Monday, February 28, 2011

New Zealand earthquake struck fear of the storm killed 148 people forced to suspend the search and rescue

 2 27, New Zealand earthquake Cress Teche Qi (Christchurch) center is still blocked. The picture shows the affected residents to pack their bags and leave their homes. Li Jinliang agency issued photo

2011   2 26, New Zealand Cress Teche Qi, the Chinese rescue team to start relief work in the CTV building. In addition to cleaning up the ruins, the Chinese rescue team will also use the life-detection equipment to search for survivors.

BEIJING, Feb. 28 Xinhua General News, New Zealand's second largest city of Christchurch (Christchurch) 6.3 magnitude earthquake death toll has risen to 28 148 people, police said because there are still more than 50 people missing, the number probably will be more than 200.

according to local weather forecasts, a storm hit on Monday afternoon, Christchurch, fear of forced suspension of rescue work. Currently, the victims identification work is being carried out.

27 New Zealand Prime Minister John Key announced the establishment of Christchurch Earthquake Relief Fund, urged the international community for the affected people and reconstruction contributions. Currently, 82% of earthquake power restored, but there are still 55,000 families without water.

according to the latest list of Chinese citizens are still 23 missing in the quake, including a Hong Kong citizen. Missing were mainly enrolled in a local language school for Chinese students.

political counselor of Chinese Embassy in New Zealand, 27 Lei Cheng said, as soon as possible to ensure the affected compatriots to return home the same day from the embassy since the establishment of a provisional accreditation points in Christchurch for compatriots to return documents to facilitate processing.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lukaluolan teaching film classic Mr Ballroom - The Dance Bible ...

 Lukaluolan ballroom classic teaching
The Dance Bible (Dance Bible)
2006  , Luca & Loraine (Luca & Lorraine) a set of fine-sounding name The Dance Bible (Dance Bible) the latest Modern dance instruction DVD, a total of 8VCD. In this set of audio and video in teaching, Modern dance is divided into four themes of the common issues in detail, they are: Balance (balance), Balance of Movement (Movement in the balance), Communication (information transmission), Music and Purpose (music and effects), each subject took two VCD's length, it is rare, is a real, worthy of the name The Dance Bible (Dance Bible)!
Dance the Bible is from Lucca. Lorrain workshop of the most advanced, most comprehensive basic skills teaching Modern dance, Modern dance describes the balance, movement, rhythm, physical fitness, skills, music, effects, and even emotional new teaching ideas , with the props of the training model. Whether a beginner or a champion Modern dance will be an eye-opener. big enlightening, worth collecting.
Chapter 1 - Balance Balance Chapter
(a) Personal balance and Exercises personal balance and exercise
l In this video when we discuss balance, you must think of vertical weight in this disc, when we talk about balance, you have to think of the vertical center of gravity.
l Balance relates to our body, you must understand there are two parts, upper part and lower part. Our lower part works as table works, if you put down the weight, on the table, the weight should goes down and leg go up with. This is normal way naturally carry our body balance in our body is divided into upper and lower half. We like the balance of the lower half of the table legs, when we put the weight of the upper half of the table, the weight of the lower half will shore. Usually this is what we naturally run the rules of our body.
l We should feel the weight always through our spineh. we should be always the focus of our spine through. So suffer from spinal head, shoulders, waist, hip strength.
l To find my correct posture, not worry my body, but need find correct vertical weight to my spine. how to find the correct position, is not worried about their own bodies, and is to find the right vertical center of gravity falls on his spine.
l What is a balance: balance is weight for without side load, is a vertical weight as falling water what is a personal balance: Balance is the center of the edge of any The load is vertical force, like water down the DC.
l What is side load? What is the edge of the load? If we are not vertically down the center of gravity, but the angled left and right side of the tilt, before and after the direction of skew, which is the edge of the load.
l If we do dancing with side load, these muscles are engagedh if we dance with the edge of the load, our muscles are busy, there is no way to adjust the correct body running direction. This is even more shows the importance of the vertical center of gravity.
l We must separate our body weight positions from our body movementh we must distinguish between body weight and body posture of the operation, so we do not want the center of gravity and body at the same time operation. (see disc two tennis and practice the principle of rotation)
l Move your body without change your balance position. Movement in the balance of the body can not change your position. (Please refer to the practice disc do exercises there were two kinds of music and no music)
l With true balance, you will able to be stronger, more powerful, more free and give you total freedom of inspiration in relationship of music. With the right balance You will be more robust, more powerful, more free, and make you easy to find in the music completely free of inspiration.
l How can we keep our vertical weight for? In this your spine play very important roleh how to keep our The vertical center of gravity? At this point, your spine plays a very important role. When we stand between the legs, our focus and our spine is always in the same location. If you want your center of gravity move a leg, is most prone to error arising from the edge of the inclined load, so we need to promote lubrication of the spine such a conversion, yet the vertical center of gravity, the first center of gravity is always perpendicular to the main legs.
l Three positions: Center position, right foot position, left foot positionh three important position: central location, location right foot, left foot position. these three locations, in your dance must be clearly aware of.
l Every step will be combination of forward and side movementh each step is integrated forward and side-line movement, the understanding of this point is very important.
l We are not holding our body position, we are not artificially creating nice lines, we should totally aware coordination our body and every single joint in my bone structural around very strong, stable, powerful vertical weighth we do not control their body positions, and artificially create some lines, we should be fully aware bone structure of the body, each must have a strong coordination of joint, stable, strong vertical center of gravity.
l Bone structural (not muscle) to carry body weight h.. bone structure (not muscle) led the body's center of gravity. So obviously I usually feel my body is hanging in there, all the joints, all the muscles are relaxed, because my balance is vertical.
(b) Couple balance the balance of two people
l Without personal balance, we have no chance to find out balance of coupleh no personal balance, we can not find two people's balance.
l If we aware of the center between two, we are already interrelated to each otherh If we can realize that the center between the two, then we have a correlation, which means that we can exchange, you can create a balance between the two. We should think there is between center, we can stay away from or into the center, you can transfer the center, but we always maintained a balance between the relationship. This is a very important point, especially the male partner to have such a sense, because the male partner is the lead dancers, they often think he is the center, lead a dance, it is very easy to destroy the balance of female partners. both men and women not only to understand their personal focus, but also to understand where the focus of the two, but also has maintained the vertical center of gravity.
l How do we feel this vertical weight of the coupleh how to feel this vertical center of gravity? Of course you can not come up, but going to feel. to find the center of gravity of the feeling, feeling again The relationship between each other.
l For lady, donrt try to be lighthHeavy on balance is goodh of the companion is, do not let yourself too light, so that the male partner is not easy to feel you, the premise in the balance, plus the weight is useful. But if the male partner feel your body is too heavy, it is that female companion did not find the vertical center of gravity. when in contact with each other, not looking for a point on the body, but rather to find a common center. < br> l If you look at the center between us, that space should never chance that much. That space is balance of the couple. If you look at our center, we will not change the space between, the space is two balance. We do not own the center to pick up the dance or with dance, but dancing with a common center.
l No tension in the hands, no side loadsh Remember, do not force the hands, do not a side load, always maintain the vertical center of gravity.
(c) Exercises Exercise
(disc) for the center of the red ball as you are in any case run, the center is always fixed between you.
Chapter 2 - Balance of Movement Chapter movement in the balance
Four forces: Gravity, Inertia, Centripetal Force, Centrifugal Force
(four forces: gravity, inertia, centripetal force, gravity)
l Balance of movement is very complex subjecth to understand the usage of naturally forcesh the balance of the movement is a very complex subject. correct understanding and application of the four forces of nature, can enhance our ability to balance and running.
l Gravity: The most important point of gravity is we donrt want side load, we want consistently on balance. the gravity of a point is not to have the edge of the load, to maintain its balance.
l Inertia: Is the force that keeps a ball that decided through continual after you finished your pushhForce to carry on your energy inertia is when you throw a ball, to have the kind of continuous power to keep rolling. We can not create inertia, and inertia is always operation of your body. Usually we are using the muscles to start or stop the inertia. As we ride a bike, beginning a few steps are laborious, and later use of its inertia, it will feel a lot easier. When we turn, we do not brake to start, but simply convert a direction of the power of converting a run. dance is the principle.
l You canrt see this forceh. Initially, this force of inertia you can not see , nor do I feel, you have to imagine, like to see the water, you have to imagine the speed of the water, you're going to guide its strength, but not push the power. is the principle of inertia.
l Inertia can help you become a powerful and help you to save your own physical energyh inertia will help you become powerful, and can save your own energy. However, to distinguish between the different inertia and center of gravity.
l Centripetal Force : is the force to the center of the turn centripetal force, is to rotate the power center.
l Centrifugal: Will be slight resistance to a force to resist the centrifugal force is a force slightly.
l We are applying these two forces in a relationship to our body and in a relationship to a coupleh We will use these two forces in his body and between the two.
l We donrt expect you to understand these two forces by watch the videoh us do not expect you to be able to understand by looking at the film's use of these two forces, you need to and away from your practice partner to find the feeling of them.
l Motion is other very important aspect, so can achieve perfect balance movement correct action is a very important part, it can achieve a perfect balance and operation. not much action and power relations, but the physical and mechanical activities of important association. the right to practice the correct action can be achieved. Please The first disc in the light of practice, to maintain balance on one foot, moving the other foot to do three actions before and after the exercise, which is the most basic actions.
l The natural instinct, when we walk, when we move, we always move our body firsth natural instinct, when we walk, we must first move the body. dance, especially to do a big swing, it must first move the body, catching on your center of gravity. action shift the focus to help you do the preparation.
l When we promoting a big step, our foot should ready to receive its weighth when we do a big step, the other foot we would be ready to accept their own center of gravity.
l Why these motions are important? Because allows me to receive my weight on the leg which will be a standing legh why these actions are important? because it allows me to accept their own center of gravity, the legs absorb the weight of power after and then into the main leg, and so on. we step from a mobile is always open legs started towards the end of another open legs, never started or completed in a closed state.
l Motion before movementh movements in the run before.
l Whatrs difference between catching my weight and receiving my weighth catch up the center of gravity and center of gravity to accept any different? If we were always chasing the center of gravity, then shift your center of gravity is very difficult to control the balance, so there will be pressure on the body, and no sense of security. our mind automatically send information to the muscles, leaving the muscle contraction, which is a natural instinct. In an interview with the center of gravity, the force must be prepared to leg to complete this process. we are to the brain to relax, have sufficient sense of security, you must have a solid balance.
l Total joint coordination of all joint coordination
l You should feel your body at total activity of joint, these activities request in order to keep consistently vertical weighth you should feel your body's activities because of joint in motion, and this movement requires the maintenance of the vertical center of gravity is always the same, so every movement, I feel the use of physical in each of the relevant joint.
l Energy created by rotation over these joints, itrs always ending downwardsh. power generated from the joint rolling, always ending at the bottom.
l Letrs introduce our dear friend, his name is point. mid-point of the vertical center of gravity on our behalf. The following four points, on behalf of our before and after hip. If you see move and maintain the central part of the firm as much as possible. If we slightly more complex, additional four points, that is, before and after each one of us foot. We can imagine the 12-point moving parts, and then they associate. First, from the foot pressure (the pressure of the foot, both your feet on the floor from a different point of view the power generated) activities spread to the buttocks, then spread to the shoulder activities. Of course, this need is not a joint cooperation and coordination. This one spine play an important role.
l I am constantly aware of my feel creating foot pressure on the floor, in order to modify the activity in my bodyh running, I am always aware of their feet on the floor to generate pressure to to adjust the operation of this body. So, I can pull the floor with my toes, but also open the floor with my toes. you can see, this kind of action will lead to my body.
l If I want move to left, I will push the floor to the righth .. At same time, for the upper body, I will now create down force by bend joint and rotating joint bending the bodyh if I move left, right, I will floor away. and vice versa. and swimming, as the strength of the foot is always forward in the opposite direction, and such pressure is not coming from the legs, is always sent from the toe, so will give you the power to bring up, because you put the pressure squeezed into the floor. in your mind, you can imagine a picture, when you stand very stable body when the floor is your toes to push the movement. At the same time, your upper body Use your rotating joint, bending the body to create a downward force, so you will always feel that the two forces from top to bottom. We do not separate these two forces, otherwise unable to properly regulate the body's operation.
l If I want to sum up the feeling I have in body when I dance, the only part that I consciously, physical and muscular are my toesh All in all, when I dance, I feel is the only body, it is a sense of the body on the toes of muscle strength. In every part of the body, I fully understand that all joint activities, in the reverse direction of rotation to feel your center of gravity. For example, in the feather step, I feel I have the floor towards the rear, and my feet would take me walking through forward. this one, we do not just straight forward, but from different angles, so that a response in the joints in the body. Also, from the top of my body, I will bend my body to generate a downward force, which is gravity, inertia, centripetal force, gravity, pressed against the comprehensive strength of compression to the floor. but the body does not feel squeezed, the body should feel a lot of sense in mobile devices, these sensors are the various joints in your body. but all the strength came from different directions are compact and compressed, so will let you get comfortable at the same time the power of the body and run. in the disc, you may be staggered to see this power, see Luca and Lorraine demonstration last disc, they embrace, including the first and second dish was talking about.
Chapter 3 - Communication between man and woman Chapter communication between men and women
(a) Mechanical machinery
l When we discussion communication, the common center does not create or transfer any informationh when we talk to each other, and work together to pass the center does not produce or any information. it comes to mechanical problems, we can be divided into three different areas:
(1) joint part
(2) nerve section
(3) the muscle part.
Note This order is very important.
l Letrs start with Jointh to talk about the joints. Imagine you have a great restaurant, there are a lot of tables, each table with two chairs only. When the restaurant full house, the same time, each table will have different exchange, but each communication is only between the two. If we come back to our bodies, let us come into contact with each other. I hope the two Think between is a large restaurant, two wrist joint is a table, so the wrist and wrist to exchange, rather than going to ignore the other table. two elbow joints as in the exchange, and need not ignore the body other joints. and so on, the two shoulder joints, hip joints, etc., are in communication with each other, regardless of the other parts. So the two of us share the body are often so many different exchanges, different information. Of course you first thought, my brain how to control the coordination of so many joints? in the back of the workshop, we will have some exercises to help you to understand this natural coordination.
l When we look at each other, we donrt look at each other as one unit of body, but we look at each other as combination of many joints, which we will coordinate each otherh. When we looked at each other, we are not to each other as a single body, but as a synthesis of many joints, to coordinate each other. So when we came into contact, do not just physically on the body, may look nice, but once running, will be very stiff, a lot of problems can presented. The correct exposure is to allow each other to connect the joints and joint production, so we can free the body to maintain a good body condition, and exchange, and will not affect their balance and balance each other.
l Once I had received information of the touch, my senses in my body are open and applying same amount of feel to Luca as he gives meh when we touch, once I receive each other's information, my body's senses are opened, and the feedback the same amount of information to each other.
l So, remember we discussed about three level of understanding, of course, these senses are very importanth remember what we discussed earlier, the understanding of three parts, this sensory response in the dance is very important. you have to start the first contact, the contact is both wrists and two hands know this joint, have their own pace, in their own way of functioning of the possibilities. pass through the exchange of hand joints to you the body, while maintaining a separate state of free and easy. This is what we are talking about the first point, some of the joints.
l This coordination goes from our toes to our finger tipsh such coordination is from our toes to our fingertips. If I were to turn the companion's head from left to right, I will not use our common center, will not use my arm, I simply increase the shape of my head, feel my companion changes in the head gives the same response. The illusion of synchronized actions as completely from the body the right of each joint coordination. As a male partner, you want to know your companions tend to action, you must use corresponding to promote your joints, and the body does not matter, not force driving.
l Letrs move to second point, which is your nerve systemh now second point is that your nervous system. Once we have some sense body , we will need a set of network system, they and all the associated sensors will happen, this is our nervous system. and the nervous system and also convey our emotions, which we will discuss later.
l The never system is every where in the body as you knowh we all know, every part of our body are filled with the nervous system. There are five important parts are worth noting: two toes, the center of gravity is the spine second half, the two hands of the fingertips. through these five points, you can pass a very clear message to my body, this information can quickly pass through the nervous system. my joints and my nerves of information of information, according to my running speed of the change in the orderly.
l So letrs do some very slow action, the majority of information is created through the jointh if we do some slow motion, the main force comes from the joint system. If we do strong, rapid action, then the nervous system will provide the information immediately. Do not misunderstand here, when our joints, or relax. the information is always changing, we do not want to use the brain to guess, but feel fully focused and firmly attached to the male partner's body. so I can in the shortest possible time ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Inventory Due to hygiene conditions of the 10 pairs of movie star couple

