Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lukaluolan teaching film classic Mr Ballroom - The Dance Bible ...

 Lukaluolan ballroom classic teaching
The Dance Bible (Dance Bible)
2006  , Luca & Loraine (Luca & Lorraine) a set of fine-sounding name The Dance Bible (Dance Bible) the latest Modern dance instruction DVD, a total of 8VCD. In this set of audio and video in teaching, Modern dance is divided into four themes of the common issues in detail, they are: Balance (balance), Balance of Movement (Movement in the balance), Communication (information transmission), Music and Purpose (music and effects), each subject took two VCD's length, it is rare, is a real, worthy of the name The Dance Bible (Dance Bible)!
Dance the Bible is from Lucca. Lorrain workshop of the most advanced, most comprehensive basic skills teaching Modern dance, Modern dance describes the balance, movement, rhythm, physical fitness, skills, music, effects, and even emotional new teaching ideas , with the props of the training model. Whether a beginner or a champion Modern dance will be an eye-opener. big enlightening, worth collecting.
Chapter 1 - Balance Balance Chapter
(a) Personal balance and Exercises personal balance and exercise
l In this video when we discuss balance, you must think of vertical weight in this disc, when we talk about balance, you have to think of the vertical center of gravity.
l Balance relates to our body, you must understand there are two parts, upper part and lower part. Our lower part works as table works, if you put down the weight, on the table, the weight should goes down and leg go up with. This is normal way naturally carry our body balance in our body is divided into upper and lower half. We like the balance of the lower half of the table legs, when we put the weight of the upper half of the table, the weight of the lower half will shore. Usually this is what we naturally run the rules of our body.
l We should feel the weight always through our spineh. we should be always the focus of our spine through. So suffer from spinal head, shoulders, waist, hip strength.
l To find my correct posture, not worry my body, but need find correct vertical weight to my spine. how to find the correct position, is not worried about their own bodies, and is to find the right vertical center of gravity falls on his spine.
l What is a balance: balance is weight for without side load, is a vertical weight as falling water what is a personal balance: Balance is the center of the edge of any The load is vertical force, like water down the DC.
l What is side load? What is the edge of the load? If we are not vertically down the center of gravity, but the angled left and right side of the tilt, before and after the direction of skew, which is the edge of the load.
l If we do dancing with side load, these muscles are engagedh if we dance with the edge of the load, our muscles are busy, there is no way to adjust the correct body running direction. This is even more shows the importance of the vertical center of gravity.
l We must separate our body weight positions from our body movementh we must distinguish between body weight and body posture of the operation, so we do not want the center of gravity and body at the same time operation. (see disc two tennis and practice the principle of rotation)
l Move your body without change your balance position. Movement in the balance of the body can not change your position. (Please refer to the practice disc do exercises there were two kinds of music and no music)
l With true balance, you will able to be stronger, more powerful, more free and give you total freedom of inspiration in relationship of music. With the right balance You will be more robust, more powerful, more free, and make you easy to find in the music completely free of inspiration.
l How can we keep our vertical weight for? In this your spine play very important roleh how to keep our The vertical center of gravity? At this point, your spine plays a very important role. When we stand between the legs, our focus and our spine is always in the same location. If you want your center of gravity move a leg, is most prone to error arising from the edge of the inclined load, so we need to promote lubrication of the spine such a conversion, yet the vertical center of gravity, the first center of gravity is always perpendicular to the main legs.
l Three positions: Center position, right foot position, left foot positionh three important position: central location, location right foot, left foot position. these three locations, in your dance must be clearly aware of.
l Every step will be combination of forward and side movementh each step is integrated forward and side-line movement, the understanding of this point is very important.
l We are not holding our body position, we are not artificially creating nice lines, we should totally aware coordination our body and every single joint in my bone structural around very strong, stable, powerful vertical weighth we do not control their body positions, and artificially create some lines, we should be fully aware bone structure of the body, each must have a strong coordination of joint, stable, strong vertical center of gravity.
l Bone structural (not muscle) to carry body weight h.. bone structure (not muscle) led the body's center of gravity. So obviously I usually feel my body is hanging in there, all the joints, all the muscles are relaxed, because my balance is vertical.
