework, as long as we go after the founding of a series of thought-reform movement, have to admit that after 1949, Centre for Contemporary Culture is the ethical doctrine. Here the problem is that in Mao's writings, this does not mean less work does not include this part of the whole ideological content, and, I believe that Liu

So far, Western scholars of Marxism in China, they all over-valued works of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and ignore the Regardless of personal magnetism, the depth of thinking and literary grace, Liu Shaoqi and Mao can not be compared, but Liu's influence in the party ideology than his estimate of Western scholars is more far-reaching and enormous. Mao succeeded in creating a generation of business leaders, revolutionaries, poets, modern Chinese history of thought in the dizzying gap brought out the brilliant chaos - this is the Mao Zedong Thought. In fact, Mao Zedong Thought in relation to ethical values is precisely an important part of Liu Shaoqi's However, three days without learning, keep up with Liu Shaoqi. This neglect is mainly due to Mao's special status. In fact, Liu is - a typical type of revolutionary scholars, who are not good at fighting, but the ideological work in the organization demonstrated outstanding talent. the impact of Marxism in China and even the ethics of centrism in the Chinese cultural system is the end of the formation of long-term attention.

basic structure.

Introduction Lecture is to discuss why and how the Communists and other theoretical problems cultivation. Liu started the development and changes in society, and who is also the premise of the development and changes that people should continue to transform society in Central and transform themselves. Is constantly on the social and human development, this is the basic principle of dialectical materialism. However, in the classic Marx and Lenin in the literature, has not put great emphasis on the transformation of society must be reformed themselves. With the transformation of the relationship between themselves and transform society to illustrate the theory of party members to conduct training is indeed based on a creation of Liu Shaoqi. Since then, Liu has found a structure of Confucian ethics and the combination of Marxism and the intersection. However, if people just generally about the need to transform ideas and world view, which not too many surprises; for a very broad view of the world, including within the letter, from the knowledge update to the methodology and view of society. It is remarkable transformation of Liu Shaoqi's ideas and goals, that is: Marxism is accepted as the truth, and therefore the content of Marxist than Marx, Lenin, the man himself and quality is more important, or even the quality of Marxism and how Marx himself is irrelevant. Here, Liu does the focus of the implementation of a theory of transformation, the study of Marxism-Leninism my truth into the quality of learning. So, when Liu Shaoqi to avoid knowledge, theory and methods, only the importance of opened up a history of Marxism has never been the way: from the knowledge of truth into a moral ideal-type model. In fact, Marx and Lenin, what is the quality, this is the classic application of Marxist theory rarely talked about, so that in creating the ethical Marxism opened the breakthrough. This has been done suggests a new era of

demonstrates that problems again and again, that is:

Confucian self-cultivation means to do nothing more than the saints, a large number of factions, but no one as Liu also used a great deal of space to discuss how to study the problem of Marxist classics. However, very interestingly, he did not specifically how to learn the classic, but criticized the emphasis on knowledge of selfishness. He said: They believe a person's position, though not very strong proletarian, although not very pure ideology (that still remained non-proletarian ideology) can completely understand and truly master the Marxist-Leninist theory methods. ... * idea is wrong. a personal experience. The fifties and sixties of the CPC members believe that this problem is obvious, do not demonstrate the self-evident. This is proof of Marxism in the fifties when the eyes of many people has become a center of Marxist theoretical system of ethics. In ethics centered view, the position is correct or not, moral purity of the final decision whether you would accept the truth, it is almost self-evident. The cultivation of Liu Shaoqi in writing, in the minds of many intellectuals, Marxism is still the center of knowledge, rather than a moral center. Then, Liu Shaoqi to use this tendency to criticize at length. He repeatedly pointed out that if the proletariat to a position (but less theoretical knowledge) and do not have the position of the proletariat, but people with higher than the theoretical level, the former is easy to understand Marxism, the latter can not. Yes, Liu's decision on the position of Marxism in China is a new milestone, which greatly shocked at the inner world of intellectuals, so they had the attitude of Marxist subtle changes.