 Reading Tip: Always love the entertainment is especially attractive to the eye, star TV, film collaboration soon fell in love affair generated more attention! Recently, due to overflow and sand play, recalled how Hu's wedding can be held in Beijing, is also exposed Little Dragons Jie underground conditions and exposure. Through the combination of art, the atmosphere in the arts, their kissing scene, Sex, sex scenes can not have love, to avoid chemical effects, Jiaxizhenzuo uncommon genius and beauty can be called a perfect match ... ...

NO.1 Jie VS Little Dragons

NO.1 Jie VS Little Dragons


clean release small r. where the underground conditions and exposure to the cleaning of a friend find out some details. Two sparks, time have to go back with two film Film, the two private middle of the night there will be several of the plot, the director also praised Jie was pretty natural speech, now seems to realize that this is a reason.

Jie's friend said the two men who in the end who should chase is not known, but tired of every day while filming together, not together, but also send endless text messages. Finished Little Dragons shooting hand injury some time ago, He Jie his sad, try to spend time with her boyfriend.

NO.2 VS Sha Hu may overflow

NO.2 VS Sha Hu may overflow


Recently, because of the junior, hold BRIC Yi Hu and sand can be cooperation last year drama

According to staff revealed that the sand overflow of people are very considerate, filming will make a small joke funny free happy, but Hu could be filming is very serious. Great contrast between the two has led to appreciate each other's character and attract. Trips for two to the Three Gorges image is exposed, the woman first published romance. Prior to this, can be brokered by Hu, Sha Yi successfully signed HY. They recently debuted a film premiere, sweet shot in the positive interaction with the media. Hu hosts may debut earlier origin, in addition to acting career, but also with shop, stocks, investment real estate and other fishing gold, its assets conservatively estimated tens of millions. The

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shamans will (original novel)

testimony. In short, who can not believe vampire? the afternoon, Scotland Yard, accompanied by Mr. Frank, we went to see the legendary jazz mm said that he is the gift of Her Majesty the Queen knights pro.
half Street, 33, a full two small medieval style floor. downstairs two apple trees have been trimmed to no branches out into the window, I can not imagine apple trees can grow so high. We stood still at the door, Mr. Frank, I want to again remind tidy clothes, do not have a little dirty, the owner is very concerned about this here.
rang the doorbell, Banjiu opened doors gently. wearing a plaid shirt and a boy emerged half a body, I saw a full The freckled face and a fiery red hair. We handed him the card, he looked into our room, I noticed that he said not a word.
the living room stood a pine table, Banjiu , covered with light blue tablecloths. silver coffee pot placed on top, bright as new. We sat in the chestnut wood chair, called the boys into his master.
my attention all around. On the wall an imitation of Da Vinci Madonna tactics, weapons next to a huge rack, above them the two epee, whether decorative or practical things I think adequate style. on the other side is golden shield wall above have two elk, I think this should be the master of the family crest here.
footsteps coming from the room next door, seated beside Mr. and stood up. I realized that her master, and quickly got up hat .
arm with the boys just came out of an old man. This man between the ages of 50 and 70, the ruddy, burly body, I can not even accurately determine his age. His silver-haired very neat, clean shaven chin. He was wearing a linen gown, a pair of feet is a Persian-style slippers, and I suspect he just out of bed.
most notably, he wearing a pair of mountain sheep's eye, covered his eyes tightly, which makes me very surprised.

