Friday, February 11, 2011

Zhuantie blindly ignorant of the Chinese medicine

 Blind superstition, ignorance of Chinese medicine
Zhuantie Description: This is a Chinese counterparts in the United States to write an article, I am more in favor of some ideas, but worded more sharply worded, I think that there is no need, and some what medicine can not be too dogmatic. Overall this is a good article!
there are many Chinese people now have been Western inflicted Yao Guanzi not know it, even some people who are complacent because they're lucky Western medicine to find a doctor for a checkup, early detection of disease control to do so effectively, that all right, should know that this is the beginning of a nightmare, since your life has been dull gray, but also advance to the end of the world, life cut short because your own ignorance and superstition caused me to write this article is to launch before the Opium War, as the Republic of China, I called the revolution of modern injury.
I want to scold you to save you wake up, only with more aggressive words, and in clinical patients Yao Guanzi me every day to see me a lot of Americans hate the attitude of Western medicine because they are too understanding, they understand the Chinese before because no choice but to eat only , and now because of the help of traditional Chinese medicine, everyone is very happy to be out of control and side effects of western medicine, as long as the intentions of the reader to see the instructions for each medicine, you will know how terrible, but the Chinese people have been In the superstitious medicine, since the early Republic of China after the May Fourth Movement, China to promote the results of total Westernization, the negation of traditional Chinese medicine, and some think they are intellectuals who, in total ignorance of the advantages of Chinese medicine, under the Chinese have dismissed out of , this is the do not listen to or watch, and never happened since the others to draw lessons from the real case, this is how serious.
control high blood pressure --- Many people have high blood pressure when Western medicine has been the spot of blood pressure even higher, but also just-do, immediately began taking blood pressure medicine because Western medicine Tell him not to eat will stroke patients from the nightmare began, these stupid western medicine is just superstition, fully understand what Western medicine, went to blindly follow the instructions of doctors, of you just think about it a little deeper and tell Do you have high blood pressure doctors have also told you why you have high blood pressure? is what causes you have high blood pressure? If you do not tell you why, or do not know why you have high blood pressure, it means you believe that a do not know how you are going on in the end the doctors, then it starts to eat his medicine, what you are not stupid, what you are not superstitious. almost all the blood pressure lowering drugs are diuretics, renal function will let you down , and Chinese medicine, kidney bone, its in the hair, opens in the ears, the Secretary memory, the main birth (long life), which is now people will get osteoporosis, senile dementia, hair loss, hearing loss, life shorter reasons, sexual function declined at the same time. More and because Western medicine is an acid, the acid will destroy the blood vessel wall tissue, likely to cause blood vessel rupture, which means that patients taking antihypertensive medications will be easier to get a stroke and heart disease , patients do not eat but will not get these diseases. blood pressure do not have any standard, every day is different, with the fluctuating mood, but also with how much exercise is not necessarily, is basically the standard Western pharmaceutical companies 've set out, in order to sell drugs to make money, it set the standard, the sick were only names to sell drugs, but also filled with a very compassionate to say about preventing stroke and heart attack you get to sell you, how many world people have been eating blood pressure medicine, the result was a stroke, if effective, truly, no one had a stroke, and that Taiwan is a former Premier Sun Yun-hsuan false stroke, did not you?