you know, the May Fourth Movement is a liberation era unprecedented in the history of China, after nearly half a century of bitter ideological struggle, the Chinese Confucian intellectuals from the Centre finally freed colored glasses, that have to find the truth. : The search for truth Some of these people find the Marxist, the courage to accept it, and enthusiastically promote it, put it into action to transform China. Now, knowledge centers on the re-break, it is found again, for the understanding of Marxism, the position Quality is everything, so that they would have easily been hidden in the heart of the Confucian tradition of attracting the past, so the courage to explore and wonder of learning as a pious city of saints replaced the mentality works. Moreover, since later, more and more members from that day to accept Marxism was told, to become a Marxist, Classics in the methods and knowledge from the property, it is important to correct position, so that purification of his thoughts. Marxist Ethics centered along the course of the development started that way, but irresistible.

very interesting is that in the the opposite tendency, that think of themselves as proletarian origin, stand firm, can not study Marxism, without cultivation point of view. The reason is obvious, because the first to accept the inevitable Marxist can only be intellectuals, but the main those with a dauntless spirit of rationalism and Cup doubt, (or have received the baptism of science and democracy in the May Fourth Movement) intellectuals. In the eyes of these people, not the moral ideals of Marxist ideology. Therefore the Liu's criticism is necessarily the idea for these people. Only in the attitude of Marxist party fully to the moral idealism after the change. As a former non-party intellectuals, more and more, 'the other - kind of tendency , that does not require that the position of the hard right to the study of theory will rise, and thus have a tendency to criticize on the neglect of the necessary theory. In fact, any system of ethical ideological center of the inevitable logic of its own: as it Popularity. knowledge will become increasingly important in which to learn the classic will be more streamlined. Whether the development of Confucianism in the late (such as Wang Yangming), or the Cultural Revolution of Mao Zedong Thought, are all experiencing a similar trend. But This trend has just begun in China of Marxism does not matter when.

fact, apart from emphasis on position and moral determinism other than Liu Shaoqi, Doctrine along the track of the traditional Confucian culture, a series under the new terms, but in fact it is the traditional ideological movement (of course a smaller scale than any time in history large) basis.

from the Outside This is the struggle (including the ideological struggle within the party) there is a corresponding isomorphism (note: bourgeois class rule to build a communist society is a Marxist predictions of the future of humanity. Whether the Russian October Revolution, or twenty years in China before the Communists only in the transformation of the Marxist theory of social practice, very few people class struggle and the social consciousness of each person closely linked to the ideological struggle, but no one thought a few years later to launch a transformation of thinking can be made saint movement. On the surface, Liu Shaoqi on the communist ideology of to the Once you realize the Chinese Communist Party's ideological consciousness of people struggle and struggle with the outside world class structure, then the ideology of practice immediately, there were very specific content, and immediately was given the value of difficult language. Because this way, make a new - in the subconscious to the proletarian revolutionary and traditional Chinese intellectuals familiar with the saints do coincide, those ancient traditions, that the trend in modern Western intellectuals under the impact of the Chinese that has no objective meaning (due to the loss they have brought confusion and long-term loss of the heart) right to life. And this resurrection is the name of a scientific world view. Moreover, this isomorphism corresponds to the cultivation of party members has made very specific criteria: This is the struggle for the eradication of selfishness.

Yes, two thousand years of Chinese history, scholars such practice has never been a single goal and specific before. Establish the concept of impartiality is indeed one of the ancient Confucian moral ideals, but because of the Confucian-based people to derive their moral standards in life, and its goal of training must be quite complex. Now, the issue is not only simple and clear, and obtained a history there has never been a strength. We know that, since the scholars made the righteousness of Mencius has moral courage, the indomitable spirit of the world as Chinese intellectuals has been the source of inner strength, but for the moral and ethical after all, is not strong enough, especially Confucian ethics in China in modern history ideal basis for Now, Liu Shaoqi and the scientific laws of social development found it. Liu devotes an entire section (He pointed out that each of the Communists in the struggle, including the cultivation of ideological consciousness is the greatest in history and is bound to achieve immortality an integral part of the cause. Thus, the pursuit of moral goals to progress in human history to get eternal life. Obtained from the Communists never had a history of mental strength. Although this power is based on the last Marxist theory of class struggle. But by the moral ideals of the Chinese intellectual tradition, its theoretical basis, whether Zhu Xi's of being opened up the new bed roll forward, can not be stopped!