, you guys can give me what naughty gifts, I just remember every time you come to trouble. before the old man today, he could only express his tame side.
; Please call me Lee. old hand reminds me of the claws of birds.
I could not help but surprised, I really am just arrived by boat, is sailing due to sit this way can be said that the pain of suffering seasickness. but how do you know the old man, does Frank tell him? < br> I look back at Frank, his sly smile: ! ;
we re-sit the old man told the little boy going to get coffee. and then Frank said: . said.
blink guy, specializing in middle of the night, looking for those beautiful young woman to start with. victims often tortured after being cut open laparotomy ridden, digging organs. This case is not handled by the Frank I do not know, I know all Police and both the British Empire a headache for this matter.
Frank face appeared that the crafty smile. He took a black bag, before it was to the elderly. elderly people reach out and touch the zipper on the bag, gently opened it, and that no degree of dexterity can not see things like a man. He slowly reached into his bag and took out something wrapped in a brown paper. that thing out, I suddenly smelled a faint odor. Frank Look the old man, his face even looks a bit nervous. elderly people did not care that the smell, the brown paper strip slowly, show in front of us was surprised to be a skull!
to bring such things as a gift ?! my heart is full of mystery! but look old kimono Ranke expression, so seriously, did not look like a joke.
old right hand stroked the face of the skull, with the index finger into his dark eyes that , the middle finger slightly to stay in the position of the nose, this time, I felt a little sick. When he left the mouth into his skull, I thought I was a bit nauseated by.
this time, the elderly long the call of the tone, put the skull on the side of the table, took a handkerchief, wiped his hands. thoughtfully. After a long pause, he put that little boy got the coffee, gently the sip.
Frank's eyes filled with urgency.
old man spoke: even the clothes are gone. good.
Notebook carefully away, well in front of a deep kiss conspire for the elderly. br> Frank went all the way to trot out, as too happy, almost forgot to take that baby on the skull.
He mix up. I feel that he is not very light weight and muscular. away his mouth. Tom, to prepare snacks. simple, I really was old and confused. up, action is very flexible.
thick, so I judge the dead were men. dead inside than outside the upper edge of the orbit, that is, his eyes higher than the eyelids angles, so I say he is eight words. the location of the skull above the nose, that is, pear-shaped holes can be used to determine many things. Generally speaking, if the pear-shaped hole is a long triangle, the deceased's nose is long and narrow. contrary to the short and wide. The size and shape determines the nasal dorsum size and morphology. nose Valley High, the high bridge of the nose, nose uplift is high. anthropologists believe that the white high nose bridge of the nose, big nose, nose high. low, small nose, short broad nose. how does one judge? ;
He paused and said: flexible person. your father is doing what? I'm full of hope. . If you are hungry, Tom will do a lot of good food, the most adept of his apple pie. I'm sorry, I would like a break. old, ah. out, the door closed.
old man's study can be said that a huge treasure trove.
I see a lot from the no, not even heard of the books. the walls and ceiling high shelves , the above array of books: a morocco cover, with a silver pentagram symbol alchemist Notes; a black leather cover, the title page there is the signature color of black magic books; a brown-black leather cover, with illustrations, four This set of Spanish comments, and some are in red ink on the page doing the mark.
the shelves are too high, some books I can not see. I have moved light ladder frame. stood above the moment and I have dizziness. have to find a place to sit down.
when I move the ladder when the ladder hit the top of the bookshelf, bookshelf with old creak gently shaking up. above the crumbling books . I Khan, Mao Duli up, and quickly hand on, I thought this thing down if I can not not finish off. Even if I do not got nothing to break which book!
front of a flower, a piece of paper from the I called before the turn, gently slide.
I have time to take a closer look, his hands still firmly help a good shelf.
did not quite shake the shelves.
I relax, softly turn that frame Baby Please open the ladder, against the wall away, and rubbed at his forehead, full of cold sweat.
bowed his head, I saw the piece of paper.
It is a pink to look like a bookmark things, above densely filled with small print, and those who endorse the book is the same handwriting.
I stooped to pick it up.
saw read the following text:
created Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve's first child named Cain, the world's third person. Cain's brother Abel. On one occasion, the two took their labor to present him to God. God, but not as long as the Abel to Cain. back then, Cain killed Abel. God punished Cain, let him wandering life, and only with blood for food. Bible
this time, Tom beckoned me to eat dessert. I left the study.
Tom's craft really authentic. I am full of praise. The child seems very shy, his face has been very shy. a bit of a boast He he blushed.
never get old.
night, my house was placed in the rooms, baggage was brought it. Bed very comfortable. Although relatively cold outside, the house is very warm. I closed on the eyes, fast asleep.
made a few seem to dream, but I remember nothing after waking up.
morning, I got dressed, grooming is completed, to the living room, the elderly have been upright of sitting there.
. As rain last night, today compared the muddy road, we took a long time to catch up. the door a few police officers, the elderly took out his business cards, they are very respectful to us inside.
Frank lying quietly the second floor of his house on the stone floor downstairs. has a lot of blood on the ground. He did not move, was shocked to stone, as if there has been silence for a long time. He was a gray woolen coat on his body. Poor guy, yesterday and he talked and laughed, did not think now is a ghost passers. waited at his side is his two assistants. One is the big man, Bill, Charlie, one is red hair. They face The feeling of grief is no way to use language to describe the feelings between them and Frank has not only the feelings between the supervisors and subordinates should be brotherhood.
I helped her come near to the elderly, Bill out His thick arms, the old man in his arms, I saw his eyes were red. but he grinding his teeth, said not a word. elderly friendly pat on his shoulder, that comfort. Charlie just blankly standing there, seems to have become numb a wood carving. everything around had lost interest.
reached out and touched the cold forehead Frank. facial expression is very complicated, I can not believe killed! like his kind of temper, where commit suicide?! Poor Frank, I really did not expect to actually be out of this accident. Frank on the forehead. if Frank can talk, tell him he wanted to know everything. a long time, Frank under his hand and sorted out the hair, to sort out good. and then he continued to check.
said to me, Now I have to act as his eyes. I do not believe Frank would commit suicide, then he died or whether the homicide was an accident, and now by us. or, by my eyes.
I looked around, the tell the old man he saw: ten centimeters at the end where there was a paint shoes, new shoes, shoes, the bottom is really a very smooth. ; old man asked.
Bill shook his head, said: come after. Charlie put his arm into the upstairs. Bill and I followed.
rub rub on a little blood on the wall under the window a small amount of blood. Ming is a dark three-room suites. outside the door unlatched, Mortice locks and latches are intact. north of the deceased on the windowsill the other shoe, the heel outward. interior lights still on. the ground clean, neatly furnished , it appears that Frank was a tidy person, and no one is fighting over the house, at least for now.
I put everything I have seen tell the old man. his head down, silent. Suddenly he turned to Bill: pence, and his pocket watch. Yes, there are half a pencil. > dynamic up, but it is the only moving his body parts at this time. He reminds me of the way the temple Zen master in meditation.
After a long pause, the old man still did not move. we do not even have air not out of fear that disturbed him.
old man suddenly spoke up: , I held him, lest he shock, but no, he touched the safety of the electric light, touched bulbs.
downstairs, and soon came to the first floor window sill. Charlie and Bill walk in the middle of the elderly, suddenly shaking the next, almost Zaidao.
Do not move. leaves, then top with blood.
old man took the piece of leaf, and sighed.
Leaf threw me. very spacious, more than enough to take us.
old very quiet just now, after a while he suddenly got into high spirits, with us to discuss the customs in Britain. He talks to the ladies of the ostrich feather hat ornament, a shipped to India talks on new areas of tea, one will be talked about in the British Museum's latest collection. His language is very rich and vivid, and sometimes add some witticisms. I guess the elderly are to divert everyone's attention, making everyone less depressed mood.
appeared he had just finished the latest German airship, suddenly changed the subject.
indeed become a bit better. Charlie asked: interest, I judge that this guy is Jack the Ripper, or that, and on Jack the Ripper. I would also like to personally arrest him! .
living room we sit in the elderly, hard working, right side to the small Tom steaming coffee. tell the truth, in the dreary wet London in a circle, the coffee really can be said that Tom is a pleasure .
both hands.
looked at each other, realized that good, or listen to him, Bill and Charlie to pay what he wants out.
old hand with a gun in one hand and handcuffs, his face suddenly reveal a mysterious smile. I think, if he was not wearing goggles, then it must be very charming smile.
direction and looked and saw the door empty, one person can not.
listen click, bang, it was handcuffed wrists in the voice.
old man's voice sounded behind him: Frank arrested on charges of murder you. handcuffed to the wrist in the Charles.
Charlie faces, with a faint smile, smile until it becomes stiff.
You kidding? This is not fun. handcuffed hands very hard to accept. his pocket. remembered the mad bull. He severely throw off the old man, an old man stumbled and almost knocked over a pine table. but Charlie hands were handcuffed, there is no way free. four arms that hold him, I and Bill say it will not let him. Bill face full of anger: Charlie and the addition of a knife hand, shook me: Tom has been petrified in the side, the hands of the fruit fall to the ground plate.
Charlie has retreated to the door.
elderly people struggling on the ground up: bit, Ju Qiqiang to think shooting, but the deduction of the two bolt did not respond.
Do not try to catch me! Tom just off the ground.
his feet to be scraping the threshold.
old man leaned listened to his voice, his smile: .
Apple with his face toward the sound of whistling.
Charlie quickly dodge left foot has taken the door, the street outside is busy coming and going, if he got into the crowd may not very good catch. I have already started preparing flutter past, saying that could not let him go.
rubbing his forehead Apple flew played juice splattered on the door.
Charlie's action has been because of dodge Apple and I hesitated a moment.
but this time he ran towards the door to the outside, his back towards us.
elderly foot force, and only a brief moment, the whole people .
then, the old man's left hand cut in his neck, right hand index finger in his arteries struck a few, just about.
old man stopped, panting lightly.
Charlie ran out to continue, step, two steps, three steps.
fourth step, slow down his movements.
fifth step, his shoulders shaking up suddenly.
sixth step, his back curved forward.
not taken half of the seventh step, he suddenly opens his mouth, spit out a mouthful of foul liquid.
his leg is still a difficult step out.
Then he himself a crooked, sitting on the ground.
Charlie is still desperately out his hand, stuck forward, falling to the side of a knife.
this time, I stepped on his hand on. He can not move anymore.
old man leaning on the door frame has been stopped, stood firmly Dangdang.
I suddenly have a feeling that the blind old man, than a hundred visually lossless a powerful young man.
pedestrian crowd outside began to more, I called someone in to call the ambulance crew, Charlie pulled himself back to the living room. the inside, I did not forget his elbow up a bit. just listen to Kacha a ring, he shouted, and almost fainted. unloading joints dislocated? all right, but fear that a knife or anything on the toxic stuff is not clean, we watched him being loaded onto a stretcher, relieved, and then we come to deal with our guests who is not honest.
I would like him look again upon the old man stopped me: of course, is Frank's possessions.
Charlie is not honest, we have to admit that his energetic. in the elbow and ankle have been handled, he still has the ability to curse.
yellow dog! You two will pay the price! high price! I will not miss you! not! I swear! .
this time he is only honest.
old man whistled at the side: sit in his chair. He looked at Charlie to his stare, suddenly smile, understand about the whole incident, so I asked: , said: : Why is the room for a new pair of shoes specifically do? In other words, the room lights lit for a short time. from the field of view, seems to be going to Cabo and Frank fell down the stairs. But now to the windows, why not turn on the lights? Moreover, they had no Now turn on the lights lights on to show that this site was forged! piece of leaf, if Charlie slipped on the stairs, blood why on the first floor window near the leaves appear. In this I can conclude that this is murder! to start, then kill him. how to tell you?! . br> say that the notebook or from Frank learned. And when the laptop could not find a search Eighty per cent of the body in the Charles. Anyway, in any case, he has been exposed. look of remorse, but his face is still tyranny. a fearless way.
the so-called outlaws do not know are like this.
old orders, dogs. Calm down. the wound can cause I can judge it, and that some girls with wounds very similar to ah. me. Jack the Ripper is my. > God let them die, they will die! the note.
What reproduce God, the blood of God What has emerged. .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pass the end of colonial Governor, Chris Patten took over when the BBC (map)

 Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten end of the period of colonial sovereignty over Hong Kong handover ceremony, Patten feeling very depressed  
Express News According to the British Francis Patten), under British colonial rule in Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten was the last British Government to take over as the primary candidate for President of the BBC Trust, is likely to take over the UK's largest news broadcaster.

reports, BBC members of the public interest monitor the identity of the purposes of the trust management, trust President is prestigious in society, including Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, the head of the British Prime Minister nomination, the Queen appointed.

BBC Trust Chairman is responsible for overall strategic direction, supervision and approval of President Mark Thompson, BBC and other major administrative officer's decision. 4 working days per week for this post an annual salary of £ 110,000. Meanwhile, the Trust will also hold a news report on the style and position of an impact.

BBC Trust chairman appointed the first few had been considered too in favor of the Labor Party, and Chairman of Patten news about the Trust as many people believe: BBC that the Conservatives regain the hour of public opinion to the arms.