patients with high blood sugar - - Health check doctors tell you that blood sugar is too high, want you to immediately start taking hypoglycemic drugs, and tell if you do not control blood sugar easily lead to heart disease, glaucoma will be severe, people are scared to death by physicians in medical education has been instilled in the mind of the intuitive responses to these brainwashed by Western pharmaceutical companies to physicians unknowingly become a powerful medicine salesman without knowing it. and I obtained in the clinical experience with it was completely the opposite, Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes on the kidney function must be strengthened, high blood sugar after the kidney must be defeated, and will pose a threat to the heart, and kidney damage are all the medicine, so taking more hypoglycemic drugs more readily available heart disease. liver opens in the eye, that Chinese medicine, there will be good as long as the liver, eye diseases, there is nothing to do with high blood sugar, due to take medicine or insulin injections may cause damage to the liver would therefore be of glaucoma, I have many patients with diabetes to seek treatment , each patient has instructed in accordance with Western medicine, and the results have heart problems also have eye problems, Americans are too understand the consequences of western medicine is hated, and now the mainstream of American Medical TCM has become, as they have Backward selection is almost Chinese side, tried every means to cut off Western medicine, Chinese medicine is hard to accept the drink, hypoglycemic drug addition is simply a hoax, I explain to all of you to listen, you get two of the same size cup, A place full of water a half cup of water, then add the same amount of sugar into the same time, the result is half a glass of water would be more sweet and do not, now you want two cups of water, like sweetness, then, may I ask you to choose the cup cup of water to fill water? invention hypoglycemic drugs or choose to lower blood sugar it? of conservation of matter according to law, you are using hypoglycemic agents decreased blood glucose after you think you are wrong, blood glucose did not disappear, excess started hoarding sugar in your feet, just like the plot in the bottom of the cup of sugar, like, the result is ulcerated feet, you wait for amputation, right, former Taiwan President Chiang Ching-kuo is the victim, if you know this case, but you have not learned the lesson, or according to kind of redirect mistakes, you're Bensi. There is also need to know the patients taking the medicine when the drug accumulated over the years in removing the old sugar feet, there will be a short period of high blood sugar phenomenon This is normal, you should exercise until you sweat more every day so far, do not eat rice or pasta and starchy vegetables vegetables, eat more leafy vegetables and brown rice tea with more exercise to burn excess sugar naturally copies, if you go back and play because of high blood sugar insulin to come to naught, as to the duration of high blood sugar, you use depends on how many years of drug control, the more years of cumulative nature, the more sugar in the feet, and these sugars years old has never been eliminated from the body naturally after eating the medicine will flow to the body, it will more frequently need time to digest it, everyone is different. If some people believe that the reasons for high blood sugar caused by traditional Chinese medicine, is very simple as long as you the same medicine to the people around you will take to see whether the high blood sugar, to know. medicine is soda nature of the environment in the soda ash is not bacteria and viruses, we do not make blood sugar rise any medicine .
high cholesterol people --- Western medicine will tell you to take Lipitor or Zocor to lower it, and then to trigger heart attacks to scare you, ignorant people are scared, and immediately started taking the statue according to physician instructions Since then, another nightmare began, Lipitor and Zocor can cause short-term memory loss, and damage the liver and kidneys, a lot of side effects, as have any acidic nature of Western medicine, it will cause the chances of pancreatic cancer, This is a big scam, I just let the patients in the clinical stop snacking weeks, patients on cholesterol lowering 200 or more, not even medicine are not used, these tasty snacks only because the problems caused by the patient, he was Western strengthened into a high cholesterol causes heart disease scare Ciju, scared of the patients can not forget to ask doctors in the end the cholesterol come from? on cholesterol that medical research is one of the worst, I repeat, Western medicine is strong stand items, define the pathological terms, sale of drugs have names to make money using his misfortune to a commercial activity.
high triglyceride --- this problem is because people eat too much fried food and caused by obesity, just to stop eating fried foods and lose weight on it, but Western medicine is making a fuss, but also to find a reason to enslave the patient, the threat would be if patients do not eat control of heart attack drugs, so drugs were added to the patient. Many Therefore, people still come to the heart attack scare. I rule over many of these patients, I prescribe some medicine to patients Liver and triglyceride on the decline, because the liver is the mother of the heart, but the hepatic metabolism of a toxic function fall naturally not clean the blood into the heart of a threat to the heart, causing heart disease, please read (Han and Tang Dynasties -31).
eat a variety of nourishing nutrients Western drugs such person is the person --- The most ignorant and stupid fools, all Western research and development of nutrition, the main purpose is to let you buy, make a buck, because there is no culture of the United States to the efficiency of their first, all pay attention to speed, so few people own everyday cooking, not to study how to cook delicious food, all the fast food came into being, of course, the lack of such food should have a lot of nutrition, nutritional supplements, then it begins to develop, in fact, these nutrients the medicine is not only a high body completely helpless, but will go to feed cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, make the disease worse, so Americans overweight hair loss, dry skin, such as calcium, for example, never any evidence that calcium can help strengthen human bones, but is to eat more calcium would be more likely to cause brittle bones of osteoporosis, but side effects are caused by kidney stones and more rotten vitamin C tablets, the women the purpose of taking it is to whiten the skin, but the result is a multi-service vitamin C tablets will support the growth of breast cancer cells, the other too numerous to mention, we should eat more natural foods, organic fruits and vegetables is absolutely correct. To the best whitening orange juice drink naturally. Balanced nutrition is to rely on the food selection may be, not picky eaters is necessary, the Chinese people spent more than five thousand years of time to study the feeding, so far is already a habit of natural, nutritionally balanced natural inheritance from grandparents totally do not need to rely on the knowledge of foreign mistakes, today's Chinese people mistake science and technology as science, reimbursing the Western worship, as long as the Americans say is right. everyone knows are the real needs of the United States to ask the Chinese to learn How to cook Chinese food. these fools think that it will eat healthy, the result is simply more of the incurable disease, but die faster, see Xiapian report is proof.