(b) Couple balance the balance of two people
l Without personal balance, we have no chance to find out balance of coupleh no personal balance, we can not find two people's balance.
l If we aware of the center between two, we are already interrelated to each otherh If we can realize that the center between the two, then we have a correlation, which means that we can exchange, you can create a balance between the two. We should think there is between center, we can stay away from or into the center, you can transfer the center, but we always maintained a balance between the relationship. This is a very important point, especially the male partner to have such a sense, because the male partner is the lead dancers, they often think he is the center, lead a dance, it is very easy to destroy the balance of female partners. both men and women not only to understand their personal focus, but also to understand where the focus of the two, but also has maintained the vertical center of gravity.
l How do we feel this vertical weight of the coupleh how to feel this vertical center of gravity? Of course you can not come up, but going to feel. to find the center of gravity of the feeling, feeling again The relationship between each other.
l For lady, donrt try to be lighthHeavy on balance is goodh of the companion is, do not let yourself too light, so that the male partner is not easy to feel you, the premise in the balance, plus the weight is useful. But if the male partner feel your body is too heavy, it is that female companion did not find the vertical center of gravity. when in contact with each other, not looking for a point on the body, but rather to find a common center. < br> l If you look at the center between us, that space should never chance that much. That space is balance of the couple. If you look at our center, we will not change the space between, the space is two balance. We do not own the center to pick up the dance or with dance, but dancing with a common center.
l No tension in the hands, no side loadsh Remember, do not force the hands, do not a side load, always maintain the vertical center of gravity.
(c) Exercises Exercise
(disc) for the center of the red ball as you are in any case run, the center is always fixed between you.
Chapter 2 - Balance of Movement Chapter movement in the balance
Four forces: Gravity, Inertia, Centripetal Force, Centrifugal Force
(four forces: gravity, inertia, centripetal force, gravity)
l Balance of movement is very complex subjecth to understand the usage of naturally forcesh the balance of the movement is a very complex subject. correct understanding and application of the four forces of nature, can enhance our ability to balance and running.
l Gravity: The most important point of gravity is we donrt want side load, we want consistently on balance. the gravity of a point is not to have the edge of the load, to maintain its balance.
l Inertia: Is the force that keeps a ball that decided through continual after you finished your pushhForce to carry on your energy inertia is when you throw a ball, to have the kind of continuous power to keep rolling. We can not create inertia, and inertia is always operation of your body. Usually we are using the muscles to start or stop the inertia. As we ride a bike, beginning a few steps are laborious, and later use of its inertia, it will feel a lot easier. When we turn, we do not brake to start, but simply convert a direction of the power of converting a run. dance is the principle.
l You canrt see this forceh. Initially, this force of inertia you can not see , nor do I feel, you have to imagine, like to see the water, you have to imagine the speed of the water, you're going to guide its strength, but not push the power. is the principle of inertia.
l Inertia can help you become a powerful and help you to save your own physical energyh inertia will help you become powerful, and can save your own energy. However, to distinguish between the different inertia and center of gravity.
l Centripetal Force : is the force to the center of the turn centripetal force, is to rotate the power center.
l Centrifugal: Will be slight resistance to a force to resist the centrifugal force is a force slightly.
l We are applying these two forces in a relationship to our body and in a relationship to a coupleh We will use these two forces in his body and between the two.
l We donrt expect you to understand these two forces by watch the videoh us do not expect you to be able to understand by looking at the film's use of these two forces, you need to and away from your practice partner to find the feeling of them.