Patten pushed the plan to re-power the digital BBC is the British minister who   (Jeremy Hunt). Mrs. Patricia Hodgson Trust Member (Dame Patricia Hodgson). Jeremy's conclusion: to

BBC money off the air in Chinese

the BBC (British Broadcast Company), referred to as the BBC, was established in 1922, Britain's largest news broadcaster, is also the world's largest news broadcasting organizations. Although the BBC is to accept financial support from the British Government's public media, but its management is independent of the Government by a 12-person supervisory committee, and through the Royal Charter to protect its independence.

but the BBC in October last year, the exposure of management salaries and pensions of retirees abnormally high, and even the British Government have gone over the line, then ordered them collected 500 million pounds (53 billion RMB) The license fees --- no doubt punitive measures.

less money because the Government, BBC announced it would lay off the international stage 650, the Ministry of Mandarin Chinese broadcast service will be starting off the air since April. British officials on Feb. 12 said it was examining the case of BBC's downsizing in the hope of finding new sources of income. BBC broadcast in Mandarin Chinese from May 1941 launch, this year will be over 70 years, but now apparently can not wait to celebrate this important ceremony.

Patten left Hong Kong in these years

1997   7 1 May, Chris Patten, accompanied by Prince Charles and his family travel from Hong Kong Royal Yacht. Subsequently, Chris Patten, a holiday to the south of France, during which he wrote to the personal point of view.

1998   to 1999, Chris Patten as the

1999, the Patten became a British accredited representative of the European Union (Brussels), and in March 2003 became one of the 20 EU Commissioner, responsible for foreign affairs.

1999   9 months, Patten was appointed Chancellor of Newcastle University. 2003, was elected Chancellor of Oxford University. January 5, 2003, former president of Oxford University, Lord Roy Jenkins died in March, Patten was elected the new president of his alma mater. As usual, he will be a life-long job as Chancellor of Oxford University.

2005   10 months, based on the UK, the contribution of Hong Kong, China and the EU, Patten he was appointed a life peer, Baron title for the Barnes, it won seats in the House of Lords, to return to the UK Congress.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Broadcasting, communications technology of the start of the Olympic Games

 For the Olympics, the broadcast appeared on the show once a clear advantage, due to the processing of sound plus pictures than text processing is much simpler with the invention of telephone use on radio, broadcasting than the speed press Netcom during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will take to the Olympic venues outside Beijing as well as the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) of public radio and television signal transmission work. all the arena of public radio and television signals are transmitted through China Netcom's fiber optic network to International Broadcast Centre, which then sent around the world.
advantage of broadcasting the Olympics a catalyst for rapid development of
1906, one night on Christmas Eve, New England, while several nearby radio officer on the ship suddenly from the headphones heard a man's voice, talking about the , the sound is gone, the headphones sounded again the familiar Morse code ticking. This unexpected sound of the radio operator listening to it both surprised and excited, none of them think that that is the world's first radio broadcast, and since then, a new communications era began.
for the Olympic Games, the radio show, once appeared a distinct advantage to, and then press sector have a significant impact. Although there is no way as newspapers radio Like the Olympic Games from the text to show the wonderful pictures, but because the process of sound plus pictures than text processing is much simpler with the invention of telephone use on radio, radio, newspapers and periodicals in the speed than the Bird technology usage into the Olympic Games, The second session of the Olympic Games, the post-war Europe, undone, the United States to Europe after World War I dumped a large amount of ore radio, post-war France was an important recipient countries, the market is full of American-made radios, then Parisians spend little money as long as you can buy a radio, people who can not go to the scene can be learned through the radio waves matches the situation, or even hear the live broadcast of Situation, before that it is basically through the newspapers to understand the Olympic Games, in radio broadcasting and the technology appears to be widespread, it has a new understanding of the choice of the Olympic Games, the Olympics have begun and communication technologies have substantial contact.
as the new radio communication equipment The popularity of the then establishment of a national radio station in Paris, and intends to use the radio characteristics of the rapid dissemination of information on the Olympic Games broadcast live football matches. The live broadcast of the press worries will steal their readers, the same strong opposition to the live radio Paris radio station are weak, has been the scene did not make games live, and later in the game the day they plan to broadcast equipment and guide the balloon tied to the next, and then fly a balloon over the stadium, overlooking the stadium from the air to guide to live.
live the same day, the Paris radio station planned to send the arena announcer and equipment over, but did not expect the same day as the wind, the balloon was blown into the stadium the other side of the guide can only see cement block wall of the wall. However, the spread of this new broadcast means of communication did not give up, for the future become the main channel for the public understanding of the Olympic Games continue to work hard.
1928 Olympics in Amsterdam, the local radio stations for Olympic competition broadcast reports, but when the Dutch Olympic Committee that will be broadcast live coverage of the Olympic Games ticket sales and print newspaper sales, live radio station refused the request, the radio station for this session of the radio coverage was only done for the opening ceremony a simple report, some details and results of the competition must be carried out after the publication of such newspapers, radio coverage, and many reports are newspaper articles.
Olympic Games in the history of radio reports although the first two failed, but has excavated a new direction for the Olympic communications. Olympic information more quickly and more directly to become an irresistible trend of transmission, broadcasting live to create a particular atmosphere can inspire the desire of the people concerned about the Olympics, which is the print media can not match advantage .
20 century sixties and seventies, communications satellite and TV more and more widely, a single gradually transformed into the Olympic broadcast radio and television technology, utilization, broadcast media to spread the Olympic spirit but also open up a new ways. The combination of voice and video more visually displayed in the Olympics before the eyes of the world, the Olympic spread to all corners of the world greatly accelerate the speed, with the International Olympic TV rights to the Olympic broadcast commercial, a new Olympic Games wave already coming round of global development.
broadcast media in China for Olympic Games is not only a radio broadcast
Berlin live for the first time in history the Olympic Games, has created a history of Olympic broadcasting on August 1 .1936 Berlin Olympics Type the day, when the Kuomintang Shanghai Traffic Radio live broadcast of the Olympics. And during the Olympic Games, the KMT's Central Broadcasting Station at night 19 points from 19:20 to set a special program file mm by the KMT Central News Agency Feng has really in Germany reported that Olympic Games (Shanghai radio stations in 2 to 16 every night regularly broadcast von have real coverage of the Olympic message). China's first Olympic broadcasts, but also led the then all over the radio sports setting, promoting the development of Chinese modern sports broadcasting.
founding of New China, foreign sports exchanges has increased, as important information at the domestic media, radio stations for people to understand the development of world sports play an important role in .1950 In the spring, the former Soviet Union national basketball team three games to Shanghai, which have carried out three games broadcast live. Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station invited representations as live broadcasts. This is after the establishment of new China's first sports radio broadcast. was New China's communication technology still in its infancy, limited to this the only print and broadcast media, add up all of the country's radio stations, only 65.
1984, the official Chinese delegation to return to the Olympic stage, began to move toward Sport powerful. Radio also benefited from China's advances in broadcasting technology developed rapidly, when the country has set up 167 radio stations, increased 1.5 times in 1950, national radio coverage is 67.8% of the population can be said TV has not yet developed in China when the Chinese people at that time radio became the most important medium to know the outside world. Xu Haifeng news gold in Los Angeles, more than half of the Chinese people through the Central People's Radio broadcast that the . After a period of nearly six years, with the continuous improvement of radio and television signal transmission technology, China's broadcast media has been to let people know the Olympic Games, the Olympics went to China to play its role.
2008 Beijing Olympic Games As the first broadcast of the Olympic Games at home, China's broadcast media to broadcast the Olympic Games successfully deployed for a positive, give full play to the advantages of broadcast technology, integration of national broadcasting resources to set up a Broadcasting Union, the embattled Olympic Games coming .2008 1 22, sponsored by the Central People's Broadcasting Station, 140 radio stations nationwide together form the , the country's broadcast media are still using such a joint report, using the most advanced communications technology live broadcast of Beijing Olympic Games, spread the Olympic spirit.
for the Beijing Olympic Games, China Netcom to provide a full range of services
broadcast signals as the 2008 Beijing China Netcom Olympics fixed communications service providers, by virtue of its fixed-line resources, rich technical strength and strong will of radio and television during the Beijing Olympics media from the phone, fax, Internet access to international satellite, fiber optic cable to send a full range of radio and television signal transmission services.
2006  8 9, China Netcom and Beijing Olympic Broadcasting Co., Ltd (BOB) signed in Beijing the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing radio and television communication services agreement, which marks China Netcom and BOB radio and television together for the Olympic Games in Beijing's preparations to enter a substantive stage.
Under the agreement, China Netcom, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, will bear the Olympic venues outside Beijing as well as to the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) of the radio and television public signal transmission work. that is, from football, athletics, table tennis to sailing, gymnastics, swimming, all the arena of public radio and television signals are transmitted through the network of China Netcom's fiber optic cable sent to the International Broadcast Center, and then send the resulting around the world.
2008   5 30, China Netcom and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) officially signed the in time to enjoy the Olympic games from the East. As the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Rights Holding Broadcaster, the European Union on behalf of the European wide more than 70 radio and television media and institutions, is the most during the Olympic Games involving national, regional distribution of the right of the most widely held broadcasters.
during the Olympic Games in Beijing, China Netcom will be through the international submarine cables and international satellite, for the European Union to provide wide from the International Broadcast Centre to Europe in Moscow, Stockholm, London, Frankfurt, Geneva and Paris, six directions international circuit. then, radio and television signals will cover the entire European continent and the surrounding areas.
provided by China Netcom, wireless networks, high-definition broadcast television signals and a series of new communication technologies, the world's major radio and television media will be an unparalleled Enjoy the technology, comprehensive utilization of resources, a feast for the Olympic broadcast coverage of the world.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The more exotic trip to the magic step @ Vietnam (Travels summary) Set

 Long Bay Ha Long Bay (180KM)
eight o'clock last night, take the bus station, Futian, Shenzhen, today arrived in Dongxing station before seven in the morning; bus baggage charges will not only confiscate bicycles, and very warm . got off before dawn, the streets or empty, hard to find a Guilin Mi Fendian, finished breakfast in customs and doors, to accept the official seal of beauty upon the successful exit border, cross the bridge on the excitement of the photo, fill in A Vietnamese entry form, fill out forms in English required, fill out the general test as seriously when, in fact, border control officers is only one eye scanning the eye, buy a dollar on the health certificate to the successful hot spot in Vietnam.
Mong Cai () and Dongxing a across the river, the shop told us that Vietnamese have been in a foreign country, the road on both sides of the external walls of the residences are a variety of colors are attractive, we should have thought that the whole country are like the Vietnamese style buildings, and afterwards we extremely regret this idea . The other is the flag of every family are stuck in Vietnam, a strong sense of patriotism, but it is confined to the north of Vietnam, when you ride the more south you will find the plug when the flag of getting less.
pass dawdling almost an hour riding a number of code table before noon, 50 km roadside snack shops known to stop the Vietnamese rice Shouchang, did not think the powder is called prior asking price and a bottle of green tea. family of small food shops, and us no one can communication, and later three years of Vietnamese women married Taiwanese Mandarin and can communicate with us, eating is also chatted, I thought to find accent, and when the bill when we first arrived in Vietnam that the initial consumption has become sheep operator hh, that Dayton has taught everything powder Do not let surface things away from home too smart, fashionable off students advice off as soon as possible after a conversion under VND understand this reasoning, the meal is really stupid! < br> day of cycling nearly 200, the previous experience of riding over a hundred before lunch, the afternoon will be easy; today to ride over 180 km in the morning only to digest the 1 / 4, the afternoon will be suffering and hills with the road still is not large and from the large stream of container trucks, which adds to the difficulty of our riding, no wonder that today's trip pumpkin concerns. Fortunately, all the old leaves and pumpkins prepared some dry food, to the afternoon's ride process provides a solid backing, the future of sun by the shop we put the dong exchange rate of 1:2500, the final distance is riding on an empty stomach in the night finished, Ha Long Bay's beach hotel to stay. seashore the way we eat only a Chinese meal in Vietnam, it is almost no oil in the stir-fried vegetables, as well as meager slices of beef, but price is not expensive in general, can only say I'm very Halong Bay Vietnam. < br> Operating Address: Magic @ the more exotic trip to Vietnam, step (a) [Dongxing - Halong Bay]