taking Aspen aspirin people --- many have been told Western aspirin can prevent heart disease every day, this is completely wrong, the latest medical studies in 2004 from America MedicalAssociation that there is no evidence that an A day Sri Lanka aspirin can prevent heart disease, but there are many evidence that an aspirin a day you will have access to more than 85% of pancreatic cancer, because it is a strong acid agent. acidity maximum damage on the human body, alkaline the best, not only live longer but no pain, to be very simple basic constitution, immediately stop drinking coffee, eating sweets, ice cream, Coke refused to completely cut off snacks like candy, cookies, and more tea, eat natural organic fruits and vegetables, for some time After the constitution was altered, and you do not listen to my advice, the day you get pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer or lymphoma, and then come to me also. Remember the alkaline environment, there is no virus and bacteria and cancer cells .
esophagus, stomach acid is too high inversive people --- the most common problem with Western medicine as gastroenterology are not answer, in the end from acid inversive why? I tell you, this is simply their own patients manufactured, as long as you eat sweets, drink coffee, eat more ice cream, and more coke, all of a sudden stomach acid to come, because now the market is the use of artificial sugar to make sweets, and small particles of artificial sugar will fed the same vitamin tablets as bacteria and viruses, they are discharged after eating acidic waste, which is the source of stomach acid, many patients come to me for this problem, I just tell them that reason, there are also drugs not open, the patient is like, the other hand, Western fuss, open Previcid the patient to neutralize stomach acid, such injury of liver drug, not only want to eat life, but as usual the result is worse patient of gastric acid, but not as long-term cure, and finally burn the esophagus, the result is esophageal cancer or lymphoma, or pancreatic cancer. also cause aluminum toxicity, resulting in brain damage, even with Bo Jinsheng's disease related side effects too numerous to mention, please see details of hyperacidity chapter. < br> ladies taking female hormones to note --- menopausal women face are often told to take hormone replacement Western goods, otherwise they will get osteoporosis, such nonsense, then I do not know how many ignorant scared silly women, five thousand years the Chinese have never been osteoporosis, we have not used any hormone replacement, there are many American lady came to me to see the disease, they say the same thing the same to me tell patients that do not believe that taking hormone replacement to prevent osteoporosis, because they have served more than ten years minimum, most have served more than three decades, and the result is for everyone to have the body of the bone osteoporosis, so my conclusion is that you continue taking female hormonal replacement, you will get osteoporosis, but do not eat right, eat it will get breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease and other diseases, I have not heard of a woman died because of menopause, but I see many women eating female hormone and die of heart disease or breast cancer, as described (Han and Tang Dynasties -63), the reasons are the symptoms of menopause because the heart is not good cause, as long as the heart and protect not have any symptoms occur, because they can not tolerate menopause women who make a fuss of how to take female hormones, but die soon, so see this article women must wake up, stop the service female hormone, and calcium worst, this type of extreme poor nutrition research, and constantly encourage people to eat calcium, not only can not repair a bone, but will result in bone destruction, but also have kidney stones side effects. the best calcium supplement drink milk eat the food is dried fish and other natural food will never be the osteoporosis.
breast lumps to hurry a little ignorance of biopsy such fools are superstitious women --- Yao Guanzi Western medicine, Western medicine, said as can be cured if detected early and can be prevented, so they began a series of these Yao Guanzi nightmare, and dwellers imagine, I an egg yolk used as a slice, the result? successive do the same again after the biopsy, the eggs will be like? results will be rotten, and breast cancer is a kind of stifled in going to the dogs, the final is the stench, there were these patients to my clinic, the results of this odor in the room was dispersed consecutive week, women will get breast cancer because 90% of the Western a year to do a breast health checks that caused the other 10% has been hurt by their own medicine to the heart caused by eating out, does not know how many Chinese have been taking medicine moron because antibiotics or painkillers or vitamins resulted in kidney failure, or heart disease were identified until Alice has also praised the western front a good son , no medicine has long been dead, please wake up these fools to kill you is Western, so that you suffer illness is Western, so you live in the shadow of the disease is also a medical practitioner, the day you to be afraid is also a Western, I still remember a year ago, the popular British famous choir BeeGees the Morries Gib, only 54 years old, together with the results because small intussusception, causing abdominal pain middle of the night to the emergency department, the results of surgery and died on the operating table, last week McDonald's CEO died of a heart attack at the meeting, only 60 years old, it is because these rich people to buy the best medical insurance, will die, and if no money, no insurance, it will Morries Gib lying in bed at home, the exhaust out of training after three days until the intestines, like a natural, McDonald's president and no money to buy snacks to eat, need to keep labor in exchange for living expenses, because a lot of labor and a small amount of food, no extra money snacks, and no health insurance, because the heart of Western medicine, such as EKG and Stress Test check is simply a lie, do not know how many people died as president with McDonald's, and even one minute before checking that the heart of a good Western, (refer to the Han Tang -77) so that fool lost wary of Western medicine, and the next minute to heart attack death, but also much of its people, (see Han and Tang Dynasties -2, Han and Tang -5).