l Motion is other very important aspect, so can achieve perfect balance movement correct action is a very important part, it can achieve a perfect balance and operation. not much action and power relations, but the physical and mechanical activities of important association. the right to practice the correct action can be achieved. Please The first disc in the light of practice, to maintain balance on one foot, moving the other foot to do three actions before and after the exercise, which is the most basic actions.
l The natural instinct, when we walk, when we move, we always move our body firsth natural instinct, when we walk, we must first move the body. dance, especially to do a big swing, it must first move the body, catching on your center of gravity. action shift the focus to help you do the preparation.
l When we promoting a big step, our foot should ready to receive its weighth when we do a big step, the other foot we would be ready to accept their own center of gravity.
l Why these motions are important? Because allows me to receive my weight on the leg which will be a standing legh why these actions are important? because it allows me to accept their own center of gravity, the legs absorb the weight of power after and then into the main leg, and so on. we step from a mobile is always open legs started towards the end of another open legs, never started or completed in a closed state.
l Motion before movementh movements in the run before.
l Whatrs difference between catching my weight and receiving my weighth catch up the center of gravity and center of gravity to accept any different? If we were always chasing the center of gravity, then shift your center of gravity is very difficult to control the balance, so there will be pressure on the body, and no sense of security. our mind automatically send information to the muscles, leaving the muscle contraction, which is a natural instinct. In an interview with the center of gravity, the force must be prepared to leg to complete this process. we are to the brain to relax, have sufficient sense of security, you must have a solid balance.
l Total joint coordination of all joint coordination
l You should feel your body at total activity of joint, these activities request in order to keep consistently vertical weighth you should feel your body's activities because of joint in motion, and this movement requires the maintenance of the vertical center of gravity is always the same, so every movement, I feel the use of physical in each of the relevant joint.
l Energy created by rotation over these joints, itrs always ending downwardsh. power generated from the joint rolling, always ending at the bottom.
l Letrs introduce our dear friend, his name is point. mid-point of the vertical center of gravity on our behalf. The following four points, on behalf of our before and after hip. If you see move and maintain the central part of the firm as much as possible. If we slightly more complex, additional four points, that is, before and after each one of us foot. We can imagine the 12-point moving parts, and then they associate. First, from the foot pressure (the pressure of the foot, both your feet on the floor from a different point of view the power generated) activities spread to the buttocks, then spread to the shoulder activities. Of course, this need is not a joint cooperation and coordination. This one spine play an important role.
l I am constantly aware of my feel creating foot pressure on the floor, in order to modify the activity in my bodyh running, I am always aware of their feet on the floor to generate pressure to to adjust the operation of this body. So, I can pull the floor with my toes, but also open the floor with my toes. you can see, this kind of action will lead to my body.
l If I want move to left, I will push the floor to the righth .. At same time, for the upper body, I will now create down force by bend joint and rotating joint bending the bodyh if I move left, right, I will floor away. and vice versa. and swimming, as the strength of the foot is always forward in the opposite direction, and such pressure is not coming from the legs, is always sent from the toe, so will give you the power to bring up, because you put the pressure squeezed into the floor. in your mind, you can imagine a picture, when you stand very stable body when the floor is your toes to push the movement. At the same time, your upper body Use your rotating joint, bending the body to create a downward force, so you will always feel that the two forces from top to bottom. We do not separate these two forces, otherwise unable to properly regulate the body's operation.
l If I want to sum up the feeling I have in body when I dance, the only part that I consciously, physical and muscular are my toesh All in all, when I dance, I feel is the only body, it is a sense of the body on the toes of muscle strength. In every part of the body, I fully understand that all joint activities, in the reverse direction of rotation to feel your center of gravity. For example, in the feather step, I feel I have the floor towards the rear, and my feet would take me walking through forward. this one, we do not just straight forward, but from different angles, so that a response in the joints in the body. Also, from the top of my body, I will bend my body to generate a downward force, which is gravity, inertia, centripetal force, gravity, pressed against the comprehensive strength of compression to the floor. but the body does not feel squeezed, the body should feel a lot of sense in mobile devices, these sensors are the various joints in your body. but all the strength came from different directions are compact and compressed, so will let you get comfortable at the same time the power of the body and run. in the disc, you may be staggered to see this power, see Luca and Lorraine demonstration last disc, they embrace, including the first and second dish was talking about.