D2 2009 年 02 月 01 日 play Ha Long Bay Ha Long Bay, Ha Long Bay Halong Bay - -Ha Noi Hanoi (chartered)
only thing I did not do before departure is a detailed walkthrough Ha Long Bay, tasted the bitterness of the instrument allows. to the Raiders do not mind off-site no one at the end, people exploited era, last night we opened the hotel to 200 yuan per person 6 hours with lunch Halong Bay Classic Tour, the cost includes round-trip shuttle bus, boat ride costs three tickets and sightseeing attractions around the attractions, and a seafood lunch meal ; But these are only verbal commitments to our hostel, students of English seems very good guy cheated many tourists, last night, we believed, will eat today, suffered a.
after breakfast at eight time off to the pier, accompanied by a family of three with the Vietnamese on board, the hotel boy drove his Toyota commercial vehicles to take us to the terminal, more than a handful of us turtles he should soon be able to buy a BMW. be deceived started from the moment of embarkation, on board for over an hour, so after a large family on a cruise in Vietnam to start the motor, the old leaves are all getting to sleep holding his white. unfortunate as the weather and mood, negative Apart from also filled with heavy fog, how could not get to God, without any tour in the world natural heritage feel. boat speed as a snail, which is perhaps one of the tricks is a liar, that can gather for six hours, wins a large family in Vietnam to help young people the impression that much improved.
in bad weather, Halong Bay is very, very common, and we went to a spot only, one boat to take us to the island, along the path up the Mid panoramic bird's eye view, but also into the cave as a football field, in addition to large also lacks attractive places, came out of a boat to take us on another island, the hotel guy did not give us tickets, I do not know is valid and attractions, anyway, a lot of people, but also see the little bit of a big camera on the beach crowded with tourists, and Vietnam, we did not buy tickets for a family of three in, the hostess Guagua communication in English and experience it cheated, it touches their day is really the son of a man into the sea throwing stones having all the fun. fairly decent lunch way back, mainly N I ate a bowl full of rice, but with the Vietnamese fish eat large family meal compared with that of the galaxy can be sent . dawdle to the pier, we still own a taxi back to the hotel to go, put away things that accounts for finding a restaurant guy, people and out of a move to go to work in the name of the field had fled Yao Yao, the last only to the hotel tens of dollars to recover the symbolic. relatively depressed is accompanied by a family of three is also in Vietnam such treatment and price, they would only be symbolic expressed some dissatisfaction with the oral, it seems that the default was slaughtered.
Halong Bay and Vietnam to Hanoi We are a family of three with the package a car to go, the more comfortable today, is the only three hours after the Hoan Kiem lake in Hanoi on the stay. two-day experience and bad experience, chose the evening of globalization The KFC restaurant, the restaurant's terrace can enjoy the beautiful night view.
Operating Address: The Magic Journey @ Exotic Vietnam more step (b) [Halong Bay]

D3 2009 年 02 月 02 日 Ha Noi play Hanoi, Ha Noi Hanoi --- Hue Hue (overnight sleeper bus)
task today is to walk in Hanoi. early in the morning to float the rain, damp and narrow streets crowded but there is a different flavor. Vietnam pocket architecture in Hanoi to be the perfect embodiment of the link housing with no gaps or, shop floor, upstairs to live in, inadvertently heave have beautiful flowers on the balcony, there are those of the French-style pillars and Diaolan., shop stocked with mostly motorcycles, but disordered chaos, should not imagine that the momentum in the capital, but added too trivial for the easy life of the place. street motorcycle class group of the locust occupied, if not extraordinary technology You will not catch ride ride into their ranks; but you walk in the street if you do not have to worry that they will blown down, you can rest assured that crossed the street, the fact will tell you their great riding techniques, but did not see speeding on the street at random.
near Hoan Kiem Lake, sixteen lines of three backpackers Street is a famous gathering place for almost half of the street is the blond hair blue eyes The Westerner, and you will mistakenly thought the old neighborhood is a Europe previously thirty-six line Street is really a major role in every street are specifically, although some changes now, but still be able to see the street the majority of the information reflected in the shops. backpackers Street was covered with a series of like a family hotel, bars, restaurants, cafes, bookstores, all kinds of travel ticketing service shops, gold shops, banks, and the pendulum array of specialty shops full of goods, there is a complete Chinese-style temple temples. riding the streets in Hanoi is not riding a little too fast, and more squeezed the brakes, or step on the destination may be in more than two feet behind you the streets a short interval, we knew the ride on the edge of the West Lake, as well as arrangements of line with the previous all messed up, holding the map Xia Zhuan got.
noon went to the Hoan Kiem lake in the Cathedral visit, this is the first time since the visit by the Health and churches, many things have made me curious; afternoon went to the Temple of Literature, the Chinese Embassy, Lenin Square, one-man booths and other places a slip of the lap. the most attractive than through the neighborhoods of our rice and no task-gauge railway fence, the houses and the railway is so close, close enough that we could not believe, vehicles, pedestrian nature of the shuttle to the rail on both sides, may be used to describe all this harmony.
leaving Hanoi trouble when we met, the landlord can not inform us of the bicycle from the car Station, due to the bus station so transportation is not allowed by the provisions of the luggage; the last hotel to help us think of the way, they suggested that we use a taxi through the relationship the bicycle and bus transportation to the exchange will be a place, as long as the bus out of the station to a cycling problem can be solved. But things are much more complex to implement, and old leaves of pumpkin and a hotel waiter to take the MINI bus station, with cars are backpackers from around the world, the destination is the central city of Hue or Hoi An, said that scene on the train rush to escape as the international refugees. An hour later I went with a taxi from the hotel and the bus exchange will, Taxis run fast, and I alone in a street in the suburb hard to wait a half hour, when you see the hotel when the waiter came to me, caught the moment as the last straw, go out into the bus ran on her own bike to hh, and found standing in the car is already sweating drive at this time the waiter had gone, and yesterday compared the difference is really the experiences of Ha Long Bay!
Operating Address: The Magic Journey @ Exotic more step on Vietnam (c) [Hanoi Part One]

Operating Address: The Magic Journey @ Exotic Vietnam more step (c) [Hanoi Set]

D4 2009 年 02 月 03 日 Hue play the ancient city of Hue is produced in the domestic bus
Xiamen Golden Dragon, can sit in his country's car production is very proud of the motherland is the bus is also too slow climb, 600 kilometers away spent nearly 12 hours. lie next to the little boy in Vietnam, although no way to use language to communicate, but it often and I play, the child should be in the city, the most curious is the car window and get very close to the grave houses, but gathered into the film together, and repair all of them are very luxurious, and some made bigger than a house, and some with a French style, I also particularly curious, I heard it is because Vietnam is not the reason cremation plant.
breakfast the first drink, Hue Imperial City spaces and the North, residents mainly live in the new South region. get off the car installed, just ride on the chain of car accidents and old leaves, broken in many international friends spent nearly ten minutes before the plug, can be considered Modiu the face of the Chinese people. The new full size of the South Area hotel, settled for backpackers.
shine a light slow ride down along the edge of Lights, you will find the ancient city has its unique temperament, accompanied by a river clear water, cross a lush, vegetation around the old and new city each other, set off each other, made it very elegant and quiet. Here we have also learned to spot the motorized bicycle Management Office, said that management, in fact, take the package to write in numbers, to a management fee, do not worry! we are so dry, the car can not lose.
Hue Imperial City is a miniature version of the Forbidden City, outside the city moat, the inner city hh, Imperial cruise the afternoon, accompanied by a sunset ride west of Xiangjiang River in Hue City, the Tian Mu Temple, stands on the north tower Beishanmianshui high, we have underestimated this ride away from the temple town, the scale is bigger than imagined, even in the evening midnight, people still flocked to come to worship. You can also choose the boat paddle back to the city, more poetic romance.
fortunate to watch the CPV at 79 anniversary of the founding artistic performances, albeit open-air performances, but the content but he is unequivocal, traditional, ethnic style of performance to better understand the Vietnamese customs and humanities. dinner on the authentic taste of Vietnamese cuisine, with bran wrapped shrimp and various vegetables, fish sauce or lemonade and then accounts for the , bite in your mouth delicious vegetables and shrimp together, taste, straightforward; premise is that you can accept without any cooking of vegetables, old leaves, the vegetables called it as Many of the d) [Hue Set]

D5 2009 年 02 月 04 日 --- Huong Thuy Hue Hue, Phu Bai perfume county government thanks --- Phu Loc Fu Fu Lu County --- Lang Co- - Lien Chieu Hasunuma County Nam O --- Da Nang Da Nang municipality --- Hon An Hoi An (140KM)
still clouds the blue sky, sunny, and we have upper and lower body wrapped tightly to prevent Tropical strong UV rays. Hue, 140 km from the participating security, including Hue to Da Nang hundred kilometers between the United States National Geographic as the fifty life must go, very much looking forward to today's trip, full of riding passion, rushed to the town before lunch. unlucky guy who greeted us each add are finished climbing, the next 20 kilometers, winding roads along the coast, rugged, diversion tunnels under most of the vehicles, Tourist vehicles and motorcycles to go a little plate mountain, a lot of motorcycle's are used to break in the shade, and can encounter a warm smile at the camera like family, and insisted on pulling me uphill Vietnamese couple .10 miles consume a lot of climbing strength, to return the blue sky dotted with white clouds, as well as close proximity of the sea Silver Beach, winners were completed in the way of life in the amazing one-fiftieth.
Hoi An is the only way leading across the city, under the guidance of numerous well-intentioned people we rub along the edge and over the edge of town, riding the trail leading to Hoi An, Vietnam, drivers have to admire the technology, monster truck can also be in the top flight. the last ten kilometers in the old leaves of the collar riding, the shuttle was wearing Audrey's crush cycling group, between laughter scene is really unlimited.
quiet city night, sitting in the sun terrace inn the number of stars, the moon, drink a small wine chat, experience a romantic evening.
Operating Address: The Magic Journey @ Exotic Vietnam more step (e) [Hue - Da Nang - Hoi An]