like to eat painkillers --- Note to all currently available analgesics are hurt to the liver, as long as an injured liver, constipation, sleep will immediately, as time goes to start hair loss, eye deterioration of eyesight, physical decline, easy to cramps, and even medicine nutrition vitamins hair will eat a lot of liver injury (liver vitamin A is the number one killer), not to mention pain medication, no pain there is a reason, as long as the cause can be cured, must not painkillers you eat to suppress it, would be wasted. Now the latest medical research has proved that painkillers have the risk of stroke, many of the women had just given birth as painkillers and are strokes, some aged only 20 years old to a stroke, which is both pathetic and stupid fool to stop production after the pain of regret caused by you eat.
dressed in uniforms of antibiotics, women must urinary incontinence, please enjoy the pleasure of using the diapers it, Necessity incompetent men and heart damage, please enjoy the asexual life, his wife began to suspect that you have an affair, I do not know how many women have complained to me after taking antibiotics, urinary incontinence, as well as women do spend a million dollars for this Western problems caused by surgery and then went to Western medicine, the result is worse the more open, not only less effective but there is a hole caused by the bladder, many women of such ignorance, superstition, they are entirely Western medicine is effective, never doubted, so for some medical knowledge never see, and sometimes do not even want to hear, a woman so foolish as to why some do not love her husband, who can bear to use diapers woman? many of these poor innocent women, I suggest you ask what you know Americans, antibiotics effective? they must shake their heads and complain that Western medicine have learned is currently incurable with poor cold medicine, also Denial of sophistry does not recognize, I want to tell these stupid women, we both Chinese medicine thousands of years ago would be able to cure a cold, the use of sweat, spit, under the three methods can quickly cure the flu, the virus is not eliminated from the body for the purpose of killing the virus, a result not only good cold very quickly And relative to strengthen the immune system of patients, but does not use ephedra Gui Bupleurum Kudzu cure the common cold medicine is now open outside medicine, are generally used Yu Ping Feng San, Forsythia Powder, Radix, Fang Feng Tong San San and the like, null and void but the sound of traditional Chinese medicine to treat, of course not good, so that patients lose confidence in traditional Chinese medicine, do not you say sorry for sending the drug delayed febrile disease condition of patients, also of ephedra Gui Bupleurum Pueraria sort of good medicine as snakes and scorpions generally have courage to know not touch it, I am currently teaching in addition to some of Taiwan's best talents to use them to avoid lost in China, I was willing to train physicians to use the United States, I want the Chinese to the U.S. people learn the real medicine, because we fools these Chinese superstitions of Western medicine, Western medicine must let foreigners tell them to believe they will not valid, so I had to do.
these Western medicine, clinical practice in the United States I when they tell the patient, the starting point is that these drugs want to control human beings, want to eat all medication for life, the capitalists to make a buck, the world's most wealthy people are not Bill Gates, but the owner of Western pharmaceutical companies, life of these people do not have to work, live in Switzerland, enjoying life, he is absolutely not eat medicine, if a pharmaceutical company to work for the West biochemist developed western medicine can cure, I assure you, he End of Report boss, he thought it was for the boss to make money, it will be appreciated and in fact he will be fired the same day, and then he would be hunted down. because of a medicine that can cure cancer, will not allow Western market place will never be allowed to make money, so only he can make big money ruled out, so if you have people who hate brings hate, you only want to introduce him to Western medicine to our enemies that they will use legal means to kill , and kill the enemy before they can put all the money in their pockets emptied, really serve two purposes, is not it? I use this approach to emphasize the disadvantages of Western medicine is really effective, every American patients laugh to tears started to flow out, do not eat medicine, and sometimes I earnestly to persuade the patient but do not listen to me, strange is not strange that you say.

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