generally speaking, before the victory in the revolutionary struggle, Liu pointed out that the class struggle and ideological struggle with the significance of the relationship between the main structure is to make the party to achieve unity in thinking, so that all party members against corruption through self-cultivation, the formation of a transformation of the society's organizational strength,bailey UGG boots, in this sense, it simply as Mao Zedong Thought, is an important part of the play. Strategy of revolutionary struggle was still occupies the first, but after the seizure of power, the situation must change. On the one hand had to fight to unite in opposition has disappeared, the other hand, Mao Zedong Thought in the Social Construction of the new program strategy for the struggle is far less abundant. This is bound to make more and more important goal of the cultivation of Liu Shaoqi, the whole of Marxism with China will further develop in the direction towards the moral idealism, which makes the ideological struggle and the isomorphic effects of class struggle could translate directly into King We all know, the Confucian

Marx, the communist ideal society to rely mainly on the development of productivity. To Lenin, stressed the importance of changes in the superstructure. But neither Marx, Lenin and Stalin can not expect moral education by the proletariat to achieve communism. Rely on moral education as well as to the Government to establish an ideal society of great harmony, this is indeed the Confucian AEROSPACE ENGINEERING inevitable result of development. In fact, after 1957, Mao Zedong Thought to embark on such a road. From the anti-rightist, four clear until the Cultural Revolution, more and more dominated the whole party left the slogan, and finally started the whole continent, Of course, we can not simply do the Cultural Revolution and the tradition of equating saints, but from the moral idealism to Dousipixiu is an inevitable path.

new Therefore, we can not analyze a wide range of Chinese presence in contemporary culture, unconditionally submit to the party's interests. a collective utilitarianism, and the Confucian tradition are very different. In the Confucian view, the pursuit of must be pointed out that in contemporary Chinese culture, although the repeated emphasis on personal interests must be subject to on behalf of all mankind), so it can become rather similar to the argument: because the party is the representative of the proletariat, and the future of all mankind on behalf of the interests of the proletariat. So the party's interests must be paramount. The concrete in the Communist Party took power in the revolutionary years of very effective when the goal of the party is very clear. the party's interests are concrete, immediate experience of each party can, therefore, the principle of Liu Shaoqi in maintaining party unity and militancy has played a huge role. However, once in obtaining political power, the party benefits become less clear, for the members, in addition to moral ideals, the party's interests are increasingly abstract, it slowly equivalent to the general that cultivation of the is a center of the party's collective interests of utilitarianism, but it still is similar in structure to the Confucian. We know that in the Confucian and the relationship between the party's interests and Zhu Xi said, members of personal interests and personal development. This is also the dedication of the members for the party, the individual interests can be . Indeed, during the Cultural Revolution claims Marxism does not actually have the real possibility to implement, (especially when the party's organization under attack and destruction) so it was quickly submerged in telling lies, open the back door into corruption. The interests (in fact at that time amounted to On the one hand, and Confucian culture in which On the one hand it can go beyond personal moral tradition of Confucianism, the iron discipline of the organization. On the other hand each individual in an organization can have advocated the Confucian personal ethics. understand that, we would not have been Forbearance, they can, misunderstanding to believe the party. Finally, a true communist can do Ying Kuang, most of them can recite these passages, these moral norms are dangerous the occasion of their spiritual support. However, if we pay attention to these qualities are based on the premise, they do the same exactly the same as advocated by the Confucian classics. In fact, After liberation, the Chinese contemporary culture has built a structure, which is basically Confucian ethics can go in the spirit of tolerance.

However, although included in contemporary Chinese culture than in the Confucian moral ideal basis for a solid and modern (They are laid on top of the Marxist theory), but it is far better than the Confucian moral people based on their own, as rich and self-regulation. In terms of structure, China's contemporary culture is more than physical asceticism color, because the pursuit of personal interests must be made by external force to examine and arrangements. and once or superior injustice corruption within the party, individual utility in this system as good as the Confucian tradition of individualism, so righteous, so both sides of the contemporary Chinese people than personality more severe in history. Here, ideas and cultural development to the people once again demonstrated its inherent logic irresistible: a certain kind of foreign cultures and included in the structure of Confucian culture, it is bound to expand in all aspects of Confucian culture (both good and bad), the traditional thinking in modern times once to find their own soil, its root, sprout, grow from it not help the control of the towering tree planting, has been formed is very similar to modern ideas of the traditional

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