D6 2009 年 02 May 05, Hon An ancient city of Hoi An, My Son Miyama play
often clouds low, seems to be close to the head, it is easy to the illusion of the plateau. morning with the U.S. mission to the world heritage mountain, with a car to ship back Lunch cost $ 8 per person, tickets are 60,000 rupiah, the early morning bus to each hotel pick eight tourists, bus lane in the country go at full speed, the driver sitting in the back like bumper cars, the thrills, I really admire the pumpkin students can actually fall asleep. Hill met with the U.S. long-distance bus ride in Shanghai with her daughter, giving them describe the beauty of yesterday, they envy. Hoi An 40 km away from the beauty of mountains, known as century, the tormented history of wind and frost. open area is only a relatively well preserved, English-speaking tour guide explain the pumpkin is very interesting, I can only filled every one listened. open area little more than an hour stroll; left and Several Taiwan, chat with friends, they kind invitation to us to ride in Taiwan. In addition to several vehicle back to the tourists, most visitors like us, choose a boat back to the city, the boat down the river down, we slipped the boat tail, drying the sun, the wind blowing Jiang, chat, good comfortable.
transmission afternoon sun and city streets, city water and built according to traditional living patterns of the shops along the street tried to create elegance of the gas, to meet the city's atmosphere . warm yellow eyes nirvana shop wall and lays out the blue sky, beautiful picture. walk through the dazzling array of shops, the shopping preferences of girls must be very long for the ancient city of Japan, covered bridges, Kwong Siew Association, Fujian Hall, Joan Hall House , Chinese Association, Chinese Association, and also handicraft, enough to turn on a full day.
ancient riverside market is truly comprehensive shopping, do not miss. the sale of flowers, vegetables, and seafood stalls, fruit Beach , jewelry shop, snack shop everything, where locals purchase daily necessities, few tourists visit, tempting seafood, fruits and vegetables will give you the urge to cook. You can also use the English market friendly hawkers bargain, many goods are a dollar, so we named it shoe outlets, including the most popular handmade leather sandals.
Operating Address: The Magic of the more exotic trip @ step Vietnamese (vi) [U.S. Mountain - Hoi An ancient city of Part One]

Operating Address: Alien Magic Vietnam Travel @ more step (f) [U.S. Mountain - Hoi An ancient city Set]

D7 2009 年 02 月 06 日 Hon An Hoi An --- Thang Binh Shengping County Ha Lam --- Tam Ky Town III differences City --- Ky Chanh --- Nui Thanh a mountain county --- Binh Son mountain Pingshan --- Son Tinh General Jing County --- Quang Ngai City --- Tu Nghia think Mo --- Mo Duc Yixian De county --- Thach Tru --- Duc Pho DPC County --- Sa Huynh --- Tam Quan (200KM)
today is three days of continuous cycling, an important test of the trip, especially The first day's destination was a small town 200 km away Tam Quan. the more urgent the trip more when in trouble, yesterday, pumpkin, old leaves, handmade leather sandals set no time to ten o'clock last night, saying it was half past six this morning to send to the inn, the fact that we were hurried You, and through the urging of a variety of ways, only to get shoes, eight more than the original plan before starting an hour later, a Vietnamese re-experience the concept of time.
came with more appropriate to describe today's trip, however, and only 80 km before lunch once stopped to rest, the old leaves that will be next to me pulled dead. green fields, golden rice, neat villages, flat straight road ride, the easiest is to drowsing the. riding in a small village, the people greeted the Vietnamese hospitality, you have to respond one by one, need to strenuous .200 kilometers average speed of 25KM / H, some can not imagine old leaves more than ten kilometers to ride that will collapse.
Arrive town Tam Quan, not to the town center the only hotel we stay in; coconut small hotel between the shadows, away from noise, air Clean, quiet and comfortable. small town can not communicate in English, we eat fresh fruit and authentic Vietnamese food, thanks to the image of the body gestures.
Operating Address: The Magic of the more exotic journey step @ Vietnam (seven ) [Hoi-Tam Quan]

D8 2009 年 02 月 07 日 Tam Quan --- Huairen Hoai Nhon --- Binh Duong --- Phu Phu My --- Phu Cat County, Fu Ji --- Dap Da --- An Nhon Anren --- Dieu Tri --- Phu Tai --- Binh Phu --- Song Cau River County --- Tuy An ask Sui County Chi Thanh (170KM)
the second day of continuous riding, although no long distance yesterday, but it is also a challenge. the weather is still very good, have to accept after ten o'clock the sun and the 3 km long slope of the hill, coincidence is again done in Singapore before the supply, can be described as every food will climb. Korea is a green trail on track under the blue sky, coconut riding under the shadow of the tropical scenery, romantic delightful, filled with emotion!
operating Address: Magic @ the more exotic trip to Vietnam, step (h) [Tam Quan-Tuy An Sui]

D9 2009 年 02 月 08 日 Tuy An Sui County Sui Chi Thanh --- Tuy Hoa and the city --- Phu Lam --- Hao Son --- Tu Bong --- Van Nin Wanning County, Van Gia --- Ninh Hoa Ning and county --- Ninh Ich --- Nha Trang Nha Trang (160KM)
the last day of continuous riding, surprise many, if that period of Hoi An to Da Nang is one-fiftieth of life, and that the three-day ride is fifty per life Three of the. The morning clouds as the plateau in general, low, almost reach out and touch. only after the pathway was a stretch more than ten kilometers, could be called the Gold Coast, the coastal road, secluded small fishing village to eat the dream of our seafood hot pot, like flowers, like really happy.
slowly go past one by one fishing village and harbor, 20 kilometers from Nha Trang at my unexpected flat tire in the midst of the picturesque small fishing village next to a group of my I flat tire, the old leaves also always thought that I ride in front, so that the junction of Nha Trang go missing, more than two wrong slope to climb. dark ride Nha Trang, the hotel houses awesome sea view, 7 km from the beach list boundless.
operating Address: The Magic Journey @ Exotic Vietnam more step (ix) [Tuy An Sui - Nha Trang]

D10 2009 年 02 月 09 日 Nha Trang City, Nha Trang City play
A few days ago changed today, sunny weather, and change the dark, but also floating a few drops of rain. urban areas about 2 km to the north of the Po Naga Champa tower, dedicated to the goddess by day, the day was blessed by the goddess of the southern kingdom of Champa a goddess, to protect the sea to eat the fishermen, the equivalent of the eyes of Chinese fishermen, Matsu, cut the woman being Pirates of the Naga Champa tower than the United States and protection of the mountain is even more Champa towers intact, the faithful flock to worship without a break. Built in the late 19th century through the construction of the Longshan pagoda, the monks are still a lot of practice here, waves of tourists, beggars everywhere have to face, I prefer the Tian Mu Hue Temple. Nha Trang large With the tilt of the mountain church, built, tall and towering, showing the French Gothic style. European classical style train station does not look great, but the railway can be achieved through Ho Chi Minh City and other big cities, but the hall was deserted, not a passengers.
Nha Trang beach is a good place to chat trance, lying on beach chairs and enjoy the seafood dinner, the wind blowing, waves bursts, lactic acid accumulates in the legs gradually disappeared, as well as enjoy the unique beaches and old leaves .
Job Location: @ the more magical trip to step on exotic Vietnam (x) [Nha Trang]

D11 2009 年 02 月 10 日 Nha Trang City, Nha Trang City Yanqing --- --- Dien Khanh Khanh Vinh Hing Wing County --- Lien Sang --- Long Lanh --- Da Chay --- Da Sa --- Da Lat Da Lat (riding 100KM, taxi 46 km)
in Nha Trang to Da Lat the east, above 1,500 meters above sea level, there are nearly 150 km km from the hill, facing severe pressure. no sprouting urban village it began to rain, before the 50 km road is still smooth, nowadays when the rain stopped. Lien Sang town gradually added after the rain finished bread large, Lien Sang to the Long Lanh rugged 47 km of road along the cliff, circled. complete and expected the same. The only way after only a small village, located in the interior, by the dark passion courtesy children, rushed to their direct and continuous climbing you clap .29 km we suffered terribly, this section did not see one house, the birds no smoke! rain and fog in the shelter of even a ride places are not completely depleted of all strength before coming to the small village of Long Lanh, when faced with the first housing as if the person drowning experience last straw, he kept rushed in, the owner gave us endless help, language can not communication, the old leaves and cooked pumpkin flour hands, holding the hot rice almost fell off when the tears.
body wet by rain, dry hair, put on clothes drying, determination to cancel the rest of the ride. Blocking or taxi agreed to Dalat, the villagers helped us enthusiastically hailed, but the village is too small, crossing the car refused to stop. villagers and help the Department can accommodate seven or eight people called super cab, rent child from Dalat over the last couple of hours later connected to us, Long Lanh small village, soon gone, and my heart a lot to say, filled with emotion, Long Lanh remain forever in my heart.
Operating Address: The Magic of the more exotic trip to step on Vietnamese @ ( XI) [Nha Trang - Da Lat]

D12 2009 年 02 月 11 日 play
Da Lat Da Lat night I drank a cold punch economy can be regarded as playing a shot, really quells . Today, the old leaves of cold, pumpkin hurt my stomach, no appetite, the face of beauty are not visiting the desire, poor guy. said Dalat high prices, we do not feel that the lake's central market, food, sell , see everything, especially basket basket strawberries, fresh and cheap, people watering. morning taxi to the train museum, the plan is to take the old train to Trai Mat 8 km outside the village, watching the scenery; Unfortunately, too few visitors outage, only visit the museum. decommissioning of the old museum from the train station converted from the main color is very eye-catching orange, but also the preservation of the old steam trains can be retro free visit from the three pointed roofs and stained glass reveals the ancient exotic.
built in an altitude of 1500 meters on the Lam Dong Da Lat plateau famous summer resort in Vietnam, or Vietnamese honeymoon resort, is touted as the Vietnamese life to the romantic city will . the city surrounded by forests, spectacular natural scenery male beauty, fresh and pleasant climate. beautiful scenery, spring, flowers bloom, the picturesque. the Da Lat European villa full of fairy-tale, and none the same, and sometimes are think it is a small town in Europe.
old leaves to sleep at the hotel one afternoon, my ride to Dalat and pumpkin possidetis big 3 high summer palace, built in 1933, was the last emperor of Vietnam, Bao Dai's summer palace, to the open to visitors, intrauterine not spacious, luxurious and there are not imaginary, but the environment is absolutely first class. Chunxiang Lake is located in the city center, an area of about 5 square kilometers, the lake weeks is about 5 km around Willow Lake, the evening riding car lap around the lake, relaxing, comfortable.
nostalgia full of French style, quiet, romantic, small town, if given the chance, I will a few days in Da Lat.
Operating Address: Alien Magic more step on the Vietnam Travel @ (l) [Da Lat Set]

operating Address: @ Magic Journey more step on exotic Vietnam (second) [Da Lat Part One]