Chapter 3 - Communication between man and woman Chapter communication between men and women
(a) Mechanical machinery
l When we discussion communication, the common center does not create or transfer any informationh when we talk to each other, and work together to pass the center does not produce or any information. it comes to mechanical problems, we can be divided into three different areas:
(1) joint part
(2) nerve section
(3) the muscle part.
Note This order is very important.
l Letrs start with Jointh to talk about the joints. Imagine you have a great restaurant, there are a lot of tables, each table with two chairs only. When the restaurant full house, the same time, each table will have different exchange, but each communication is only between the two. If we come back to our bodies, let us come into contact with each other. I hope the two Think between is a large restaurant, two wrist joint is a table, so the wrist and wrist to exchange, rather than going to ignore the other table. two elbow joints as in the exchange, and need not ignore the body other joints. and so on, the two shoulder joints, hip joints, etc., are in communication with each other, regardless of the other parts. So the two of us share the body are often so many different exchanges, different information. Of course you first thought, my brain how to control the coordination of so many joints? in the back of the workshop, we will have some exercises to help you to understand this natural coordination.
l When we look at each other, we donrt look at each other as one unit of body, but we look at each other as combination of many joints, which we will coordinate each otherh. When we looked at each other, we are not to each other as a single body, but as a synthesis of many joints, to coordinate each other. So when we came into contact, do not just physically on the body, may look nice, but once running, will be very stiff, a lot of problems can presented. The correct exposure is to allow each other to connect the joints and joint production, so we can free the body to maintain a good body condition, and exchange, and will not affect their balance and balance each other.
l Once I had received information of the touch, my senses in my body are open and applying same amount of feel to Luca as he gives meh when we touch, once I receive each other's information, my body's senses are opened, and the feedback the same amount of information to each other.
l So, remember we discussed about three level of understanding, of course, these senses are very importanth remember what we discussed earlier, the understanding of three parts, this sensory response in the dance is very important. you have to start the first contact, the contact is both wrists and two hands know this joint, have their own pace, in their own way of functioning of the possibilities. pass through the exchange of hand joints to you the body, while maintaining a separate state of free and easy. This is what we are talking about the first point, some of the joints.
l This coordination goes from our toes to our finger tipsh such coordination is from our toes to our fingertips. If I were to turn the companion's head from left to right, I will not use our common center, will not use my arm, I simply increase the shape of my head, feel my companion changes in the head gives the same response. The illusion of synchronized actions as completely from the body the right of each joint coordination. As a male partner, you want to know your companions tend to action, you must use corresponding to promote your joints, and the body does not matter, not force driving.
l Letrs move to second point, which is your nerve systemh now second point is that your nervous system. Once we have some sense body , we will need a set of network system, they and all the associated sensors will happen, this is our nervous system. and the nervous system and also convey our emotions, which we will discuss later.
l The never system is every where in the body as you knowh we all know, every part of our body are filled with the nervous system. There are five important parts are worth noting: two toes, the center of gravity is the spine second half, the two hands of the fingertips. through these five points, you can pass a very clear message to my body, this information can quickly pass through the nervous system. my joints and my nerves of information of information, according to my running speed of the change in the orderly.
l So letrs do some very slow action, the majority of information is created through the jointh if we do some slow motion, the main force comes from the joint system. If we do strong, rapid action, then the nervous system will provide the information immediately. Do not misunderstand here, when our joints, or relax. the information is always changing, we do not want to use the brain to guess, but feel fully focused and firmly attached to the male partner's body. so I can in the shortest possible time ...

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