D13 2009 on February 12 Da Lat Da Lat --- Phi Nom --- Duc Trong De re County Lien Nghia --- Ta In --- Luong Son --- Hong Lam --- Thien Ai --- Hon Rom- - Mui Ne Wei Nepal (160KM)
morning Dalat thorough blue sky, morning lake reflection, is very charming. After today, the landscape so rich, from the Da Lat plateau, through the forest to the hills and mountains, to the Gobi, across the desert, finally came to the harbor town of Wei Nepal. Gangchu Dalat is a walk through the original pine forest ten kilometers long between the downhill, between hills and then ride the more than thirty kilometers downhill is more than ten kilometers, the two a slope down to ride seventy kilometers above sea level down to near sea level, temperature, sudden increase of nearly five good degree is no longer cool, I really miss Da Lat!
no trees along the road block, gently undulating terrain, surface dry, ground cover is grass, just like the Gobi desert-like; plus riding against the wind, the pain intolerable, all the way it has no cities and towns, in order to rush to the intersection with Highway 1A in the town of Luong Son, we have accelerated the pace of riding, bad roads fast speed, the result is a series tire, car tires were first stone pumpkin Kepo, just make up a good find my rear tire has leak, make up a good front tire and found that leakage hh we really want to hit the ground, and again is not dramatic ride two kilometers, Crash!
old leaves the state after yesterday's rest day was a good recovery, most of the time riding the wind in front of the collar, pumpkins continue to hurt my stomach, nausea and no appetite ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Real estate broker for the Yingcai silhouette

 Real estate broker for the Ying Cai Bei silhouette
mm high reading works thin, lean tall bamboo sunset dream of a more adventurous woman, always there in life fairy tale vision of color, at the expense of many young women are often unwilling to give up something disturbing in the myriad of barren land, visit one another in Hua Yingjie, explore their hidden secrets of the soul of success.
visit her all these years people have Ji, Li Yining, Pan Jiazheng, Jiang Shusheng, Wang Ceng Yu hh a long list of blinding people. These people are today the civilized world Dongliangzhicai, at first I thought her came to understand another meaning. efforts towards excellence and a man, a woman: she was in the pursuit of excellence, the pursuit of excellence in work, life, excellence, she continues to pay again for the great pay.
not for people Ji, Li Yining, a class of people for a perfect stranger, just read the book, after the slender silhouette of the hand, from another angle, another perspective on those familiar with deepened understanding. talented woman is different from the scholar, prepared to think carefully of the woman's work, men are always written in broad-brush things are still different. high Bei always be careful in an interview before the preparation. She visited economists, and experts, electric power experts, medical experts, the missile experts , translate all, literary people, are today leading figures in a field, high-Pei for the half hour, one hour of access time, in order to access some depth, and then further more, she has her own strange to make the relevant knowledge of many disciplines, many are familiar with the situation, gather information, online search, read books, or even to visit a number of people. In this way, they are not limited to communication between the shallow, full of insights into the problems of her as a vote to lock key, thought the other side of the Box Open Secret, the situation as out of control. This visit often get enough to make the respondents natural extension of content, that are interested in receiving another visit.
successful interviewer, wonderful place is often vivid detail. a winner may accept the reporter's access to 100, there 100 visits in mind, and section 100 of the color feature is that in front of 99 people caught ignoring the details. high Bei write Nanjing University principals, note that the top of his office, yellow straw hat, pay attention to the 22-year old riding a bike, so it accurately outlined the first character of the surface of Chinese shadow PhD; her to write a in his 16th floor office, her attention to his work every day not to ride the elevator, but the climb step by step, describing the medical community has passed the biggest names in the strong will of the information. She wrote an air to air missile experts, the final word characters she did not write those technical things, deliberately rendering the last four months of sleepless nights fighting hard. test on the eve of his carefully check each product component, review the work history of each step, be sure until the early morning target try starting a successful, Peoples cheers, he is only a tired feeling. capture the detail needed Hui Xinhui eye, a common problem in this area, often concocted. belong to another class of high-Pei reporters interview her on their own honest efforts in the to move the reader.
Speaking moved, close-up of the visitors to create atmosphere is also very important aspects. Features and prose, but they may not be able to completely separate, a number of classical masterpieces, write one note, emotions casting in the all too common. In this respect, good essays is a strength of more high-Bei. She recorded three Blan Wumian with, say coincidence, qi end of life when the last of a healthy lunch. That evening, the elderly incidence of hospitalization, 4 Sashourenhuan future. She caught the old man the day of kindness, hospitality, promise, ridicule, describes his painting, calligraphy, noodles, plates of cold dishes hh, she said the eye of the moderate and clearly, so that the elderly loud and hoarse voice, honest and warm words for the elderly, the elderly work, the blood flow of the Zen and soothe the restless world hh really A few days ago, JAC city snow, snow. Surprisingly, the high wind and snow loading Bei red, floating in the air over the region. she has visited so many ChinaHR, I would visit her. My concern is why she is upset at the bit, run away, eat so much suffering by so many tired. about Zen Blan affected her, she said dismissively, frequent contact with outstanding people, its possible to gradually excellence; often close to the noble people, their also be possible to get high. Subject and Object in silence for a long time, the window of snow filled the air, the air chilly, bright room is also a lot.
2006  2
month in Yangzhou, China Journalists Association, wrote the title of Chairman Mr. Shao Huaze

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Origin of the Huns - from an anthropological point of view an analysis test (on)

 When the nomads of Iran's ethnic origin (who Scythians and Sarmatians) that occupy the steppe zone of western South Russia, no doubt including turgay River Valley and Western Siberia; steppe zone is in the eastern part of the Turks - species under the rule of the Mongolian nation. which in the ancient history of the dominant nation on a [Hunni] and Huna) is the same etymology. Perhaps these Huns (until the 3rd century BC, the Qin Dynasty, was clearly in the Chinese annals record the Huns a) in BC, the 9th and 8th century China has been known as Yan yun. much earlier, they might be called the The barbarians are those who were living in the Chinese border, namely in Ordos, northern Shanxi and Hebei, the northern part of that nation. Mas Perot suggested: that the so-called North-jung, and northwest, is a barbarian tribe. the other tribes in the 4th century BC, at the time of Guixiang Zhao Chinese. King Wuling (reigned about 325-298 BC) seized from them even in Shanxi the north (Datong), actually won this northern Ordos (about 300 BC). precisely in order to effectively prevent the attack of these nomads, Qin (Shaanxi) and Zhao (Shanxi) Chinese Heavy vehicles have changed their cavalry soldiers as flexible. The military reform has brought a complete change of clothing in China; bow gown times to be learned from the nomadic cavalry trousers replaced. from where nomads, the Chinese warrior They also mimic the feathers of the hat, China and its neighboring Asian countries are beginning to pile up along its northern border, the first wall, and later Qin Shi Huang unified and complete the wall of the building, as the Great Wall.
According to the Chinese historian Sima Qian's account, it is after the 3rd century BC half of the Huns seems to be a unified, strong nation, they are the head by a commander named Chanyu with, Chanyu transliteration is the full name of Han Wen Tu Chanyu hold the plow alone, the Chinese people have interpreted these words There's two largest office, which the king Tu Society, which means the left You Xianwang. Hanwen transliteration . basically nomadic way of life based on race could have talked about in terms of a fixed place of residence, Chanyu live in the mountainous upper reaches of the Orkhon and the future capital of the Mongols of Genghis Khan to build in the Sahara and the forest here. left Yin Wang mm principle Chanyu heir mm live in the east, possibly in Herlen Heights. Youxian Wang live in the west, possibly as Albert. Hermann suggested, in Hangzhou love mountains, this Uliastai nearby. Next, the Xiongnu ruling clique in order are: Li Wang about Google, so general, so large Commandery, so great when households are about bone Hou, and then the captains over thousands, hundreds, ten fu long. The nomads, in the procession is organized like an army. the general direction is south road, which the Turks - the nation of Mongolia has become a kind of habit; a similar phenomenon in the descendants of the Huns, the Turks 6th century people, and the Mongols of Genghis Khan can be seen.
Chinese portrait depicts the characteristics of the Huns, our successors in their Turkic and Mongol who can see. Wigle general said: earrings. keep the head in addition to a bunch of hair on the head, the other parts are shaved. thick eyebrows, almond eyes, eyes sharp. wearing a long leg together, both sides of the split of the loose robe, waist tied with belt, belt down in front of both sides, due to the cold, tighten the sleeve at the wrist. a short fur around her shoulders, wearing a fur hat. shoes are leather, wide pants with a belt tied tight in the ankle . bow tied belt bags, hanging in front of his left leg, also tied belt quiver hanging on the cross in the lower back, the arrow toward the right. pants, on the Huns and the Scythians who are common. There are many habits are the same: If the funeral sacrifices. Huns and the Scythians who are the chief (or chiefs) of the tomb, cut his wife and his men to open the throat, as the Huns, whose numbers reach hundreds or thousands. Herodotus (IV.65) records, Scythians were the skull of the enemy at the saw along the eyebrow level, in the cast out with leather, which embedded with gold film as a drinking uses. Examples can be seen drinking. Indeed, the Huns and the Scythians who are the head as a trophy. Herodotus (IV.64) mentioned the Scythians who demonstrate their booty cut off the enemy head and the horse reins hanging on the scalp to show boast.
descendants of the Huns, that the 6th century AD, Turkic people, a soldier on the grave stone pier, their number is killed in his life proportional to the number of the enemy. This pulp is also prevalent in the customs and Turkic Indo-European species - species of nomads in Mongolia. Scythians were inserted with a sprinkle the blood upon the enemy in a small mound on the sacred short machetes, as well as a drink by his enemies to kill first blood. Huns in setting the Covenant, the container made the skull to the employer and drink blood. in memory of the deceased, the Scythians and the Huns face with a knife cut, camels and regulation. to find water and pasture, they migrate with the herd while. They eat only meat (this is used to more Chinese people to eat vegetables and impressed), clothing and leather, fur is grateful , living carpet account. They believe in a kind of worship of days (of the Tengger) and the worship of some mountain-based, vague shamanism. Chanyu or top of their monarch, to convene all the Huns in the fall (the season of horse strongest) School class people and livestock. all Chinese writers regarded these savage marauders described as stubborn, they will surprise appearance in the land edge of the invasion and looting of property and livestock, and then may come before any return fire with a booty away. When they were chased, their tactic is to lure a large desert area, or the Chinese military in-depth desolate prairie land, and then they are not in the case of an ambush in order to punish the arrow-like storm chaser, until their enemies was worn down, and get exhausted by hunger and thirst, they did extinguished in one fell swoop. because of their mobility and their cavalry archers technology, these methods very effective. In the Huns to Genghis Khan from the initial period of all prairie residents, These methods are rarely changed. For all those archers formed by the tribes immediately, regardless of the Huns in the East or West, Scythians who, these methods are common. As stated by Herodotus, Sri Lanka Kitai people to deal with Darius is to use the same strategy. Darius timely aware of this danger, and in this lack of such care, they are blinded by the Huns while pretending to escape into the desolate desert land, where it was a massacre?
As for the Huns in the Turks - Mongolian species position in the language of all ethnic groups, some authors, such as Shiratori Coogee tend to their classified Mongolian race. On the contrary, Pelliot translation provided by the HAN cross-checking several coincidence that the overall point of view, these should belong to the Turkic Huns species, especially their political leaders people.
Hun's first attack and the migration
Hun Rouzhi a formidable force as the first time in history is the first in the late 3rd century BC, is now China in the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 years ago) completed under the rule of national unity. Created by Qin Shi Huang Qin (reigned 221-210) foresaw this danger, and General Meng Tian to complete the construction work of the Great Wall. From 215 BC onwards , the Great Wall to defend China's territory has been playing the role of violations against the Huns, in about 214 BC Penpower the Huns out of the area today known as the Ordos, the Yellow River area within the Loop. However, at the same time, the Huns In the first Man Chanyu (died about former 210m209 years) led to attack Rouzhi began their expansion, Rouzhi, who until then has been living in western Gansu. In the East, the first son of Man, the successor Maodun (reigned about 209-174) defeated the Manchu barbarians on the border of another East Hu mm. Maodun by Dynasty perished Hanxing (formerly 206-202) of China between the forces of the weakening of the outbreak of civil war, 201 BC invasion of China in Shanxi Province, around the capital of Taiyuan. founder of the Han Dynasty Gotti went to Taiyuan, driving the Huns, the Huns but was trapped in anti-white mountain near Ping Cheng, term of the present border of Shanxi Datong area. After a negotiated, parties have to rescue, agreement, the Han emperor to give the Huns concessions. to a Chinese princess married ladies Chanyu or wife, as the poets after the Yin of China: poor, reigned 174-161 BC) was the threat of the end of the Rouzhi, with the king's skull made Rouzhi drinking vessels, the Rouzhi expelled from Gansu, forcing them to move westward, which had originated in Asia plateau for the first time in recorded history of the great national movement.
Rouzhi one (at least in this form) but only its transliteration in Chinese from handed down. However, many long-East expert who tend to Rouzhi and Tocharian (who in the 2nd century BC, moved from Turkistan, Bactria, Greek historians have learned from this movement in them) and with the Greek historians call India - Cypriot equivalent up. Click here to sort Tokharians India - Cypriot people is a nation of two periods with two titles, the people that this nation have affinity with the Scythians, or that it belongs to Indo-European race This confirmation is based on the fact that: In this western China Gansu mm according to the records of Chinese historians, the region early in the 2nd century BC, the first person is already a site Rouzhi mm geographer Ptolemy most late 2nd century AD, refers to a tower ditch people (Thagouri), a tower and a tower ditch ditch peak pull towns. In addition, the Greek Strabo referred to wrest from the various Bactria family in Tokharians (Tokharoi), precisely at this time, the Chinese historians that people reached their migratory Rouzhi big summer end, that is, the border Bactria. Both the process of development is so consistent, it seems that the formation of a strong arguments in support of those who Rouzhi people on the Chinese chronicles as described by the Greek historian, Rouzhi who proved to be the indigenous population in Gansu), then, when at least one part of the site are in Turpan, Yanqi and Kuqa, and with some more or less Rouzhi tribal kinship. Until recently, the language of scholars also known as the Indo-European Tocharian, although today they meet these languages marked in Kuqa language, Yanqi language and so on. However, during the dawn of history, Indo-European tribes to move a large section of the Far East Road is possible. make it easy to accept this assumption, because the West Siberia, perhaps even  region, seems to Annals in the year before, has been with the Scythians - Sarmatians all people have family ties family residence, and the Fergana and Kashgar - the two foot of Tianshan Mountains with the door in the Ahmadi said Leonid period had stuffed the East Iranian language of the people live. So much of this in respect of Turkestan is the cloth over the Indo-European race, Kashgar near the East to those Iranians Indo-European race, in Jiuquan, the Kuqa the Indo-European race is Tokharians. Rouzhi human equivalent of the latter people. < br> However, the Chinese Historical Geography of the early information provided by the book are related to the 174 year reign), led by the Huns defeated the Rouzhi seriously. Chanyu successor on the old (about 174-161 years before the reign of) to kill the king Rouzhi, and people to make a cup of his skull. He forced them to leave the Rouzhi Gansu, fled westward through the northern desert. Rouzhi small part of them, Chinese people call Lian Small, in southern Shan Qiang, or settled down among the Tibetan people, as two and a half century into a book, was Wusun (the word for Oo-Soon) were off. Wusun Chinese historians describe these people are jealous to be blue. Charles Carpentier and the Wu-sun, a mm A link among interest rate is known as Alan Sarmatians were another name for this one mm Wusun people he thought Alan ancestors or relatives. If this assumption was correct, then, in the Similar Yuezhi and under the pressure of the Huns, migrated in droves to the south of Russia must be these Wusun, even though the period than we really want to talk about earlier, but people are constantly being Scythians Sarmatians replaced by National.
possible, however, was the Huns from Gansu out Rouzhi, they wave of westward migration had an impact on Ili River near the Wu-sun people. Wusun newcomers who temporarily conquest, but with the help of the Huns were then counterattack. Rouzhi later to re-embarked on the west, to the Syr Darya (the Greek geographers of the Ark Jesus River) where the upper reaches of the Fergana (China called Dawan), Eritrea's ruling must have been close to the end.
attack the first time the impact of the Huns and the Greek rule in Afghanistan, the collapse of
Tashkent region, Ferghana and Kashgar in these areas is called by the Chinese (Sakai, that they are from the northwest Iranian nomadic grasslands. As Lv Desi book, it seems reasonable to Serbian language attributed to them, Aorui Er. Hotan Stein found missions in the early Middle Ages are a large number of Serbian language Manuscripts, Serbian language is a dialect of Eastern Iranian language. Moving Westward Rouzhi impact on the Cypriot people in Cyprus caused a general response, leading to their invasion by Alexander's successors, the Greek princes established Burkett Maria Kingdom. according to the era of WW Tarn universally accepted theory, the pressure in the Rouzhi, Lydia Sauger Cypriots crossed that region, and then into Bactria, in the place of the Greeks. in the year 140-130 years ago, nomadic tribes from the Greek king actually wrested Bactria Hurley Claes, account, according to Strabo, the most famous Arab nomadic tribes that interest people, Pasha Illinois who spit fire Roy and Sa Jialao Lai, who are from the Syr Darya and northern regions. to accurately identify these tribes, in any case is difficult. As noted above, Charles Carpentier A interest to people ( Peng Pei Wusi. Togus man called Ah Loy interest) as the Chinese historians have referred to the Ili River in the Wu-sun people. Sa Jialao Lai or Sakya Kay seems to imply that a tribe of ancient Cypriot. As for the Tocharian people, the root dig HW Bailey insisted the assumption that they are the most central part of the Rouzhi.
128 BC, when China envoy Zhang Qian visited Rouzhi, China historian Sima Qian said to them, them have been conquered and occupied as a cable Lattice Lydia that area (refer to Urban's all. Haneda Hang in development that the city name with Kantar (kanda) City line, kanda is Malta Uganda (markanda) or the abbreviation of Samarkand. , Rouzhi have succumbed big summer (ie Bactria), although they did not seem to occupy their land, at least not yet occupied at the time. Tarn suspected (wrongly) to be conquered Bactria Rouzhi monarchs may is still the Greeks, not Serbs, the situation here, the Greek Cypriots failed to drive away from Bactria. Many Orientalist scholars believe that in any case shortly thereafter, around 126 BC, month and year s no longer satisfied with the suzerainty of Bactria, who crossed the Amu Darya, actually occupied the province. This view is based on , who moved to big summer Rouzhi by five chiefs or Xi Hou (she-hu or leaves care) divided up the other. In fact, the time of these events closer to the too clear. only in mind: They, and only a barbarian), Rouzhi migration to, all animals Robinson. Hutchison Road, AD 84, the Chinese general Ban Chao had asked the king to persuade cable Lattice Rouzhi that area Lydia King (Healthy king). This means that at the time Saw the end of sub-region and the country is completely different Rouzhi open, Therefore, it must be Saw Lydia to find places other than the Rouzhi, might be south toward Bactria. stay a little north bank of the Armstrong, after they crossed the river, replacing the plug Bactria people. According to Tarn (we can not accept his point of view), they are almost directly from the wrested Bactria Greeks. In any case, migration is Rouzhi people of all chaos and the nomads of Iran, the wave swept through the East sign. in the South, the Cypriot people have been behind attacks in the Rouzhi, occupied the Midlands that Georgia (the Sistan) and 阿拉霍希亚 (ie Kandahar). This occupation is permanent, because, from later, these areas became a Sistan and swooped to the Parthian Empire, almost destroyed it. Parthian king 弗拉亚特斯 II in meters by the end of the threat of the Syrian king Anti Ke VII, he attempted to plug the ancient dynasty style of sulfur re- Conquest (129 BC), the reckless behavior that caused some barbarians came to the rescue. These barbarians come, but soon pulled out, 弗拉亚特斯 defeated and killed (BC 128 years or 127 years). According to Peng Pei Wusi. Togus said, the new Parthian king Magnus II Art Class 124 or 123 years BC in the counter-offensive Tokharians seriously injured. This seems to prove that the history of China Yuezhi mm as if, as speculated, the history of the Greek words Tokharians mm since then have been settled in Bactria, and later they make Bactria became a Terry Dati II Parthian king secret (formerly 123-88) of the throne, he did stop the invasion of the nomads of Parthia, and even imposed his suzerainty over the Serbs in Sistan. However, In 77 BC, the Sa Jialao Lai has been very strong in Iran, they selected their own interest protectors Arthas stabbed Lakes Sim family or salad Troy Cox said, his owner on the Parthian throne Later attempts Xin thorn Lakes against them, by their arrows shot (about 70 years BC).
Rouzhi these areas were Cypriot and the fate of the future form part of the history of Iran and India. In Recall the following facts would be sufficient. Cypriots from the expansion of Sistan and Kandahar to Kabul and the Punjab; then, when these areas were occupied Rouzhi when they expand to Malwa and Gillette, where Cypriots Governor maintain their rule until the 4th century AD. As for the Rouzhi Bactria, Chinese history shows that the 1st century AD they established the great Kushan dynasty. partition Bactria five years in a tribe.
Kushan Empire, the Greeks and Romans in India - Cypriots under the name of the Empire to know the country. Kushan Emperor: library long pull. Card Card Griffith Griffith also known as I (AD 30 to 91 years or 92 years); Verma. Card or Card Griffith Griffith II (92 years to about 132 years); Buddha Shakyamuni tired of color (about 144 years to 172 years); Hu Wei Sijia (about 172 years to 217 years) and Wei Sute po (about 217 to 244 years). they will expand their rule from Kabul to the north parts of India (Punjab and Mathura). Shakyamuni Buddha tired of color in the propagation of Buddhism to Central Asia the role played by the great unknown. The purpose here is to mention it the first time that the Huns attack the fate of Asia the tremendous impact. Hun Rouzhi out in the process of Gansu, causing a series of reactions, these reactions in the far West Asia and India can be felt. Afghanistan lost its Hellenistic features, Alexander expedition left behind in these areas has been eliminated the last traces; Parthian Iran, under a temporary a shock; expelled from the tribe of Gansu has been established in Kabul and northwest India, an unexpected empire. The same process continues throughout the history of our research now. occurred in the grasslands at one end a slight Pollex, not avoid in this huge migration zone, every corner had a series of unintended consequences.